Will Lev Parnas And John Bolton Make Trouble For Trump Lawyer Pat Cipollone? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Could news from indicted Giuliani associate Lev Parnas or John Bolton's book imperil Trump's White House Counsel Pat Cipollone? Michael Schmidt of The New York Times reacts. Aired on 01/31/20.
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Will Lev Parnas And John Bolton Make Trouble For Trump Lawyer Pat Cipollone? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Will Lev Parnas And John Bolton Make Trouble For Trump Lawyer Pat Cipollone? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Focusing on the problem will not slove the problem.
      Ever problem has a solution.
      We have 3 days and 1 percent chance.

  1. Can you imagine if a person on trial for criminal behaviour refused to allow lawyers and the court agrees …….

    1. @Rick Cook you call others “snowflake” when you are so easily triggered.
      A lot of the Republicans are saying “yeah it’s pretty clear he did it but no witnesses”. Out of fear the country will be more divided? BS. Impeachment isn’t a criminal trial. It is an opportunity to reset, for the government as a body, not sides It isn’t about who you like or don’t. It is about a standard. That standard is very low now.
      What if it was a Democrat? It looked as if they likely did what they are accused of. Yet witnesses could clear it up, don’t you think they should testify? Next time it may not be who you like. It might be a Dem or someone else. The difference is more often those on the left or the centre would want witnesses and documents. Why can’t so many trump fans have a rational discussion?

    2. @Rick Cook The American people had a chance to see this sham trial in the Senate. They will have the final say so in November as to whether we have the rule of law or a monarchy. The Republican Senators a admitted that Trump did wrong. The voters will take the Senator from Tennessee advice and decide in November since he didn’t have the balls to do his job.

  2. Well America…what will you do now? How much do you want our Democracy to survive? It’s up to you. If the Republicans keep control of the Senate and the White House…we just may loose it. I hope this is our wake up call for our next election. Make no mistake…this is nothing less that an attempted Republican takeover of our government.

  3. Trump, NYC’s favorite mayor, and Pat C. will eventually be charged with criminal conspiracy and unethical conduct. The criminals won the battle but not the war on democracy.

    1. @F X the Senate protected us from the party that still can’t accept the election results because their chosen one lost

    2. @k Gio Tell Michael Cohen about how this is all just nonsense. Trump is next after his get out of jail free card expires in 2020.

  4. One day soon, we will all know the WHOLE TRUTH…and these rogue outliers who presently hold majority power, will be made to answer, and made to pay!!

    1. Those who currently hold the majority in the Senate actually were elected by the minority of the people. Minority rule and if Trump wins again with a smaller electoral college margin AND a bigger defeat in the popular vote, it will get even worse.

    2. @Rik James You said it, Rik! Did you hear the one Trump made up about Obama spying on Trump’s campaign? Where do they get this stuff?

    3. Shannon McCoy-Hayes it will empower people to take back the US for themselves. The corruption is wide and deep. Is American Democracy not worth fighting for? Those in power may be speaking right now but Americans have a right and a duty to speak for themselves. Godspeed.

  5. Sounds like there will be several hundred people in Trump’s realm that will wind up in jail when we have a functioning Justice Dept.

  6. If Cippilone is disbarred for his role in this conspiracy and coverup, it will be yet another example of an underling faces consequences while Trump stays free of accountability.

    1. Trump’s lawyer that sat in on #ThePerfectCall needs to be brought up on charges of lawyer misconduct ⚖️

    1. no, the Republican party in Congress is corrupt – this isn’t both sides, it is Republicans who are uniquely UNAMERICAN today

    1. All history books throughout the globe will read and learn how his far- right agenda almost ruined us as a nation that has held our pride in diplomacy and positive influences of true democracy.

      All except the home- made history books in the DEEP South. They’re all probably gonna teach how Trump was literally a God, with about 50 mis-spellings and grammar errors per page…its just gonna be a collection of XEROX’s of trumps tweets stapled together with the cover sayin “AMERIKAN HISTURIE”

    1. Some of those Rs were in the scheme with dump. That’s why they voted against witnesses in the Senate trial.

  7. The depth of criminality in trumps orbit is endless.
    Mountains of evidence and truth is out there, but trump has placed his goons around him for protection. Trumps crimes are endless.

  8. The fact that Graham voted NO, who believes that Mcconnell didn’t know a thing about all this? How could he NOT know?

    1. I think Mitch a few other GOP are the orchestrators behind all this. I think some of the Electoral College was in on it. I mean even if you look back to when the Republicans picked Trump for their candidate, there was a lot of disagreement within the party. The Republicans are all controlled by a few. It is like most are too afraid to act on their own when they know it is right to go against Mitch. Yet why.

    2. @Dianne Moyes you sure aren’t looking back at what the dnc and killery did to the burn out bernie in 2016

  9. *It takes a brave man to stand up against Evil and a weak man to be a servant of it! WH Republicans ARE THE SPINELESS & THE WEAK! 😡*

    *Simple Solution: **#NeverVoteGOPAgain** and drain this Complicit GOP SWAMP! 🇺🇸🥳*

    1. Because case for impeachment was weak (didn’t even allege a crime), you want higher taxes, fewer jobs, gov’t paid abortion up until birth, more regulations, and fewer jobs?

    2. @esj8341 No but I can forsee the day America realizes it needs a Universal Basic Income. America needs to end filthy rich corporation from paying zero taxes. America needs no left or right but forward thinking as proposed by Presidential candidate #AndrewYang #Yang2020

    3. @Scott Gibboney Agreed. We must seize the profits of wealthy corporations or else people will get the idea that it is their right to keep what they earned. What did corporations ever do for us anyhow besides just about most everything?

  10. Cipalonne should be disbarred for life. He’s a treasonous traitor, just like the lying fraud occupying our WH

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