CNN's Karin Caifa has the latest from Washington, where there are some concerns about if Donald Trump will make a transition difficult.
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Just wait till
The Supreme Court
@Elias Thangarajah trump is 45th stupid

Lololol Trump & Co lawsuits have been laughed out of multiple republican appointed courts already! No number of recounts or more wasting courts time will change the FACT BIDEN WON FAIR & SQUARE, Trump lost, he’s done & will go, like it or not ;o)
@elc Al gore thought he won in 2000 only to get owned by Bush 38 days later
@keith williams
Actually Al Gore may have won moron but he put country first & conceded ffs
You mean like weaponizing the intelligence community to spy on the President-elect using ‘information’ from a fake Russian dossier?
@Harry Cooper Russia’s crime boss will be wanting his money returned soon.
@Polly Ticks
Ok Boris;) You still mad cuz Biden is gonna sanction Russia until extinction?
@jeck jeck Nah he’s just stating the facts. It’s fine Biden won. I want to see how much he actually decides to sanction Russia and what his reasons will be for doing so.
@Effortless Awareness
Russia invading Ukrine, Russia manipulating trump and voters. Or just for fun, harder the better. Then China’s turn shall come.
Yuri laughs at you all.
He can’t hold a sentence together let alone say a few words. Why would anyone fell confident, safe in him running our country, let alone any form of decision especially military. Think about that
@roof pizza You’re looking at who is best for the country not how they behave
Trumps inept leadership skills would never had prevented the American Revolutionary troops who were charged with taking over the airports.
No ones trusted trump in the military
@keepaway9 I present to you president elect Biden.
Those who cannot speak without a teleprompter means those words are not sincerely from his heart.

2:44 Beautiful
love u

Why aren’t you talking about Hunter biden’s laptop? And the China Joe Biden connection?
Because it’s as false. Wake up you sound like a fool.
@Linny Prove it
@Linny don’t worry, there’ll be a Special Prosecutor to investigate your crooked buddy Biden and his dirty deals. You can pretend as much as you want that everything is “Russian disinformation”. Anybody who disagrees with you will be called a Russian stooge, in full McCarthyite style.
No ‘will he or if’ about it! Psychiatrists warned he is a dangerous Malignant Narcissist with Sociopathy & will literally destroy as much as he is permitted to ugh
Are we allowed to make blonde jokes in 2020? These 2 communicating is too much ahahhaha.
Al Gore didn’t concede the election until Dec 14th. The legal process has to be allowed in order to maintain trust in the system. If there is nothing to hide then that will be exposed in the court.
Broken news outlet
BIDEN Laptop
HOPE SO. !!!!
Bet my last $ he will try his bestest
Yea 100% no question
2016- Russia is behind the Election
2020- Thanks China.
Remember when Epstein didn’t kill himself. Now we have to wait for the rule of law.
I hope som..Biden’s a Corrupt politician
One thumb up Biden and one for Harris.
The only person that sabotaged the elections is Biden. Actually, his team because this old f… is not capable of doing something like that.
Let me give you two a clue…Trump will be re-elected because he has the greater number of VALID votes. Those liberal tears are going to be sweet.