Will Trump's efforts to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat before the election hurt his chances of winning reelection? We discuss that with Peter Baker and Jonathan Lemire. Aired on 09/25/2020.
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Will Backlash To Push To Fill SCOTUS Seat Hurt Trump At The Polls? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
We have to vote for #BidenHarris2020 in numbers too big to rig and send this second rate sweet potato Hitler and his band of grifters packing…
kogami 574 some good points from a thicko trumpist
@Sway P The insalt means nothing to me. I’d rather support him than the side that openly calls for violence against the country, and who has to change the rules of the election because they know they cant win.
Patrick Bullard That’s a lot of bull Pizzle . The main stream media never tells the truth
Khumz ……horse manure
Isiah Fleming Why don’t you check out some videos from black radio personality Larry Elder . I think you’ll find them compelling and surprising. He is a man who I would vote for for president in 2024 and I am a white man. I have the upmost respect for Mr. Larry Elder !
Don’t re-elect a Russian asset…Russia helped Trump get elected in 2016 [proven by the US Senate]. Trump should resign now while he still has the chance. After the election he will be ‘Dog Meat’ and hounded for the rest of his life
@YouTube Moderator Show links troll or STFU!!
@Stephen Podeschi Hey Степан, how’s the weather in Moscow? Gtfoh you troll!
@Richard Santiago I don’t know ask Hunter …you troll yourself…..or are you a Russian Bot ?
BIDEN 2020
I hope so, very, very much!
Give the Democrats all the powers on November 3, so that they can undo the absurd, discriminatory programs put in place by the Republicans, and especially so that they can save the progress of the last years
Every department and program was changed by Trump to defund and reroute the funds to his businesses and business allies.
PLEASE READ my latest investigation report – on this channel (“Conflict of Interest at its Historical Record”) on how Trump rebuilt his BUSINESS EMPIRE by illegally misusing presidential powers, which would not be possible without GOP senators and self-appointed AGs!
(PDF FORMAT of the report is liked in the ‘comments section’ of the video report)
(There are more of my investigation reports on Trump’s corruption and conspiracies on my channel)
@kogami 574
Stupid Troll
Ehhh… what progress??? 200.000 dead? 20-30 million out of a job??? The US debt skyrocketing even before Covid-19???
Vote Trump and Republican Senators out!
@David’s Garden 5 YEARS?? Whoa, Baby…I’m bored after 5 months ♪ Took me several weeks to catch on to the game they were playing–almost EVERY Anti-Trump comment is posted by a Canadian or European Communist; it’s always FUN to remind them that I’m wise to their word-play. They often get pissy and defensive ♥♥♥
@Ellen Peba Not every day just periodically to see the entertainment and Idiocracy. The brainwashees are in too deep it seems to realize what is being done to them as Yuri bezmenov stated in the 80s. If Trump keeps pushing a vaccine until it’s eventually mandatory, I won’t trust him either. I think biblically I’m already there. The vaccines are being created by eugenicists and DNA modification companies. You don’t want what they have to give at ALL.
@David’s Garden Can’t imagine Trump FORCING vacs. I also will never acquiesce. A team of wild horses, as the saying goes…the WH will have to send a team for me.♪
@Ellen PebaIn todays world I keep my eyes open and not put too much trust in any one person. Hey, I told you my personal troll would find me. Just look at my comment on this video with the links to the 2016 scotus pick from Obummy and sleepy creepy.

Nothing will hurt 45 at the polls because he’s cheating.
You are a complete knut the dems are cheating and America has woken up. No they are not woke you dickhead
@Tamasyn Dosher AAAHHH
bryanatwku THEN VOTE
Jesus Anaya, I always vote.
She does not represent the
True. He represent himself and his business allies.
PLEASE READ my latest investigation report – on this channel (“Conflict of Interest at its Historical Record”) on how Trump rebuilt his BUSINESS EMPIRE by illegally misusing presidential powers, which would not be possible without GOP senators and self-appointed AGs!
(PDF FORMAT of the report is liked in the ‘comments section’ of the video report)
(There are more of my investigation reports on Trump’s corruption and conspiracies on my channel)
She does represent GOP and Republicans: take
them out
Away all rights from a woman to her body and her ,vote
“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.” — Mitch McConnell (2016)
Yes, you are right, and “she” is trump
She doesn’t represent Europe either
Just ask Trump how many abortions he paid for.
Trump dodges question over whether any past partners had abortions.
Asked by Maureen Dowd whether he was ever involved with anyone who underwent the procedure, Trump replies simply: ‘Such an interesting question”.
@kogami 574 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLMr2Ck9KVo
@kogami 574 , Only 3 subscribers after 5 years on YouTube: there’s a message there.
This isn’t about abortion…
Trump refused to wear a mask for many months. That’s a form of personal and social protection as is using a condom.
Do you still take teens to your bed and shower?
If Mr Burns from the Simpsons was running against Trump, Id vote Burns in a heartbeat
Simpson hey
@Juan K Hed be better as well
Thank you !
Car drives through protesters leading to conflict.
Your stupid mother or moron father too, Loser & hater
TRUMP/PENCE 2020 then for life 

**Republicans,,,, want to bring back the good old days,,, of ILLEGAL BACK ALLEY ABORTION.. that’s what happens when you make abortion illegal**
Karen Byrd Well those people can get a job and pay for healthcare like the rest of us doAnd yes they may have to get two jobs to pay for healthcare, like the rest of us did
Lana Kahl That’s a stupid point. Obama built the cages. Obama used the cages. No one is forcing these people to cross into this country illegally. But most importantly they are not being murdered. They are at least allowed to live unlike the unborn babies inside the womb of the mother who chooses to abort it.
Bruce Bridges Why don’t you step outside your little main stream media box and find out for yourself. There’s a whole other world out there Mr. What you’ll find is… The reason Trump is going to win in a landslide on November 3.
James Hutchins James did you know that Joe Biden has lied to the American public 353,000 times. Oh yes it’s all true James. All TRUE. So you can’t vote for a man that’s lied to the American public 353,000 times can you? What kind of American would you be? Yes that’s it. Trump 2020. Technically running unopposed
And don’t forget, making sure that women and minorities know their place, like back in the “good ol’ days”.
brilliantly said, ty mr baker, mr lemire, ms tur.
We must take back the Senate
I think it is certainly possible. The Republicans are defending more seats than the Democrats. But my prediction is the Republicans will loose two seats and gain two.
bryanatwku I could live with that if it meant one of those lost seats is that of Mitch, I’d love for this to be the end of his career
Billi Joe Bobby Jr, I honestly don’t think it would bother Mitch too much to loose. His plan was to make the courts conservative. He wrote a book about it called “The Long Game”. If they are able to fill this seat, which it looks like they have the votes, then Mitch’s plan has reached its fruition.
But I can tell you, it is very unlikely McConnel will loose. I live in Kentucky and I have been following that race closely. McGrath made some tremendous blunders in her campaign. One of which is she used a video for her ad of some miners and claimed they were against McConnel because he didn’t offer assistance for black lung. The opposite was true. The miners were McConnel supporters and he did offer them assistance. She also used footage of her blowing up people in a bombing run for a political ad which was not recieved well. And she has been flip flopping on a number of things like her support for Trump. It has just been a mess of a campaign. She has never won an election and McConnel has never lost.
Can you imagine being a Supreme Court justice appointed by Frump of all people
From the best president ever? It is hard to imagine!
I’ll sign up for that!
@YouTube Moderator The 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct
You must live in cali
There will always be an asterisk beside their names in the history books. Tainted for eternity.
he’s going to take the election result to the court and expects her to help him set aside the result, America needs to get rid of Trump, he knows when he’s out of office indictments will be coming his way, specially now Si Vance the NY AG can now get his tax and financial records
If that happens, she would need to recuse herself
Trump wants to put a “Karen” on the supreme Court?
Shaniquas were too busy “protesting”
And Tyrones are still out “jogging”
Come on guys, trump kept his promises of repealing and replacing Obamacare, tackled the deficit, had Mexico pay for a wall, and showed his taxes, cut him a break. Oh wait, he never did any of that.
@Dorien Wolfs it’s already backfiring on them
Guy M watch the YouTube videos on this subject. Doctors are being pressured to put Covid as the cause of death. Have you seen the new stats? Basically anyone under 70yo will rarely die from Covid.
Dorien Wolfs I’m sure you have if you watch CNN and MSNBC enough.
joboygbp If Covid causes heart failure, did the patient die of Covid or heart failure? A doctor might decide that had the person not contracted Covid they wouldn’t have died of heart failure even though they had a heart condition. Take AIDS for example, no one died of AIDS, they died of pneumonia or cancer or some other condition that was the result of AIDS induced immune system collapse. Doctors take an ethical oath, they must decide the ultimate cause of death and be accountable to the coroner and family of the deceased.
@Guy M Watch this video then talk to us. C-D-C Blows the lid off the COVID pandemic-Media goes into high gear to cover it up by lisa haven
This shows that federal court, and Supreme Court appointees should have term limits.
Funny how Democrats didn’t think RBG needed term limits the day before she died.
@Dale Thomas You really are delusional but that seems to be a trait you need to become a democrat, it’s going to be hard for you in November when there wont be a democratic party anymore but you can always move to Venezuela for more of the crap you want.
No, it should have stayed a 60 vote majority to have prevented this…
@Allan Burns Dems are too weak and stupid to not let them get away with this. They even approved the budget till after the election… Like I said, weak and stupid.
@Allan Burns Lindsey who? I’m in Chicago, you know, the city that thanks you for that loser Obama with every shooting?
How wrong your constitution is a Judges job should be to administer the law fairly, not to influence or support party dogma
trump doesn’t care about children, in one of his interviews he was asked something to the effect that “well, you know … whatever the subject was about … how it is, or what could happen to children” and trump, with Melania seated behind him, throws his thumb back in her direction and says “well yes, SHE has a son” …
WHAT — IS — UP — WITH — THAT!???!
Leslie. That was cringe worthy. He has no class, no couth, no manners.
Good point.
Donald Trump is his own worst enemy. Next year, he’s going to cry so loudly in prison.
I will point out this country has NEVER sent an ex president to jail..
@Billie Matteo I will point out that America has never had a criminal president like this one before. Yet alone a president who has had at least eight top officials from his campaign and administration that became convicted felons and sentenced to prison while he was still in office.