Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced new restrictions Monday. Should Alberta be following Ontario's lead? Tyson Fedor reports.
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Models haven’t been right yet .
I’m not a Dr. but I predict we will not be hit by a “tsunami” of cases. Let’s see who is right.
@Isaac Griffin Deaths and hospitalizations will go up due to the treatment thing.
@Beef Supreme then treatment thing?
@Beef Supreme oh. Ha. I get it. Sense or ship…..
@T. SKALTA That which can’t be mentioned.
Cases identified, severity omitted. The whole time
Just a reminder to you all who don’t know, your public officials addresses are public record.
I think in Ontario we should follow Alberta
Ontario continues to vote liberal and wreck our country. Reap what you sow
Follow Florida. Alberta is gone.
Follow floor ida. AB is done.
Doug calles himself conservative lol
@Nate Baker the human cheesecake is anything but a conservative.
Why follow other provinces like Ontario when their response is dictated by polling data?
100% correct
Kind of like a winter storm. The nicer it gets the harsher the blizzard.
Of course and they will impose new restrictions. This is their goal no matter what .
Until we wake up . But no we are happy sleeping…
What’s next?
For your own safety, schools, universities, offices, small businesses, malls, government offices, roads, hospitals, wildlife, factories, all businesses should be closed for 55 years and 3 months except amozoon.
Okay, boomer.
@Dislike Button wow. You added a lot to the conversation there.
@Dislike Button enjoy your lockdowns Muppet.
Your furniture may have COVID as well.
Alberta Health Services have had upwards of 2 years to be prepared for this pandemic. In my opinion, they have never acted, they only react. All you ever read about are the horror stories concerning Albertans suffering in so many different ways. Getting sick of this approach. Can’t wait for the next provincial election.
So, is the assumption here that Notley would do better? The NDP are even more authoritarian and incompetent. Pushing mandates and passports the entire time.
What crisis?
@T. SKALTA Not an expert in the field, but perhaps making an attempt to keep up with the growing population in Central Alberta with increased infrastructure to accommodate this statistic. That would be a start. Perhaps you have some suggestions that you would like to share, or perhaps you are completely satisfied with the kind of care Albertans are currently receiving.
@Praveen Goel NO, why is it that every-time we question the incompetence of one party, it is assumed you support the other!
It is a shame that the ballot box does NOT have a box for “none of the above” then these useless politicians will realize we think nearly ALL of them are a waste of oxygen!
For them it is a game the ONLY thing they do is for themselves and that is usually to vote a pay or pension increase.
Not one party had any preparation for a pandemic. Yet we have been watching movies on it for years.
There are NO extra beds, of assistance to communities.
CERB was given, but not taxed at source, so the very hardest hit are not hit with a huge tax bill as well as extra expense on groceries.
We need to be able to hold our politicians much more accountable, if that means when they are voted out or retire, we decide if they have done enough to get their pension and huge golden handshake.
Finally a way of voting in our Prime Minister. less than 2% of this country voted in Trudum! Let that sink in.
@stevejh69 Our choices are pretty limited in Alberta. I think Kenney has been a disaster, and Notley has been scoring cheap political points despite being a dumpster fire herself.
So,now they going to predict weeks months years ahead and based on predictions they will be shutting down businesses? What a comedy life we live in.
The ICU my husband is in. There are 7 empty beds, RN needs to go away…she did less than nothing for AHS
I think we all know it’s time to restrict the restrictors. They are out of control.
Been for awhile and it’s all of them not one party
Well said. It’s about time we all start saying it
The models have never been right… let’s talk about that
Hospitals “Brace for Impact” from all those cases of the non-fatal sniffles.
“Brace for impact” is a new TikTok dance. All the “frontline heros” will be doing it soon.
They bought extra kleenex
It will NEVER END!
They won’t let it…
When they put idiots who are power hungry in charge, you get dictators like we are seeing now.
Non compliance is the only option
Why are we not looking at actual data. Omnicron is a cold. Why are we not celebrating?
Once you don’t take the next booster, you:
– Cannot leave Canada by plane.
– Cannot leave Canada by boat.
– Cannot leave Canada by train/bus.
– Cannot enter the only bordering country by car.
– You’re stuck in a country where you get treated like a dog, freezing on the streets… indefinitelively.
Welcome to the North American Gulag!
You are absolutely right
Just in Canada
If your worried about hospitals being overwhelmed than stop firing health-care workers.
They create their own emergency over 0.03% death rate.
Facisam has arrived
Looking like we need to do a audit on our health care system if this is so mismanaged we need someone to look at it starting with the taxpayers of Albert and a independent audit when you have this much poor management it shows up when we have a flue on the province and can f up the system
Until Canadians grow a spine and stop complying this will go on forever. If you comply you deserve every bit of what happens to you.