1. Woah woah woah. This is msnbc. Biden is allowed to be mentioned for less than 30 seconds if you can spin or lie to cover up for him

  1. Gotta get that trump bump. Oh how the media even reminisces of the good old days when we had a functioning president.

  2. The definition of “Insanity it’s doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result”.
    We defeated Trump in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024 will be no different

    1. Yo you have to love this !!!! Trump fills the reserves and gets trashed by our media for no reason who just hate the guy. And will do anything And yeah ? I’m waiting for respond now thank you

    2. Biden emptied them to keep gas prices under $4 for the mid terms. Then he sold what was left to China. You absolute NPC clown

  3. That needs to be happening in REAL TIME! As he is speaking, the networks should be posting the truth underneath for each lie.

    1. After every Trump lie filled speech, there should be a nationwide televised announcement showing
      the real statistics, debunking his lies.

  4. Have you ever seen a dying man lying in a grave, awkwardly scooping dirt over himself with a shovel? You have now.

    1. @Big Johnson Trump is a natural winner that’s why the whole system is against him, they can’t believe a celeb can do what he does, a man for the people.

    2. Yes, Biden is just shoveling dirt on himself. He even said he was a puppet in a speech the other day. Is so sad

  5. If you thought that Trump would be more honest in a second term than his first let this announcement clear that notion up for you. As someone that lived in NYS during the 80’s and witnessed Trump long before the rest of the nation knew him I can tell you it took me minutes to size him up as a narcissist. It amazed me that people were interested in him in the 80’s and the continued interest is utterly baffling. Over the years I’ve learned more about him, of course, and with each revelation my disgust in him and my amazement at the public adulation of him has grown. I can’t fathom why anyone buys a word he says.

    1. What has he lied about?? It funny how he has been right on just about EVERYTHING! But don’t you worry, I predict there will never be another Republican President. At least not one that isn’t a politician! Neither side will ever allow that again. Neither side wants their lies revealed and that is what Trump was doing. Not gonna happen again, they won’t let it!!

    2. @Weeping Warrior _”wow they do make ‘em that stupid still”_
      For picking Pence over Kamala Harris? Yeah that’s why Russia is China…I’m sorry…the world is laughing at us.

  6. It matters not how many times you fact check him as long as it is after the event his base is not tuned in to you.
    The only thing is do the fact checking in real time.
    You are too little too late.

  7. If Trump makes a 20 minute speech, the fact check is going to be 40 minutes long. In classical mathematics this is called the Golden Toupee Ratio.

    1. @Mark Warren Who said this: *”God blesshhhh the United Shhtateshh”?*

      Here’s a couple of clues. He’s orange, and was impeached TWICE!

  8. I couldnt watch it after less than 5 minutes when he said he “saved millions and millions of lives from the China virus”


    (And yes, I meant to yell this! I am sick of Trump’s BS!)

  10. “Together we will be taking on the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests imaginable.”
    Is he is talking about the Republican party ???
    Who has enough crazy to be Trump’s runny mate: Kari Lake, Margie Taylor Greene, Cancun Cruz, Kayne West ?

  11. Thankfully , This Dale fellow is getting a life because of Trump 👍🏻
    Just imagine how his life would have been with democrats being so truthfull…

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