1. Evelyn is brave to tell her story and remain determined to stop her predator.
    Being pregnant is hard enough. We are vulnerable. For a gynaecologist to take advantage of us is the ultimate betrayal.

    1. I don’t get how some people get their rocks off of non-consensual anything.It’s sociopathic and I’m clenching my teeth trying to find more You-Tube appropriate adjectives to use.

    2. You totally right that being pregnant is enough and having to deal with strangers poking you and touching you is very uncomfortable that’s why with both my pregnancies I requested a female midwife and a female doctor. I wanted to be 💯 comfortable and I feel most comfortable with a female doctor and midwife who were all just amazing.

    3. That’s why I only went to women. All female group. They were fantastic ; lots of respect and I felt so at ease. I guess that’s how white men feel all the time in this world.

  2. Something we have learnt from these abusers , always expect someone else in the room, even if it is your partner or parent. Always expect them to discuss the procedure before they start. Always ask questions first. If you don’t want the procedure then you can refuse.

    1. yes but go and review the case with the gymnasts – their parents WERE in the room, these guys know how to manipulate and use their power

  3. Sorry this happened to her and so many other women. 😭 Evelyn and all those women who reported the abuse are heroes. ❤️❤️❤️

  4. I had a gynecologist who pushed his stool so close his knee was in my crotch and he rubbed my thigh while he said I needed a hysterectomy. This was in clear view of staff and a student. When I looked at student his eyes turned away. The staff person was looking at the floor. He said I needed a pelvic exam. I said no and walked to door. He shouted at me that I needed to realize I could die. I shouted back that what I needed was a female doctor.

    1. @Emm Yo Why? Because he has a different opinion than you? Sorry we aren’t jumping on the “MeToo” bandwagon but ANYONE can claim ANYTHING on the internet

    2. @kendall Evans
      Look up EMPATHY. If, someone has to tell you then you don’t understand what it is. That’s why more women don’t report these heinous acts.

  5. The judge don’t have to accept plea deals, the judge is also corrupt for even accepting this crimes deal by the prosecutor

  6. Thank heavens this man has been stopped and hopefully convicted and will serve a very long sentence. He is a menace. Bravo to Evelyn Yang, a very courageous woman

  7. How is it possible he was allowed to continue his practice? There is a lot more to this story not exposed here.

  8. I had a male OBYGN and he had a female assistant in the room the entire time he had to check. This is so wrong on so many levels. The feeling of being violated.

  9. It gave me chills, to see her speak, her bravery, specially for holding that social status and become a voice where so many hide. Is the only way to stop them.

  10. This is so tragic, and I can’t imagine how difficult this must have been for All of the women involved and I pray this does help them heal. 🙏

  11. Thank you Evelyn Yang! For your bravery and your strength… for speaking up and helping hundreds (!) of women! Thank you for being a true hero to look up to and be inspired by! Your courage showed thousands and thousands of women, that they too can be strong and brave. Thank you for giving hope.

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