Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, the widow of the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, responded to President Trump's previous attacks of her husband during a speech at his funeral.
#CNN #News
Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, the widow of the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, responded to President Trump's previous attacks of her husband during a speech at his funeral.
#CNN #News
I don’t know his work well but he seemed like a true patriot. Rest in paradise my brother in name and flesh, may you finally find peace
Watch the clip of him dressing down Michael Cohen, right before he’s sent off to jail. He roared at him, chastised him and showed love and compassion for a man, Cohen who’d lost his moral compass when he threw his lot in with Trump, and maybe before. Michael cried all the way through it for the shame he felt, and the righteous teaching and moral high ground Elijah demonstrated to him.
What a beautiful tribute to the love of her life. I can’t imagine being able to be so strong an eloquent at such a devastating time but I suspect that’s what drew him to her. My condolences to the family and the world. We just lost a great man.
Awesomeness that’s really looking love and very special
25 yes of health battles did we ever know
Amazing man
Well said.
leslie ackley you’re an evil and disgusting person
I don’t cry often but I just did. Rest in peace, a decent and honorable American.
@Richard Alvarez Mexican Drump supporter = self hatred
@Christopher Morningstar MAGA is also a term for female witch…so it is a witch hunt after all.
@Charles Styron Is that why Trump was sued by 3 different CHILDREN HE RAPED AT EPSTEIN’S HOUSE? Look up THOSE documents. Trump is absolutely DISGUSTING and deserves the death penalty.
@David Garcia The REAL racist is people like you who want blacks, asians and non whites in general to be the majority in countries made for white people, by white people! You supporting this black man makes you on the same level as terrorists as he encouraged violence in Boston against whites. Try living with one of his kind and see how long you’ll live, you won’t survive even 1 second! It’s no coincidence that black majority cities such as Detroit, Atlanta and Chicago are the central hub of violence, there’s an obvious link there to black people being the majority there.
Proud of her, and the things she had to say.
Great Eulogy is a celebration of life
Oh wow, wow, well said ma’am, well said..he will be missed!
I write this with tears flowing from my eyes. He was a true patriot of this country. We will miss this great man of integrity. May he fly high with the angels. May he Rest In Peace.
If people don’t have anything nice to say don’t piggyback off someone else’s comments. Make your own separate one. Everyone has their own opinion. We’re you ever taught if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all.
brookside109 guess you haven’t been anywhere else. There is poverty in every state. Even the islands where this president doesn’t care about.
i think you might be you niġger lover. you need goto doctor to treat
I hope he rests in turmoil and burns for eternity in the lake of fire, along with his master.
A man that I admired, a man who’s courage I loved, an honorable man. Rest In Peace beloved Elijah Cummings
We love you mr cummings. You will never be forgotten to the american people thanks for having are backs in this time of need. Rip
It’s impossible to know whether she or her husband was luckier.
they would have been a formidable pair
I’m sure they fed off each other to be such great people
Goodness brings goodness. Truly inspiring people.
She’s Beautiful…
@Justin Huang ur so funny , that demon pos got all the money her demon husband stole !!!!
These three words “I love you”
! What a mighty good MAN!
How many people can honestly say they have integrity…..
South Park has Tegrity!
Elijah did NOT have an ounce of integrity.
@Lord Vader
She was wonderful. God bless her. She is so strong. That can’t have been easy.
How she held herself together is anyone’s guess. I’m sure she’d been seeing this day coming for a long time. Still….
@Karen Krahl millions
She reminds me of Mrs. Michelle Obama.
@Doc I agree ! BUT SPEAKS the TRUTH.
You mean the beautiful first lady that Trump supporters swear is a man?
Yoy mean Michael Obama?
Blessed Servant : she’s better than Michelle!
She’s a tough cookie. I couldn’t ever give such a passionate speech so soon after my husband died. I’d be a mess.
@E Walker its not hard to see what she’s all bout praising all of those demons from hell !!! GOD doesn’t have anything do with this . its all satan !!!!!
@Donna Peterson iam not a troll , IDIOT. Iam telling the truth , cummings was a lying theft , he stole a lot of tax players money !!!! An that women is praising all those demons from hell!!!!
@Karen Dilday There’s a lot of our people that praise them. We are stuck on the plantation called the democratic party. Should the same be said in that case? Don’t believe in a satan. Not on that plantation either. The evil that mankind does is the evil that mankind does.
@UCEuMa2FvFPWe51kZvc685OA what religion r u talking ,worshiping satan , her husband was a lying thief !!! An all them demon criminals she praised..,, that show me u r lier to !!!!
@Attie Warr She is the wife in case you pretending to forget smh
My condolences to his family and friends. He was a loving and caring man. He’s one of a kind and will be greatly missed. RIP Elijah Cummings.
A good and honourable man
He was nothing but a liar and a thief Baltimore’s nothing but a rat Hall and everybody knows it he didn’t do a thing to make that town better I hope he is burning in h*** where he belongs
American Patriot! Maybe you should ask the Trumps why they are slumlords in Baltimore.
I want this woman on my side.
Outstanding speech. The love and support in her speech and standing strong to hate is much needed. Amazing woman.
I couldn’t help but cheer in listening to this.
A spouse who can lift you up, even after you lay down to rest.
B H Mch Well said.
His wife is pretty, she tryin to hold back tears, powerful