Victoria Cummock, the wife of John Cummock, who was killed in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, gives her response after the alleged bombmaker was placed in US custody. #CNN #News
Widow of passenger killed in Lockerbie plane bombing reacts to suspect in custody

Finally some accountability! Bravo to those involved who brought justice to the families of the victims.
@Robert Johnson your colour blind if you consider that thing black, it’s half white BTW…
@Curi0u50ne I don’t know how she identifies, but I’m sure the Potato In Chief only made the trade for the black half thinking it would make points with the woke crowd. Putin was probably thinking several moves ahead of him and predicted he would do it.
@Robert Johnson
”and stop editing your comments after whining about things.” You can delete your comments but not the notifications I receive for your comments. Enjoy trump’s indictments.
Well, I made one edit to one comment. You, on the other hand, should edit comments if changes are needed instead of deleting them and starting over. You deleted this comment,
@Curi0u50ne Maybe you should keep your comments and improper grammar in your own country.
@Robert Johnson Yeah, Okay. You didn’t even type the same comment.
Don’t pretend that you didn’t read the clarification in the “about” tab on my account.
Enjoy trump’s indictments, butterfly.
30 YEARS to find this guy.
And they’ll probably just trade him out for another athlete
@Trial by Wombat the suspects have spent time in GTMO and was traded in the 90’s under BILLY B Clinton. It’s all kabuki theater
@Trial by Wombat clever…not
@Toni Gonzalez very true. This administration isn’t clever at all
About time. Good job…. 30 years but finally some justice.
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This happened right after I began flying internationally for a US air carrier.. 4 days before Christmas. I cannot fathom how it took 34 years to charge this man. He AND the others involved have lived free for over 3 decades. Thank you Biden for making this a priority for these families.
He doesn’t care he’s breathing and the victim’s aren’t .
Utterly ridiculous, law enforcement agencies have to do more thorough investigations, especially when human life is involved.
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Let’s simply dedicate a moment to appreciate how many time and work he put on this clips.
Ah, scary,vshe talks fondly of Amnesty, as she passively praises,the “Morality Police”
Don’t confuse obedience for patriotism. They government is never in your best interest until the people hold them accountable.
Glad they caught that bastard.
I’ve read about it and I do think that some people on that plane didn’t die immediately.
AG William Barr, in his recent memoir book, “One Damn Thing After Another” talks about clearing the way for this to happen, having been disappointed the families have been left languishing for so long; he had just started at DoJ right after it had happened and began his first tour as AG shortly afterall. He was hopeful the Biden administration would continue to pursue it after his second tour as AG completed. It would be great to get his perspective on this development. He had been invested in this, from a senior DoJ perspective, longer than anyone there.
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FBI: We weren’t involved in twitter. See, terrorism and stuff.
al-Megrahi was innocent. That’s beyond doubt and has been for decades.
Amazing timing since Libya is desperate to rejoin the world oil market and have been protecting this guy for years.
Well nothing will ever bring her husband back but at least they have someone in US custody so that should start to process of healing so she can find her way back to peace
This atrocity happened on my daughter’s birthday. A year later, on 19th December 1989, I flew with my little girl into London Heathrow Airport international, after a long flight. We were transferred to a different passenger lounge at internal flight terminal, where We were due to catch a flight to Dublin Ireland at 11.30 am. First thing I noticed was that everybody in the lounge wore black clothing and carried a bouquet of red flowers. I sat next to one and asked where they were going. They were the American families of victims of Lockerbie. I was humbled. Each bouquet of flowers had a black and white photo of their deceased relative. They were all awaiting a flight to Scotland where they would attend a service 2 days later, Dec 21st.
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They could have honored their dead at home….smh
How does a news network that has zero credibility still exist?…..
I feel really sorry for the victims families, and I have no idea why it has taken so long to bring these people to face justice, however it seems like the same thing has happened with the plane that was shot down in Ukraine in 2014. There has been a court case, and three people have been found guilty, however these people are being hidden in Russia, where has this guy been for the last 34 year, and why has it taken so long to get him into US custody. Was this the work of a terrorist Government ?