Why White Evangelicals Stick With The President | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Ben Howe and Sarah Posner discuss why white evangelicals continue to stick with the president. Aired on 06/03/2020.
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Why White Evangelicals Stick With The President | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. to all the evangelicals what are you going to say to God when you get to heaven, God may say to you I do not know you

  2. It’s concerning how evangelicals are so easily led. They have traded their values for power, barely skipping a heartbeat.

    1. I thought easilly lead was the definition of evangelical/fundamentalist any form of superstition.

    2. They make me sick. They are not Christians. They would hate Jesus if they knew any of his teachings, but there’s little chance of that.

    3. @generationofswine In today’s world, Jesus would be seen and deplored as a brown middle-easter hippie socialist by the right-wings media and evangelicals… sooo…

  3. Its spiritual warfare if these evangelicals “” back demonic thinking they too are wolves in sheep’s clothing

  4. Most evangilist r just con men or women. Sew ur seed send me 1000 dollars good things will happen for u. Sickening.

    1. I pointed that out a month ago… Christian Campmeeting on tv with the insert that said just that. I never realized we could buy our way to Heaven through some over produced show run by Hypocrites until then.

    2. @Richard Owen Don’t You Know Prosperity Gospel Preachers Need Material Things? They Need Private Planes To Go To Their Vacation Homes, Because There Are DEMONS on The Commercial Planes Run By The Airline Companies. Check Out This Inside Edition Video. “Full Interview: Preacher Kenneth Copeland Defends Lavish Lifestyle”


    1. Deluded Evangelicals are too dumb to realize, though. Plus, they aren’t real christians, themselves, but a brainwashed, misanthropic cult.


    1. @Eliel I don’t understand how you think people can’t or shouldn’t call themselves Christians? Are you a theologian? Are you some kind of professor of Biblical Studies?

    2. there is some truth in your words but not complete truth… His followers have been brainwashed by fox news and they are trying to turn the table and say CNN is fake news…. We the people should not turn on one another but the source of the lies that is lying to us to pit us against one another ( the real evil here is the ones paying fox news to put out such lies, not the ones that hear and believe it to be true)

    3. @Gary Ray Don’t You Know Prosperity Gospel Preachers Need Material Things? They Need Private Planes To Go To Their Vacation Homes, Because There Are DEMONS on The Commercial Planes Run By The Airline Companies. Check Out This Inside Edition Video. “Full Interview: Preacher Kenneth Copeland Defends Lavish Lifestyle”

    1. Truth be told, I read comments to find humor to take my mind off the bitter reality we are facing daily. Peace and laughter to all.

    1. @Elmer Beltshire 50 cents is not a lot of money, that’s the truth, why did you think it is sarcasm? where is your brain Elmer Fudge?

    2. @Nini Yen Ignoring the oppression of the Hong Konger’s by your CCP police force. I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

  6. And behold, he parted the protesters from the streets, emerged from his bunker, and held up the Bible, saying….Follow Me! I am the Weight, the Trough, and the Lies………………….

    1. I’ve been out of it for awhile now thankfully, but as someone who grew up in that environment I laughed so hard I nearly spit my iced out! Bravo! 🤣🤣

  7. Oh they love their little bunker don, hiding and ordering his attack dogs to harm the public, just like Hitler in the past.

  8. Whoever believes tap dancing is a dead art form hasn’t discussed the logic of christianity with a christian.

  9. Theyre sticking with him because they’re just like him – undercover bigots! Just because you thump a bible, doesn’t mean you’re a Christian!

    1. @Earl of Mar Christians, like everyone, are known by their actions. And a high percentage of their actions are anything but Christian.

    2. @Earl of Mar Okay, this is the most egregiously uneducated comment you’ve made thus far.

      The comment was that evangelicals are worshipping a false idol in Trump.

      And Catholics are NOT the only Christian sect that worships false idols. Several other Christian sects do as well.

      LOTS of them worship money.

    3. Earl of Mar I suggest you see the well researched documentary titled. From the plantation to the pulpit. It may be on Utube and it may reaffirm your position and strengthen your information.

    4. @Earl of Mar anything that comes from southern whites is satanic. I wouldnt be surprised if satan is a white southerner. your people and culture cause nothing but pain and misery.

  10. The Evangelicals should know he is using them and laughing at them…he can’t believe how stupid they are to swallow the crap that pours out of his mouth..look at the bible stunt…seriously, I laughed out loud when he did this and I said out loud Who is going to buy this stupidity? I knew the answer but it is still astounding

    1. They believe that „speaking in tongues“ is a thing, so there’s hardly a limit to what these people can be lead to believe.

  11. Absolutely absurd, if Obama had done that when the tea party was protesting every Republican would have screamed at the top of their lungs, when trump does it not one peep, the enablers need to go as well because if they can’t stand up for themselves when attacks them personally how can we the people expect them to stand up for us!!

    1. James Scott: There is one thing that bothers me much. You do not have to be part of the game using a party line game. The American people are tired of the game of the two parties. It is a vicious circle of drama You are promoting.
      The only difference between Obama and trump is how They present themselves.
      Trump is the most insane and deranged man totally infected with narcissism since His childhood and took it with him so far.
      Obama is an opportunistic man taking any moment for his own self gratification. He should not have to say anything. at this moment. You are promoting a party line politics of the same game.

  12. “We elected a president, not a saint” not quite right should be, ” We elected a president who does the work of the devil”.

    1. If he does the work the devil, then what did 8 years of that neocon bush and 8 years of that communist Obama mean?

    2. @michael brown You’re a Trump supporter and you think I’m not bright!……..go get yourself a brain…….they’re on offer at Walmart…..doh!

    3. @Cactus Well, after those 16 years America was still regarded as the most powerful nation on Earth, not a crumbling dictatorship as it is now.

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