Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he is filing a class-action lawsuit against Facebook and Twitter — along with their CEOs, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey — because of bans imposed on him and others. Barbara McQuade and Ashley Parker discuss why it's so clear that the lawsuits are "dead on arrival," and detail the proof that Trump knows it too.
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#Trump #Politics #SocialMedia
Aha… But can a class-action lawsuit actually be filed by someone that lacks class? *baboomph ^^
ok small brain, nice connections you made there LMAO
it’s funny you talk about class when you’re on the internet crying because five years ago you didn’t get your spoiled way in politics
how is this news? it just shows how much people pay attention to trump. one would imagine people would see a pattern by now.
Why is it that every time I look at msnbc’s comments.. every comment is some misspelled, uneducated response? Let grownups talk people. Please.
Good luck with that Donald. When will America recognize the damage done by Trump – how much more do you need from this guy to show up the weaknesses.
exactly what damage did Trump do other than you decided you were a victim of Elections??
Well considering Trump can’t get a professional lawyer, this could be really funny LOL =)
@Edward Fala Lol lets see that happen, bet you this is a grift for money to fight his companies indictment. Just watch and see, in 4 weeks no actual case put forward by Trump, all talk no sue.
@Dodgy Goose I’m pretty sure trump is not blacklisted from anything in regarding legal representation, nice try though

@Dodgy Goose
I am sure if it doesn’t get to discovery it will be legal nonsense like standing. Not sure what is so funny that I named a lawyer that is very invested in 230 and 1A?
I think he gave Matlock a call…..
@David Barnes Pennsylvania Senate Chairman Initiates Forensic Probe of 2020, 2021 Elections
BY July 7, 2021 Updated: July 7, 2021
Trump forgot to sue all those women that accused him of sexual misbehavior.
Sexual misbehavior is not a crime, SA and R is but not acting sexual. Otherwise all women on only fans should be arrested for acting sexual.
What women?
He just wants to get the heat of him and his family, so distraction distraction distraction.
do-over don typical distraction & deceit from his .org indictments
And I hope these corporations countersue for legal and court costs for filing his frivolous lawsuits.
It’s your freedom that’s at stake. Think twice.
@frutbum p My freedom to incite an insurrection on the internet?
@frutbum p
Hahahahaha That’s funny.
why would they countersue he’s the one that got wronged??
@Ryan Johnson how clever do you feel saying the word insurrection as if you thought up yourself and didnt get it from cnn
Can’t wait to see him lose these too.
Stay tuned next week when perhaps he sues Goya Foods for not getting paid to advertise their beans. He’s desperate to raise money.
Wait, we want the case to be opened up to discovery.
Any criminal case against Trump can have discovery. It is one of the reasons the Trump Foundation and Trump settled on their veteran’s charity grifting in 2019.
@sclogse1 This isn’t a criminal proceeding, it’s a civil one. The rules are a lot looser, I don’t know where this was filed but you can be compelled, in most states, to swear an affidavit under oath, so no pleading the fifth. He’ll never show of course, like they pointed out, it’s all publicity and Rump’s aching, bottomless need to have people pay attention to him.
Trump knows how to con the MAGA ppl. Sad.
All that money down the drain… Such smart people, these MAGAs.
Pro censorship? Enjoy your freedom while it lasts. You better hope Trump wins.
@frutbum p not censorship, not adhering to terms of service. There is a difference hillbilly. These are private platforms he’s trying to sue, they have rules for using their platform. What don’t you get?

@frutbum p lol not smart….lol lol lol keep sending your money fool
@purple love What money? After Biden’s taxes I’m all tapped out. Why would you vote for a fool?
Being on a private platform is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, any violation pleas of the 1st Amendment is not applicable.
@youtubeshadowbanned mylastaccount muh,
Not when that platform has become a public utility.
It’s Trump’s PR stunt to get back into the spotlight so he can keep on raising funds. Keeping his base enraged is his way of reaching into their pocket.
Trump can make his followers give him money with such ease. He asks for their money and they give it to him. The con is captivating to them. To everyone else they see a con and don’t give him nothing.
He doesn’t need money, he’s a billionaire moron
The real stunt was the scene he tried to portray with the background and flags. He basically tried to imitate the White House and a presidential announcement.
Well they all think he’s going to be reinstated in August lol
@Dustin Williams And with the props behind him they may help keep that in mind August 2021
the real stunt of how much of a victim You people like to act like. what’s it like knowing you’ve been trumps victim or 5 years
@chris kretzer

Stole your election tho! 

He’s trying to build a new email list of anyone who registers.
did that make you clever after whining for 5 years
The guy deserves everything he asked for
for example banning fromTwitter account what a shame
He’s suing because his lies caused death, destruction and reality refuses to participate.