Why Trump’s Financial Woes May Be A National Security Issue | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

National Security experts are reacting with alarm to a series of New York Times reports that state records show Trump's finances are in dire straits and he is deeply in debt. Michael Schmidt and Andrea Bernstein react. Aired on 09/28/2020.
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Why Trump's Financial Woes May Be A National Security Issue | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Why Trump's Financial Woes May Be A National Security Issue | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. US federal budget of $4 trillion rely heavily on funding from individual taxpayers, tax dodgers like Trump are screwing up all other tax payers.

    1. @December Uncry Project Veritas? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
      Project Veritas has a long, long, long history of editing to completely misrepresent what was actually said.

    1. @Chris B Being on social security does not disqualify you from being president. Being hundreds of millions of dollars and debt and thus a massive security risk does.
      Honestly, at this point the Democrats have everything they need to disqualify Trump from running. But I’m sure they’re going to choose to “play fair” instead of playing hardball like they should do. So they’ll blow this chance just like all the others.

    2. @Adam Taylor 1.To my point…it was a lame joke about him being broke, that’s all…a segue on not having a security clearance to needing social security.
      2. To your point…Democrats are not in a position to disqualify Trump from running…they simply don’t have the power, either administratively, legislatively or judicially.

  2. Trump is what’s called a reverse billionaire, which means he’s not worth a billion dollars, instead he’s a billion dollars in debt.

  3. The media only talks about trump being compromised, but it is just as obvious that top republican senator’s are compromised to Trump the Russians and or the Epstein conspiracy!!!

  4. Gee, I wonder why Trump refuses to allow anyone to listen along during his phone calls with Putin. He is the dirtiest ever.

  5. Let us get up and VOTE for BIDEN/HARRIS in GREAT NUMBERS so there is NO
    QUESTION as to who the clear winner is! Let us save our DEMOCRACY!

    1. It’s called tax evasion ..5 years, embezzlement.3 years..ponzi scheme ..7 years..not a good thing to do ..stormy back for another 120k.the reasoning
      He couldn’t pay his taxes.
      just pure greed ..someone
      Better tell him there’s no
      Golf clubs at San quentin.

  6. It’s being reported that Trump recently contacted Stormy Daniels, and begged her for some of that hush money payment back. 😆😄

    1. David J : I’m glad they’re starting to think this through. We all have to realise, trump might be broke in America, but all those bribes? I bet Deutsche Bank and the Bank of Cyprus could tell us where they funnelled it to? And, with all that skimming of the Cult’s donations? Does ANYONE think that Donny hasn’t got his cut, from each of those schemes? Somewhere, in a foreign computer server, is a bunch of digits that account for all that criminal cash, probably under the name of, “Barron,” or something? But, people should be looking ✌️👍

    2. @Ash Roskell
      I’ve said it before, Trump has funneled millions of dollars into offshore accounts. There’s no doubt in my mind that the he has stolen the millions still unaccounted for from his inauguration fund, as well as stealing millions from his own campaign. It’s been reported that his campaign is now strapped for cash, which s unbelievable considering his campaign had a huge war chest of at least $800 million. People are now asking what happened to all of that money? I’m guessing it’s sitting in one of Trump’s many offshore accounts.

    3. @David J I completely agree with you I knew when he ran for president that he was just gonna use us as his way to pay off his debts and steal money from the American people. Hes getting richer we get poorer and hes killing millions of people along the way while destroying our country. 😞

  7. Why is this no surprise we all know president dump is a crime lord and mob boss that stinks of lies plus corruption.

    1. Careful there, let’s not forget Moscow Mitch. I’m a giant pain about this because if we don’t keep in mind that Don the Con isn’t doing this alone, we will go thru this again–if our democratic republic survives.

    1. NOT JUST limited to politics..BANKRUPT 6 TIMES Trump university Trump “charity” both sued successfully and FINED for FRAUD huge debts to foreign dictators (No American financial institutions would)

    2. And that’s exactly what we needed, politicians is the problem, Trumps the ultimate outsider, America needs more presidents like Trump

    1. My cute pet dog golden retriever can run and win the presidential election against Trump in 2020 because people just want to remove Trump out of office so badly. Biden actually has been running a terrible invisible campaign so far, but he probably will win anyway for the reason I stated above here. If Biden lost the election to Trump, then he has no one else to blame but himself.

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