The president received strong backlash Thursday over his decision to hold a campaign rally next week on Juneteenth, a holiday marking the end of slavery, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the site of one of the deadliest race riots in American history, in 1921. Aired on 06/12/2020.
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Why Trump Will Have To Explain Reason For Juneteenth Rally | Morning Joe | MSNBC
If trump cared about black people why is it that the round table discussion not one top police official was invited to the discussion?
Simple. Because he doesn’t care about black people! Make America great again is, and always has been, code word for a time when blacks were subservient again. Any black he comes across that is successful and intelligent he hates them (i.e. Abby Philip, Barack Obama, April Ryan, Colin Kaepernick, Kecia Lance Bottoms, Kamala Harris, LeBron James, Michael Steele, Colin Powell…) so he berates them; he lies on them; and if he can, he completely ignores them. Now the top three law enforcement officers were all black and not one of them was invited. Hitler 2.0 is a racist and he does not try and hide it at all! he doesn’t give a f— what anyone thinks and he does what the f— he wants. always!
Divide and Conquer, that is his plan. Hold on to your butts America.
‘Cause Trump want’s to divide and conquer them!
Trouble is that trick only works when the others don’t know you’re doing it.
Hasn’t he already done this tho?
African American”s are near and dear to Trumps heart and he is rectifying racial injustices – K Mac is simply full of Sh!t
How’s the weather in Russia today?
@Jeff Foehringer I believe Joel Mark is mocking Kaleigh McCenany. I took it the same way the first time I read it.
@Lee C Oh. Well ha ha ha ha ha.
There was a crooked man who led a crooked life.
He was a crooked husband with a some-what crooked wife.
He had some crooked children and son-in-law–a louse.
And they divided this great nation from their White and crooked House….
He ain’t gonna have to explain anything,he never has,no one will hold him accountable ! Where’s Mitch ? Lindsey ? they, like ALL REPUBLICANS and a lot of democrats in congress haven’t got the balls to do anything !!!
why throw Democrats under the bus for the rest of these people there’s plenty of traction with all the Republican corpses in their
Democrats impeached him, they can’t do anymore than that.
Jay Hill Republicans wouldn’t even call witnesses for the impeachment trial.
Liar, This young girl promised she wouldn’t lie. So much for that.
Arlene Emrick She doesn’t lie, she just doesn’t answer the questions.
That was the first lie what did you expect ?
@Ariene Emrick When they come into his circle that’s what happened to them. Their first order of business is to lie and 2nd is to stuff deny at all cost.
meh, she was always a dirty liar. i remember her nonsense on cnn. perfect fit for trump’s team.
GO ahead, TRUMP; hold your

rallies, and don’t wear a mask,
shake a lot of hands, spread
that COVID around, cross your
heart and hope to die
The only problem is that they’ll infect 1,000’s of others. I guess with his frantic stooges whipped into a frenzy, in a closed space, there’s a chance the chief moron might get it!!! That would be a shame! Or trump’s just deserts!
@Tony Yu Well said
Look at the bright side, maybe Trump and Pence will both die from the disease and McConnell will have to deal with President Pelosi! And I’m not even a Pelosi fan.
Are they talking about the 400 year old virus called American racism
The virus is called MORONAVIRUS
One day you’ll learn words like racist and Nazi have lost all meaning due to ridiculous over use. We hear them and it’s like water off of a duck’s back.
i dont know but we got a 70 something year old cancer in our white house
@Vega Nona
Only a psychopath stops feeling bad about murder.
Only a monster describes murder with the words “water off a duck’s back.
You are psychotic.
You are Republican.
@Mark A N Republican lol.
Let’s not forget to make race the biggest issue of presidental race.
Here’s a thought. How about letting Trump hold rallies everyday until the election. Should make Biden’s job so much easier.
I made TRUMP’S LIES MATTER shirts for Tulsa
Hey Mr Russell, please stay safe. The second anyone gets angry and glares at you with cracking knuckles, grab the shirts and run, and regroup operations when the coast is clear/safe.
Jack, that is scathingly brilliant! Can you tell me where I can buy one?!
A snake and an orange striped skunk,
together got snot slinging drunk.
They somehow managed to mate,
and the result, is a baldy pate
on a “Prez” who’s a stinky viperous punk.
Oh I got one. Trump Bunker! On the back Captain Bone Spurs
Trump is one of the most racist presidents we’ve ever had… And each day he reveals myself even more… No way is he ever getting reelected again… Melania now planning to divorce him
Such bs. He knew what he was doing and doesn’t care.
Megan Yeager …Dat’s ok because, “ he about to lose his job.”
ZigZag …says Trumps phuck boy!
ZigZag you are so blind to the realities of America you are creating a narrative that doesn’t coincide with what’s actually going on. We see the lies, we see the injustice. All I want is freedom and equality for all and people to start understanding that what you’ve experienced are not the experiences of others that have and are oppressed. The elite control the board and they are going to continue what’s in their best interest. We hear you when you say that you don’t think cops are bad. But that’s based on your experience. Not everyone is being treated equally. And truthfully it didn’t have to become an anti trump situation across the board. If he stepped up and listened to the oppressed he could’ve turned the tables.
@ZigZag clearly BS
Trump makes Nixon seem like a candidate for sainthood.
lokys1959 and your IQ MUST BE AROUND 70 OR LOWER.
@Lokys1959 that’s still 70 points higher than Trump’s IQ.
The screen shot it looks like Lucifer is leading pence by the hand
He is.
Ha ha. God describes the Antichrist who will be in power during the End Times. Daniel 8:23-27 NIV version. Crystal clear! WOW!
This has Stephen Miller’s slimy hand prints all over it.
jain thorne he plays on Trump’s indecency and low morals and then just sit back and laughs at the sh*t show!
jain, you know that’s right~!
Less slime prints more just slime
@Yahki Ben Yehuda Old lizard tongue Miller laughing. Not sure he’s capable of that. If he did his face would crack.
They let him out of the coffin again??
They are stroking the Racist base this is intentional. They are racist period
Trumps base is now become the race we hate and time they are treated like they treated blacks. What goes around comes around. Time to get them out of our country.
Ordinarily he is insane. But he has lucid moments when he is only stupid.
Heinrich Heine.
Great description of Chump’s behaviour!
Tone deaf, again, at least. Trump, and his father, are known for their racism. Tulsa should get their money upfront…. Trump doesnt pay his bills…
His Press Secretary doesn’t even believe the bs she’s spewing.
Drknbtfl She’s not hired to believe—that’s not her job. Her job is to spin every answer in Trump’s favor.
Thanks Trump for helping spread the virus. He’s concern is having people at his rally, without him taking any responsibilities for what happens to them.