President Donald Trump claimed. he is taking daily doses of hydroxychloroquine, a drug he's long touted as a potential coronavirus cure even as medical experts and the US Food and Drug Administration question its efficacy and warn of potentially harmful side effects.
The admission was a dramatic development in Trump's attempts to promote hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus, which began earlier in the outbreak and has been met with resistance from medical professionals.
Because the drug is prescribed to treat malaria and other conditions, Trump has cast it as safe and suggested coronavirus patients have little to lose by trying it.
#Trump #CNN #News
For the first time. I support this president’s actions. Take as much as you like.
Animal we don’t tolerate stupid.
@Michael Gonzalez what’s your phone number?
Evan Paluch This drug has helped more people than it has killed. It isn’t false, and it isn’t dangerous.
William Bailey It’s the Piggly Wiggly in Jackson, Mississippi. It’s at the corner of Trump and Barr on the good side of the tracks. You probably haven’t shopped upscale in a while.
Here Here
The Moron in chiefs stupidity never fails to amaze me
Neither does yours.
Does anyone believe Trump is actually taking this? More likely he’s trying to save face.
That’s what I think, too. He’s been pushing this drug for weeks, now he has to double down on it, so he claims he’s taking it.
@Brian Walsh Brian you must have been riding on the short school bus. Are you people truly this crazy lol. Enjoy the Trump Landslide Victory
I bet CNN thinks Trump weighs 239 pounds because his doctor said so.
@hugedwarffu You should go crawl back under your rock and Dr. Fauci will call you when the vaccine is ready lol
He’s lying otherwise I want to see it taking it out of the seal package and take it
Even if he took it out of the bottle and took a pill we would never know if it was just a sugar pill.
Or, option B: he’s not taking it and this is yet another attempt to maintain face in this lie that he’s perpetuated that hydroxychloroquine is safe and effective, unable to admit that he was wrong when he first promoted it as the miracle cure (or wanting to continue lining his buddy drug producer’s pockets continuing to perpetuate this hoax). Phookoff Mr. President, you moron.
The man lies with every breath. He’s lying to increase sales people
That’s the dumbest thing I read yet. Everyone is now dumber for reading your comment. Thanks for contributing to society… Jackass
Sal Snowflake how will you be able to handle the Trump 2020 Landslide Victory
Sal M-shhhhh…this is a good thing. His idiot followers will listen to him and the trash will basically take themselves out
@K X wow that was clever. Putz
Ryan Williams It works… for inflammatory conditions and lupus. It’s only just gone into clinical trials and the clinical data isn’t strong enough to show it has an effect on time to release for patients even though it may slight reduce viral load in early stages. We also know it’s not making a difference in for people in ICU and in critical care. And that it comes with a huge caveat of causing potential dangerous cardiac rhythm side effects.
Perfect clown
Not just a clown, he’s the whole circus
Enjoy the Trump Landslide Victory
When his T-Rex arms start waiving you know he’s lying through his teeth. Idiot!
Patch 332

, love it, T-Rex arms! And tiny hands! So true!
Ha! Little T-Rex hands.
I thought it was an imaginary accordion.
They are in actuality just Flintstone vitamins that the personal handlers assigned to him just tell Donnie that he is taking that drug
WTF how can this get anymore embarrassing for the nation ?
Best case scenario: he is taking it, and it kills him.
Yeah, cause you know everyone that has ever commented on fox news..
My god you people are so incredibly dumb!
Or you don’t take it and it kills you lol. You Snowflakes are truly batshit crazy
Enjoy the Trump Landslide Victory 
@reknown123 Not very bright are you?
jcbtheatre1991 so you’re hoping for pence to be president.
@reknown123 I never said it wasn’t. The fact is the drug is used by healthy people who have no infection as a protection against infection. That means it’s safe for healthy people to take according to 65 years of history.
I took it to prevent getting malaria. That’s exactly how doctors around the globe are prescribing it. This whole thing wasn’t Trump’s idea, he simply agreed with the science. Strange how science Trump agrees with has to be wrong, but science based on unproven and admittedly unreliable models MUST be true.
feeling stupid yet?
And for everyone’s information he washed it down with bleach.
yes, cognitively impaired people probably would think that
@neckarsulme lmao. Don’t forget the UV rays
If only he would…
@neckarsulme Google & read, The Elephant in the Room, Psychology today.
Since the virus is a bug, “Let’s try Raid “.
Shadow legends?
Thanks for making me laugh out loud Satya!
I needed a laugh.
Maybe that’s what Coumo gave to all the people in his state to murder them, one governor over a THIRD OF ALL US DEATHS, COUMO IS WORSE THEN THE VIRUS.
Lawrence DeHarde I think it’s unfair to put the blame on one man there has been a lot of mishandling from both sides due to lack of information and also New York is by far the worst city in America for any virus because there are so many people and a huge portion rely on public transport.
To be clear I’m not excusing him I’m just saying people are looking at this whole thing way too black and white
Just like everything else. Dum Donny is lying about taking Hydroxie.
Look at the Big Brain on Dennis lol.As you listen to the fake news believing every word they say. Keep up with your brainwashing appointments. What would the fake news do without simple people like you
Christian Kersey you believe everything don’t you research..there is no study on vaccines and no liability if it kills you
@Christian Kersey hundreds of drs have prescribed used this with success. I dont care what cnn says. The top virologist in the world from france says it works. But the French government won’t let him prescribe it. Follow the money. We have to wake up as a society and not be sheep
Hey can’t say i didn’t warn some of you fools
@Ryan Williams You clearly haven’t looked at the studies. Go to a website called NCBI and look up hydroxychloroquine as a treatment of covid-19 if you don’t believe me
No one:
Maury Povich: …and the lie detector test determined THAT was a lie….!
But he IS the father!!! (adulterous scumbag!)
john whoever: i might lose my “life” mr. president by taking that drug that has no firm scientific backing
Trump hears “no study” and he thinks, Oh good, I don’t like to study.
I’ll bet you would study for a drug test you moron.
Just when you think this
has said the most outrageous thing ever … he tries to outdo himself! This guy is a danger to himself, and more importantly, he is a danger to those that follow him blindly … which, unfortunately is a large group of sheeple!! 
Research the medicine before you go on a childish rant filled with hate. I forgot CNN is your medical expert.
@Upper 90 Go take some meds bud.
Look on the bright side…his base will shrink.
“I don’t even like science, medical professionals, and data in my personal space–.” – DJT
I completely support him taking it! Take as much as you want!
Well damn all this time I thought he was taking a Lysol injection
“You’ll be surprised…” “Many many people…” Dude is lying again, pulling stories out of his butt.