CNN's Don Lemon explains why President Donald Trump is wrong to compare the impeachment inquiry to a 'lynching.'
#CNNTonight #Lemon #CNN #News
CNN's Don Lemon explains why President Donald Trump is wrong to compare the impeachment inquiry to a 'lynching.'
#CNNTonight #Lemon #CNN #News
Anybody remember Stormy Daniels and the campaign Finance violations
@extremely careless Wrong…. she lost a defamation case and has to pay his lawyer fees which are not 400,000
OK, LemonHEAD, check out these DEMS using the LYNCH word during the Clinton’s impeachment….WHOOPS looks like CNN forgot to do their research AGAIN!! Don’t forget to UNsubscribe and click “dislike” on your way out!! CNN STILL SUCKS!!
@Deivy Nice but he’s still our president.
MAGA 2020!
@Dennis Manson
Closed-door impeachment hearings, where one House party questions “witnesses” while refusing to allow the other party members of the House to attend or even see meeting transcripts afterward, is unprecedented and unconstitutional. Not to mention that the chairman of the committee then spins the testimony of witnesses to the MSM to suit his narrative… folks, this is anything but “due process”.
This is why:
@MT Yerpokits You are incorrect about whistleblowers and how they are protected:
Alla Veles what? The whistleblower is now fake? How is such a thing possible? The IG interviewed him/her and conducted an investigation. The IG determined the complaint to be credible. There’s also a second whistleblower. I know you support the president, but don’t just spew nonsense. The president is a criminal and he is unfit for office. This much is clear. You’re a bigger problem though because you support him.
MT Yerpokits I don’t see investigations anyway. I see what the evidence is once one is charged. That’s how it goes. Again, you don’t understand what due process is.
MT Yerpokits republicans rules, they changed it. Read why. don’t you
Thank God for video. In Bill Clintons impeachment hearings, (that were held publicly not in secret)over 10 democrats stood before congress and called the proceeding a modern day lynching, along with cnn commentators saying it was a political mob lynching of President Clinton.
Bit different, what Clinton did was immoral but not illegal (apart from lying about it, which one could argue is a reasonable response to save a marriage), whereas what trump did was immoral and extremely illegal.
@Alex they are going after trump for saying the word “lynching”, when democrats are on video saying the same exact thing, in the same exact context. This is why cnn is FAKE NEWS
Preach! Trump is exposing everyone! He is the best thing that could happen to USA!
4D chess baby!
Vladz precious little GOLUBOI are chirping on cue
Lone Wolf you have zero credibility because you are HOMOSEXUAL.
willy you have zero credibility cuz you’re a bigot and a rascist!
I remember during the 90’s …the Clarence Thomas hearings …he called it a high tech lynching. Lol!
However.. we did hang traitors! And the Don wants to quarter and draw spies. So lets see how he feels now. He said it!
Limbaugh is a highly paid disinformation agent like Alex Jones!
wtf does this even mean
why not just watch The Americans on tv and beat that libmeat (if it can get semi enough)
Aw my russian shitstain go suck yah troll daddy off now amc try again sdelot opuschiny
LMAO; CNN…egg in your face again and again and again… I guess they should have fact checked the word lynching by democrats …even their hero Biden used it and his now campaign manager with the huge mouth used it…….
What happened to Graham? He seemed to have lost his mind. Totally unhinged!
Gerard Rikken NOTHING has happened to his mind, he’s just like all covert bigots now overt bigots the different is now the bigots who aren’t in power are losing jobs and publicly shamed and being jailed and fined or resigning then give a fake apology, then play the victim via the camera phone …. And that’s only reason Linsey Graham still has a job due the position and status but Linsey Graham isn’t just a racist but he an all the GOP ERS are extremely poor representatives of manhood … The optics say black are shocked but believe me WE aren’t the least bit shocked an all it is for us is just another of living on racist stolen soil G.R. an if I get any blowback my point will be more than proven .. Have good rest of the day sir ..
OK, LemonHEAD, check out these DEMS using the LYNCH word during the Clinton’s impeachment….WHOOPS looks like CNN forgot to do their research AGAIN!! Don’t forget to UNsubscribe and click “dislike” on your way out!! CNN STILL SUCKS!!
@william carter Interesting. Does that mean that when there’s no shock or even reporting on the racism of Democrats, it’s because everyone already knows they’re mostly racists? See Sen. Robert Byrd, Ted Kennedy, etc.
Watch the fingers!
Graham tries to come across as tough but everyone knows he’s a total wet wipe, some would even say a power bottom.
We should execute the traitors for all the deaths and trouble they’ve caused America, innocents, and our allies.
Damn almost of 5000
see.. False Flag attack on Seattle on Nov 03, 2019…… kochen mit Willi
CNN could not get anybody to cry
on here anymore?
This guy, lol
First time I see a panel of the right audience to take on such a personal issue.
Sobering reality: Trump has raised 300 million campaign dollars.
From overseas?
Does anybody remember when Hillary Clinton said about her hearing that it was a high Tech lynching? Did you lefty Trump haters call her a racist?
Lynching definition:
to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.
This impeachment process is without warrant. This is EXACTLY A LYNCHING
Trump has played you all like fools that you are yet again bhahahhaah! 4D chess baby!!!!
God, I love my mt president!
I love how the party of the klan and jim crow is whining about this
Of course, but that’s all the Democrats have, whining. They certainly don’t have any actionable facts to present to a judge. All they have is a big nothingburger.