Whether he's willing to admit it or not, Donald Trump has lost the presidency. And come January 20, he will be gone from the White House. However, that does not mean Trump will magically disappear. In his latest episode of The Point on YouTube, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains how Trump’s political influence will stretch far into the future.
18 Revelations From a Trove of Trump Tax Records
Trump Is Forever
Did Trump Overvalue His Properties? Here’s What We Know About the Inquiry
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Allison Gordon
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
Video Editor: Steven Sevilla
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#CNN #Trump #Cillizza
T minus 55 days.
@Leonard Ball Not even close to over bud. The truth will be revealed, Trump will not stop until that happens.
@Matt H That guy and truth have nothing in common. It’s only conspiracy theories (stories with little or no proof) and divisive actions. If your really an American looking for what’s best for our democracy, you need to do original research and not watch whatever outlet you’re getting your propaganda disguised as news at. I have spent thousands of hours doing original research on govt. activity since this guy took office. He was crooked as a Democrat and reality star/businessman, and now he’s a more crooked Republican (sort of) social influencer/politician.
Joe Biden and his new Zionist inner circle are ready to run this country into the ground and blame it on fake racism or something
@Leonard Ball its cute that you think that champ.
@yoked scrote he just lose,. Twice, in the same election.
He will disappear when the media stops covering him.
@KL but your not at all loyal to the truth. If you were you would be fighting a recount. As a honest American. But thats the thing demo are not honest. They hide in snake holes. If you cared about this country you would be mad at the way this election votes has went. So honest part left a long time ago. Sorry just a fact
but they wont stop covering him because evil always tries to cover the good CNN is fake news lol yet people are so brainwashed they believe it and not only cnn all news is corrupt and fake its a big script thats already written
@stream fresh you tried lying for four years to cover your nasty asses. What can you possibly do now. You should worry about all the different things your party is getting investigated in now. You might get Biden if your lucky. But best part about your party is everybody sees just how horrible of people you are. Morals means nothing to snakes
@Matt Arconati its doing everything in their power to not get election investigated. “WHY”. We all know that answer
@JFK Lincoln When will this evidence be given to a judge? I’m not holding my breath.
U hope Trumps policies etc will be followed – the man saying it is mad, he should go to the gallows with Trump
Haha trump will win loser. Yall are so cute though.
Trump just added firing squad and the electric chair to the methods of federal execution. Bye bye lib Traitors.

@John Lyons yaaaaaaas
@John Lyons throw salt my friend #saltylegion
@yoked scrote rrreeeeeee
He will go away when the SDNY dose their job and exposes everything. Come on SDNY his enablers will flip on him to save their own skin.
@Daniel Buman you into that? Id smash lol
@Jarrod Pierce And start a Civil War.
Joe Biden already spilled the beans! Say it ain’t so joe?!
@Haywire Infinity I thought it was racist to correct someones english! Why does liberals check our spelling? I do it all time.
Social media should take the next step and boot him off platforms instead of just censoring him.
Media reporting on Trump’s every fart is why he won’t “go away.”
Agree but when we take out trash won’t be much entertainment around,
Hes in their head rent free lmao
He’s old news, once he is not the president of the united states of America.
Trump won in a landslide, thank the scumbag Dem’s for stealing it and CNN for covering it up..
eg and in no particular order..
https://79days.news/watch?id=5fbbf75845c92148a8b260b0 https://youtu.be/vhpeJj6iDsc
@tedtheturbot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV9PJQUXsKM
Even Charles Manson had difficulty running his cult from jail !!
Good point and he could never again hold public office.
@Banned 5 Times yeah it’s going to be real hard for Biden to run the Democratic party from jail I see your point
Indict, try, and convict him and SEND HIM TO PRISON…with no twitter access.
James C for what exactly?? What the liberal media like CNN tells you
I think that is super intelligent let’s get the 74 million people that own 50% of all firearms in the entire world to start a war okay that seems like a genius I did to me
For what?
@Aesthetic Medic they are stupid man they are so stupid it is beyond belief
I can’t imagine being that old and still wanting the spotlight.
That is what you do when that is all that you have had and all that you will ever have. Sad.
Old ? lol looks like Bidens the one that’s decrepit ,he cannot string a sentence together without sounding like someone with dementia.
@Mari D you missed the point of what she was saying completely
@Mari D Trump was not a good choice, but hey it’s okay that Americans hate each other more than ever, and the xenophobia against immigrants and muslims has been on a healthy rise.
It impossible for me to understand why theGOP hang on to Trump. His principles.? Does Trump has some worthful principles?
Joe Biden and his new Zionist inner circle are ready to run this country into the ground and blame it on fake racism or something
He’ll disappear if the media stops giving him screen time and press.
While that’s true, you have to consider how divided the media is, and how it provides echo chambers. I doubt I’ll hear much about Trump after January, but watchers of Fox, OANN and Newsmax watchers will get a steady supply.
That would be a dictatorship …. But of course the dems and the global elite are already censuring Trump so you already are living in one ! Glad to know that not all americans are thick..Keep watching the CNN fake news channel
@E Brown yes. Indeed !!

@Mari D
Trump is news because he’s the president. As of January 21st, he’s just an old man shouting. America has enough of those.
That’s a terrifying concept. He will bully from the wings to make sure he stays relevant.
America has reached peak Trump and will not be interested in listening to him ever again.
He will be forgotten just like kobe bryan, nobody talks about his horrible accident anymore. The world will continue on for the living not the dead.
“His principles and policies”. ROFL. Thats the most valueless remark ever
Au contraire… thanks to him, the blue collars, the poor, and the non-college educated are back in the game. Do not write him off.
@AllRequired Trump has wallowed in his father’s fortune since year dot. He slid out of repaying creditors by calling bankruptcy. He is a polished socialist.
@AllRequired is that why millions of Americans cant afford food an shelter anymore?
He represented a major security threat to the world and in a matter of weeks he will be as relevant as he was when he advertised for Pizza Hut.
The party of “You lost, get over it,” lost, and now can’t get over it. LANDSLIDE! Right back at ya!
When he’s out of office he’s going to run a cult called the orange glow cult
Forrest Trump won’t be able to run a campaign from prison!