Former President Donald Trump is working hard to unseat some Republican lawmakers in the 2022 elections. CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why Trump is still holding a grudge against them.
Why Trump is obsessed with punishing these Republicans

Former President Donald Trump is working hard to unseat some Republican lawmakers in the 2022 elections. CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why Trump is still holding a grudge against them.
*”We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated!”*
– Trump, 2016
Trump supporters: i dun no wut dat means but make america grate agen 2020!!!1!
@patje hideous Police departments have been defunded, and that has lead to a spike in crime in those cities. This is pretty simple stuff
Except that the crime spike is in all cities and very few departments have been even partly defunded.
@NPC#8675309 time to pull your butt plug
When Trump is done with CNN for 4 years of defamation, they will be lucky to have a camcorder. They already don’t have a single journalist.
@Susiestr62 I got your reply in my email but it looks like the YouTube police didn’t like something in it because it is not on the comment thread. I agree with pretty much everything you said. My problem is that they keep saying it’s the pandemic of the unvaxxed but will not provide the numbers to prove that. The truth is wether you got the jab or not the odds you being hospitalized is less than 1%.
This is what vindictive narcissists do.
Very true. The Democrat party is teeming with them !!!
@Violet Golden trump is about to be arrested.
@Di&Ce you mean Hillary Clinton after the latest Durham exposure
@Nil Nil I suggest you do a bit more research on the “Durham exposure”, or he exposing himself at some bowling alley also? Smiles
@Nil Nil Durham’s report recap: Two years and 1 change to a lawyer that will likely not get a conviction, or make it to trail. And the 20 plus rambling report on other b.s. does not include any charges.
Am I missing something? If so let me know.
Why is Trump obsessed with punishing? You could have asked that same question of Stalin.
@Patriot This is how a cult works. You’re doing a fine job. Good luck when they demand you assume the position.
@Death Cab For Q Anon Dude, this bumpkin runs a shovel.
Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261, â??The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of
the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are â??not the law.â?
16Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256: The general misconception is that any statute
passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land.
The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid,
myst be In agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating
it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows: The General
rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is
in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective or any purpose; since
unconstitutionality dates from the time of itâ??s enactment and not merely from the
date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal
contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute
leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute
not been enacted. Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles
follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no
power or authority on anyone, affords no protection and justifies no acts performed
under itâ?¦A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An
unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed,
insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is
superseded thereby. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts
are bound to enforce it.
5th Amendment of the United States Constitution, â??No person shall be held to
answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or
inditement of a Grand Juryâ?¦â?
New York Constitution Article 1.S8, â??â?¦the jury shall have the right to determine
the law and the fact. Elmore v . McCammon (1986) 640 F. Supp. 905, â??â?¦the right
to file a lawsuit pro se is one of the most important rights under the constitution
and laws.â?
Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 US 356, 370 (Undersigned is Sovereign and no court has
challenged that Status/Standing), Sovereignty itself is, of curse, not subject to
law, for it is the author and source of law.â?
Sherer v Cullen, 481 F 946, â??There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one
because of this exercise of constitutional rights.â?
Hurtado v People of State of California, 110 U.S. 516, â??The state cannot diminish
rights of the people.â?
Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491, â??Where rights secured by the Constitution
are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate
Marbury v. Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803),â?All laws, rules and
practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.â?
Rodriques v. Ray Donavan (U.S. Department of Labor) 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348 (1985),
â??All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not
human/creators in accordance with Godâ??s laws. All codes, rules, and regulations
are unconstitutional and lacking due processâ?¦â?
Curden V. Neale, 2 N. C. 338 May Term 1796. All men decide for themselves whether
they want to participate in the institutions of men or not. â??â?¦every man is
independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any
institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent.â?
16Am Jur 2d:16Am Jur 2d., Sec.97; Bary V. United States – 273 US 128, â??â?¦statutes
which would deprive a citizen of the rights of person or property without a regular
trial, according to the course and usage of common law, would not be the law of the
Amos vs. Mosley, 74 Fla. 555; 77 So. 619: “If the legislature clearly misinterprets
a constitutional provision, the frequent repetition of the wrong will not create a
Chisholm vs. State of Georgia (US) 2 Dall 419, 454, 1 L Ed 440, 455 2 DALL 1793 pp.
471-472: “…at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are
truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects…with
none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens,
Page 1
and as joint tenants in the sovereignty.
@Patriot trump lost, he’ll die a traitor, take your meds
Stalin was much smarter
Fred Trump would be so disappointed in his son. Even the long-time family accounting firm has walked away from Trump.
@Patriot Patriot does not mean traitor to your democracy. Or are you a Russian patriot? If Trump is anything like Putin he will leave his people to suffer while he builds himself another castle.
@Violet Golden The actual accounting firm said so.
@Patriot Trumps a failure, always has been, always will be. He ran through all his daddies money.
Fred knew that Donnie was a loser. The difference between the children, however, was that Lord Marmalade was ambitious. The others wanted normal lives, The Fat One wanted glory and accolades.
@Patriot OHHHH MY! That must of hurt when they gave you that talk!!!
Why sir did the Republican party devolve into a one-man autocracy I just can’t believe the voters of the Republican party are choosing such a dark path it is simply a sad deal
@David LaValley I’m doing fantastic. By working class what do you mean? Fast food, warehouse work? Lol I drive a truck 5 days a week and make six figures.
@patje hideous you know what all people who support abortion have in common….they are all alive
@Jeanne 54 abortions have killed 70 million babies since roe vs Wade
@Casey smith
Y’all have been saying Trump is going to jail for five years
@Mark Not really, I have been saying he was going to do something stupid. I figured there would be enough of an R majority to keep him from getting impeached and going to jail.
Never put your trust in a former president who has Jim Bakker’s haircut and Tammy Faye’s make-up.
@Bill Lynch
. That won’t become a world wide meme like Let’s go Brandon.
@M Hall Actually, they are laughing at how pathetic it is.
You think it is some kind of clever code. That is what is priceless. I dare you to keep using it.
@Dana Black Let’s go Darwin
Oh funny!
@Dana Black
Let’s go Darwin!
Will Trump’s endorsement swing these Republican primary battles?
@Mark Cry some more, butterfly. Durham’s report will be swept under the rug and forgotten forever. Enjoy Biden as your president.
@Sara Johnson I know .
I did try and join Antifa but I couldn’t find their secret clubhouse.
@Sara Johnson apparently not. No social media seems to give two shits about the fact that they are helping to destroy America and democracy.
@Lucas Vigor They really don’t care. All about the power and the money. Capitalism clearly doesn’t work. At least unchecked capitalism.
@Lucas Vigor Lol. They don’t have one because Antifa doesn’t exist as an actual group. It’s an ideology. It’s just simply means someone is anti fascist. Remember when republicans hated fascism? Now they’re mostly just too undereducated to even realize their views and the people they support are fascist.
“he lowered wages and employment”
sounds like a bad thing to me?!?!
@G Mill
. Lol that meme won’t go anywhere. Doesn’t even make sense. Geeeeeeee Mill.
@M Hall – You’d understand it if you had half a brain, but…
Ya obviously don’t, so try again next week on Who’s a Moron? 
@M Hall and Brandon/Sleepy is still your president if you live in the US
CNN education showing
Because he doesn’t care about anything except loyalty to trump
@Controversial news networks do like to focus on high profile criminals.
@Phil except for Hillary Clinton’s SPYGATE… FACT
@MrDelight But can they connect the dots back to her? Seems unlikely. She’s a sophisticated criminal unlike trump. He doesn’t have a suicide squad.
@Phil the email scandal they caught her but the FBI head let her off because of her death squad.. we will see many of her AIDES die of SUICIDE or WEIRD DEATHS when they start closing in on her
@MrDelight it is odd that she lost to a buffoon but has a team of ninjas that can kill people who are loosely connected to her and husband, despite questionable motives for their deaths
“He lowered wages and employment”?? They REALLY just don’t even hear themselves.
@Rhys Grealish What do renewables have to do with the fact Biden’s policies have led to us purchasing over 200K barrels of oil a day from Russia (the highest amount in 11 years) because we are producing 1M fewer barrels of oil a day? And I couldn’t care less about the rest of that nonsense you spouted off?
@jon pork again, take your meds
@Kyle Skeins If any of that were true and not merely exaggerations and outright lies, then maybe you’d have a point. Unfortunately, Cons are liars, Trump proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
@All Time The Durham court filing shows you are confused about who the con-men and liars are
@jon pork When you can’t face the facts, you resort to calling people racis, sexist or Nazi’s with no validation for any of that. Here are facts. Left wingers called Kyle Rittenhouse house a white supremacist with no evidence when he was out there protecting his community. Fact. DARREL BROOKS posted on social media about harming white people and the proceeded to drive his car into the Waukesha Christmas parade killing 6 white people including a 6 year old, not a word from the left. Fact the BLM riots were caused by a fictitious narrative of racism by the left and then were attempted to portray them as peaceful protests. Fact the left reported inaccurate data on covid consistently including death percentage, masks effectivness and vaccination info. Fact the Russian Collusion hoax was a storyline invented by the left and bankrolled by Hillary Clinton using a diplomat from Russia involved in her Campaign. Fact The left tried to cancel Joe Rogan because he won’t push their narrative to brainwash you liberal idiots further.
Debate me on any of them so I can drown you in your own ignorance.
I’m impressed. Everything she just said was wrong.
Probably read it off a teleprompter.
Yeah she’s definitely wrong
prices were definitely higher for gas when Trump was president
You would definitely be bonkers to keep backing tfg, but unfortunately that sort of describes his base.
Need to punish Hillary
So enjoy your point of the day. Would like to see you every day! Your selections and presentations are right on point! Thank you!
Ha ha ha he lowered taxes for the top 1%……most everything else he did FAILED. check the facts.
I wish they had said something accurate that was good like starting the end to the 19 year war in Iraq and 18 year war in Afghanistan. They could have said that but nope the Republicans Trump is endorsing are going to say stuff that is not true since all Trump wants are people Who in political terms think and act exactly the way he does. Okay so in this case every single one might end up in jail or in very hot water like Trump. Fingers crossed that we find 90% of the people Trump endorsed either not make it out of Primary or they end up going to jail/in hot water should be in jail like Trump.
He took on China, by getting his daughter patents there and making sure his grand children all speak Mandarin. Ya right!!
Trump never took on china! He put tariffs on American products being shipped out of China that only hurt American consumers, but allowed those companies to raise prices on American consumers raising those company stocks!
It is Called Stock Manipulation and maximizing Company profits!
Nothing Trump did Harmed China! Just the American people!
You said a Lot
@Larry Barnhouse Don’t forget the fact that all his Trump tacky hotel and product merch are all made in China, by slaved children.
And why he pays real and full income taxes in and to China, soo..
T can’t get over losing fair & square. What a coward. This is what happens with elitist and cowards.
He’s basically telling 81 million people their vote doesn’t count and is endorsing the Republican vote strategy of putting laws in place which allow elected officials to overturn results
@Mark Oh, like making it a jailable offence for an election official to send out a mail in vote if the voter didn’t request it? The new early voting laws effectively outlawed 24hr voting, yes, they requiredn more counties to introduce at least 12 hrs early voting, but lowered the population threshold from 100,000 to 55,000, of which the majority are red counties. Or to strictly limit voter assistance, affecting the disabled, elderly, non english speakers etc? And so what if drive through was an “allowance”? It worked well, Id and registration had to be shown. Texas also strengthened the powers and autonomy of partisan poll watchers, when intimidation is already a tactic employed by republicans for decades, the only concession won by democrats being that watchers must undergo “training”…
You can stop pretending that republicans haven’t known for years that the more people vote, the less they win, and are pulling every trick possible to minimise numbers.
@Richie Greign
24 hour voting was a one time allowance because of covid. You continue to prove you are clueless
@jon pork

Yes, CNN hired a researcher to find out why Rogan is trusted more than CNN
@kay armstrong Anyone can choose to only hear what they want to.
@Mark What’s your obsession with CNN? Who cares? Who cares what any talking head says? Your cult republicans in Texas tried to toss the 127,000+ drive through votes soon after the election, it was a proven safe and effective means to vote, there was absolutely no need to ban it, again, it’s just the standard gop procedure now, anything to surpress votes that might go against them. again, 8 red states so far stripping sec of state authorities, passing it to highly partisan legislators, basically giving any republican “authority” to overturn an election on a whim.
Congratulations, you might just get your wish, a fascist state with a trump dynasty ruling forever…see how the civil war might turn out…
Why? Because he learned from his twisted father, his buddies in New York’s Italian mafia, and the Godfather movies to be obsessed with revenge.
He is a class act, throwing temper tantrums when things don’t go his way. He wants your LOYALTY TO HIM; he doesn’t want you to be an independent thinker. Unless you “kiss the ring” you are nothing more than trash to him. Many people love that.
@Matts Subway Cup what does being a Democrat or Republican or a doctor or a nurse have to do with who Donald Trump is? Nothing.
@Matts Subway Cup “Deflection”… You are absolutely a good example of what a… TRUMPLICAN IS!!!
@Matts Subway Cup democrats have become zombies at this point. No thinking involved, they are just waiting to be fed talking points. Pathetic really. What can you expect from people voting in a senile old racist for president. Yuck
Durham report
@Eddy mmm
….exactly what I expect from any trump zombie.
Because he has a mind of a child and he is having one of his temper tantrum