Why Trump embracing QAnon is so dangerous

In mid-August, President Trump did something incredibly dangerous: he refused to disavow the fringe conspiracy group QAnon. In this latest episode of The Point, Chris Cillizza explains why Trump’s decision is so worrisome.


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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.


Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
Editor: Michelle Cho
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#CNN #Cillizza #QAnon

Why Trump embracing QAnon is so dangerous


    1. @♿NPC-TardLivesMatter✊ Bad news… Biden’s were higher. tRump, Fox etc have lied so much to you all that you all just swallow it hook, line and sinker

    2. @Frederick Rhodes Like the kind performed by pedophile Rabbis who crave the blood off tiny circumcised penis of babies? QAnon hates any form of child abuse and does all to expose, report, hunt & prosecute pedophiles, traffickers & abusers of children world wide.

    1. @Rachet Clank God wanted me to expain to you that police and depts like ICE catch criminals and help to reduce the number kids traficked. But Democrats want to cut those budgets. Meaning less criminals arrested and more kids trafficked

    2. @Steph J I hear ya. They dont realize cutting funding to cops and depts like ICE means less criminals caught and more kids trafficked. Marx and Engels were fools and have been used to create tyrannical govt and usful idiots now for like 170 years

    3. @Schuyler Ebbets no really what you are saying is true. Media makes up “umbrella man” who is supposedly a ring winger who started all the riots in first place. Even though left wingers are the ones rioting the last 3 months. Wow. CNN viewers are brain dead.

  1. Nazis?
    I don‘t know anything about them but I have heard they like me. So they are great people loving our country…

    1. @Brother Spartacus bother. Biden is old. That was the 60’s. Everybody protested. It was a way to get chicks. Hippies and flower children. Np big deal.

    2. @Brother Spartacus brother I’m sorry. I posted responding to you when it should have been somewhere else. That is what I get for working, feeding dog and commenting on utube. I apologize.

    1. Why wouldnt we appreciate getting info and news stonewalled by the msm?
      If a dangerous storm is brewing or destruction has happened, why wouldnt we want info we can use to protect ourselves and our children?

  2. “Judge somebody by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

    1. @Kay So, are you condoning the murder? Please explain how racism has affected YOU? I’m caucasian and I’ve felt racism myself on many occasions. Try going to a prominently black school and being made fun of everyday.. called cracka, imbred, devil and so forth. Laughed at because of my clothes, shoes and my skin color.. I was taught to respect EVERYONE but others were NOT taught to respect me, they were raised to HATE me. I’m not playing victim or looking for some kind of revenge. I’m not inciting violence or expecting anything but respect something i have yet to receive. . Let’s talk about racism towards whites because I’m tired of the LIES stating that only white ppl can be racist.. Thats far from the truth.

    2. @tracey S Suddenly I’m in my feelings because i state truth. Typical liberal just can’t stand it when someone calls you out.. Funny how y’all cry about racism but no other race is supposed to reveal the actual truth. Hypocrisy

    1. Why because we want our country free from the world wreckers and thieves? Obama and the DEMS stole trillions and is funding ANTIFA and BLM. You need a class on real history that is non partison.

    2. @Nomore Illegals please “stole trillions” lol what are you high? If you’re referring to the national debt, Trump’s administration is on track to add more to the national debt in his first term than Obama did. Regarding your second claim, there’s zero proof that the democratic party is funding antifa and blm, that’s just conspiratard nonsense. Frankly I can’t take anyone seriously that lumps Obama into the mix as if he’s still President. You sound like Trump and FOX claiming that a Biden America will be filled with riots and looting, yet completely unwilling to acknowledge that the cities are on fire in TRUMPS America.

    3. @AnthonyItaliano
      Good luck… will be there to hold your hand and your hair when you vomit. You are going to be blown away at the Democratic party and the Rats that you have been believing for the past 20 years

    4. @Nomore Illegals please sure. But civil asset forfeiture is just peachy right. The cops taught us looting is just fine.

  3. If the guy from the apprentice was heading up a battle to expose these allegations, he would not be able to keep it a secret.

    1. Remember when Trump was on the apprentice and he was not a racist, incompetent and fascist? That is until CNN told you what to think.

    2. @Polk High Trump is an actor portraying a fabricated character. So are all the personalities and opinions of CNN.
      You need a wonderful hero and you need a smart evil villain. Both are crucial to the plot or the story is boring.
      The masses get very bored very easily these days. You lose control of the sheep if are not paying attention to you.

  4. Why is it so easy to see the right wing doing something bad with this conspirqcy, but BLM and these riots are just ignored??

    1. @inget angett Actually, I think you missed my point which is that you are comparing apples to oranges as these are two very different groups that need to be approached in very different ways. Peaceful demonstration about issues that you care about (ie. BLM) is a constitutionally protected right that all Americans have, and just because we are getting some rioting/looting along with that, doesn’t meant that we can (nor should) be advocating to strip those rights away from our citizens. QAnon, on the other hand, is a crazy and dangerous conspiracy theory movement that prays on innocent (usually uneducated or mentally ill) people and has caused many to literally loose their lives or get seriously injured. For these reasons, QAnon has been classified as a domestic terror threat, and so we should be doing whatever we can as a nation to stop them. Put in baby terms, BLM is a good movement that is fighting for racial equality. QAnon is a bad movement that is deluding and lying to innocent people, putting them in harms way. Which one should go and which one should be supported, I think should be fairly obvious to all of us at this point, and that has nothing to do with right vs. left. It just has to do with basic right vs. wrong, and anyone with even half a moral compass should be able to see that.

    2. @John Parks Somebody’s been watching too much CNN (Counterfeit News Network/Communist News Network)! The QAnon group *IS* a bunch of researchers. Although I do not consider myself one of them, I have seen a few of the posts which normally ASK QUESTIONS about various people, connections, events & groups which the followers then research & find various connections which provides an more realistic texture of what is really going on around us. The posts don’t dictate mis-information like CNN, FOX & the rest of Lamestream media which was never about telling us the truth, but instead is about creating a false reality through eloquently presented propaganda (which Obama removed the ban from in 2012/2013 in the Smith-Mundt Act) disguised as “news” which is mostly false. One of the truths they hide is the one they too are involved in: Satan-worshiping pedophiles *are* running a global child-sex trafficking ring & have been under all of our noses for decades. What do you think happens to the hundreds of thousands of missing children each year? Do you recall the NXIVM child trafficking scandal? Are you aware of Epstein’s Pedo Island? Are you aware of the big names involved (like Lying Bill “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Clinton) with the people involved & connected to these scandals, including Oprah who praised John of God who turned out to host a private island complete with women breeder slaves like Epstein wanted to do? The fakestream news media would like us to think that all these are all a series of random, unconnected events when the truth is, they are ALL connected. If you read the genuine Pedo-Desta emails you would learn about Killary’s affection for “worshiping Muloch & sacrificing a chicken” or these creatures involvement in the clearly SATANIC practice of SPIRIT COOKING which involves blood rituals, semen & breast milk among other things. Marina Abromovic’s own email features a ‘666’. That ain’t about no Christianity. Are you aware that nearly all presidents have been bloodline related? Ever hear of the Bush families involvement in the satanic Skull and Bones society? You have a lot of catching up to do if not. I don’t know if Drumpf is really battling all of these creatures because his own VP is an alleged child rapist/murderer if Tory Smith’s testimony can be believed.

      The so-called “protests” I have seen are anything BUT peaceful. Nothing racist about it, I have seen plenty of WHITE creeps holding BLM signs destroying property & speaking of BLM, it was founded by 3 black WITCHES. More satanism for you. Check out Chelsea’s affiliation with the Church of Satan & Killary’s involvement with an actual witch coven. BLM & ANTIFA are both fraudulent terror organizations with deceptive names that make them appear to be anti racist & anti fascist yet if one examines their doctrines & actions it will become crystal clear that they are pro-racist & extremely fascist. The irony. George Soros-affiliated with ACME bricks is responsible for placing piles of their bricks on various street corners to keep the sick narratives going. PS. The George Floyd video was faked too, set up to ignite the widespread violence as similar scenes took place in other countries like Spain & France. Here is some detail on Floyd to whet your appetite!


    3. @Jesse Eldredge jesse its not that complicated. Its a couple of gamers cashing in on a runaway hit. Like a freak movie hit. They are laughing all the way to the bank at the stupid people. Its the same shepeople who found the TV series LOST to be fascinating.

    4. @jaketus q is really something America should be ashamed of and really worried about how the future of the grandchildren will be squandered leaving a dead and starving country while the grandparents chased a wee gee board ghost and took its advice. I hope the children can forgive us.

  5. You wont find the moderate left here. They have left the building. They went to the white house. These clowns here at CNN are so far left, they in a different galaxy.

    1. @Johnny Bhoy johnny wow no wonder people laugh at conspiracy people.
      The number of well known people executed is staggering. The expense of keeping up the pretense they are not arrested or DEAD must be astronomical.
      I just looked up …say Madonna and JUST her Instagram has selfies from Jamaica and everywhere.
      Movie in the works.
      Never bothered to look up any one else.
      Who is paying for that?
      And why keep it a secret?

      oh and the guy in the picture looks like Stallone. Just saying.

    2. https://www.johntfloyd.com/trump-administration-gives-child-sex-traffickers-a-break/
      The simple, unvarnished truth is that the Trump administration has exhibited a continuous deplorable pattern of crimes against children and casual neglect for their well-being. Justice Department attorneys, at the explicit or implicit direction of the president, have diverted most of their prosecutorial resources to illegal entry cases. Besides a decrease in child sex trafficking prosecutions, prosecution of corruption cases have also declined considerably under the Trump administration.

      In effect, the Trump administration is telling the American people that the prosecution of misdemeanor illegal entry cases is more important the prosecution of child sex trafficking and political corruption cases, neither of which should be surprising inasmuch as the president has a history of paling around with rich pedophiles

  6. What’s dangerous to CNN is Seeing more Nick sandmann considering he is the highest paid person from CNN will he be winning any awards for his speech at the RNC 2020 night?????? 😂

    1. @Ryan McAlister Ryan
      Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest oil exporter, shipping about 9 million barrels of crude daily. The US produces roughly 12 million barrels of oil per day, but consumes 20 to 25 million. In 2020 that figure rose the 26 million.
      In the third quarter of 2018, the U.S. imported roughly 19.2 million barrels of petroleum per day, with the largest amounts coming from Canada (41%) and Saudi Arabia (10%). In the third quarter of 2019 the U.S. exported roughly 19.5 million barrels of petroleum per day.

      And Trump is taking pot shots at Canada with ridiculous tariffs that hurt even american citizens.
      How long will America keep getting the oil from Canada without a war.

    2. @Ryan McAlister Ryan: your comment
      First time America has been energy independent
      No longer relying on Saudi Arabia and Russia for oil
      My answer:
      US produces roughly 12 million barrels of oil per day, but consumes 20 to 25 million. In 2020 that figure rose the 26 million.
      In the third quarter of 2018, the U.S. imported roughly 19.2 million barrels of petroleum per day, with the largest amounts coming from Canada (41%) and Saudi Arabia (10%). In the third quarter of 2019 the U.S. exported roughly 19.5 million barrels of petroleum per day.

      America is NOT energy independent.

    3. the remark about canada is reflexive how short sighted Trump is by abusing one of Americas longest allies. His actions hurt Americans and Canadians. His own people are collateral damage in ridiculous ego wars Trump has to engage in being “the little man he is”

    1. Has anyone actually seen a picture of Epstein’s body? What about funeral photos?
      Its almost like he just up n left…

    2. Yes and trp don’t vote himself out that’s our pleasure folks. Get his sorry srs out now. A crook traitor.

    3. Gerardo Argueta
      Bwahahahahaha !
      So when are these 150k sealed indictments coming then ?
      Should we wait 4 more years ?
      F’ing moron …

  7. There are legitimate predictions by Q. The most recent was his
    prediction of the arrest of FBI agent Kevin Clinesmith over a week prior
    to public announcement (Former lawyer Clinesmith pleaded guilty in
    federal court in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday to making false
    statements by altering an email related to former Trump campaign aide
    Carter Page. John Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, filed a
    criminal complaint against Clinesmith on Friday.) Many of Q’s
    predictions have come true, to day and in some cases time of day (John
    McCain’s death, Las Vegas Mass Shooting, Epstein and Maxwell arrest).
    Q also has posted photos from
    places only a person of the highest security level could access (Air
    Force 1 over restricted airspace in N Korea, unidentified military
    facilities that appear to be underground, inside restricted NSA areas).
    Laugh all you like TYT, until you explain how Q can be 100% right to
    date regarding important predictions you are just another propaganda
    commentary channel with zero merit. Something is very mysterious about
    Q, and Q continues to prove he (or she) has intel access at the highest
    levels possible.

    1. @cottonwood tree I dont have a link. I saw them when the Q post was active. There is no website. Search for Q archives.

    2. ​@no name no body: a long time ago one of the great presidents said this. guess we forgot.
      In his farewell Presidential address, George Washington advised American citizens to view themselves as a cohesive unit and avoid political parties and issued a special warning to be wary of attachments and entanglements with other nations.

    3. @no name hey no name: wow and you remembered details and dates and full spelling of names from a now deleted Q archive. You remembered everything exactly like it was written a long time ago. You are a genius for sure. ( said a la trump style re: ingesting bleach)

    4. @cottonwood tree Pretty popular names buddy. Not hard to remember. Many of Q’s predictions are so amazing you never forget.

    1. @John Parks John the protocal for a discussion debate or thesis is YOU supply the links and sources of your opinion. Look at any academic paper or serious journalist.
      A link
      Anything less makes you a bum that is shaking a pitch fork from the cheap seats.

    2. @cottonwood tree I didn’t think it was too hard to find the report yourself in the 21st century with google and all, but if you really need the link for the original pdf here it is:


      And here’s an article summarizing the takeaways of the report in case you don’t have time to read the actual thing:


      Again, I want to stress that the the senate intelligence committee report was BIPARTISAN, with republicans and democrats working on it side by side, and they found enough evidence to determine that there was indeed collusion, and lots of it. It has been proven at this point, so it’s not up for debate anymore. Unfortunately, I’m quite certain you’ll just find another crazy excuse to deny reality and continue living in your little “MAGA 2020” parallel universe despite all the links I gave you, so I probably just wasted a lot of my time (hence why I don’t bother with links).

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