The traditional White House portrait unveiling may be skipped for the first time in decades amid bad blood between Trump and Obama, reports NBC News' Carol Lee. Aired on 05/19/2020.
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Why Traditional WH Portrait Unveiling May Cease For Now | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Guess Biden will just have to do this for Obama next year.
That will be another tradition I suspect both sides will agree doesn’t need to happen, Trump and Biden in the same photo. Trump will probably exit Washington the night before and spend inauguration day golfing in Florida if the weather is cooperative. Biden is not going to sit down with Trump during transition to be briefed on the current state of things for obvious reasons, Biden probably knows more about the current state of the country being a private citizen than Trump knows being President. An average 5th grader who sat through Whitehouse briefings about the state of the country and world could tell you more than Trump could, an average 5th graders understanding of these briefings would be deeper than Trump’s.
cool beans
Walter White only an ignorant fool would believe what you’re saying.
@Walter White This Is incredible news! You should share this news amongst your fellow Trump supporters…the soon sooner, the better! Save yourselves!
As the post below…Joe Biden can hold it for Barack Obama. Fittiing in many ways. Certainly tRUMP doesn’t deserve a portrait…
Trump portrait is needed … surely the world needs one. We should look up at some people and try to improve ourselves. We should look at some people and make sure we don’t behave like that. We needs DOs and DONOTs in life. Trump portrait should be hung in a new section.
Make sure we all get to the polls. Even with Bernie the youth voters failed to turn up
Trump = WORST President in American history .
@Vera von Weltin …are you talking about a man-made virus with RNA injection points,
an HIV delivery system, and a gain of function far beyond a virtue signaling mask, made in
a laboratory out of Wuhan, China? C’mon man, you are watching news
media that is partially sponsored by George Soros (right hand man of Adolf Hitler) and
yes he is still alive!
@David M Karaoke …hey David. Here is the source for the chlorine dioxide intravenously injected.
Chinese virus Covid-19 isn’t an Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD), it turns out. Rather, it often presents as an inflammation and blood clotting condition (see The Lancet research, below) which causes the blood to be unable to carry oxygen, resulting in patient hypoxia and eventual asphyxiation
Walter White Not a reliable source of news.
Try again.
@David M Karaoke …This was a comment made by the President last week that everybody was making fun of. Thats what I was referring to. Currently the President is using is a more preventative measure, HydroxyChloroquine in combination with Zinc which pushes the Zinc into the cells. Prescribed by your personal doctor, and has been around
for 65 years. A proven success rate just recently out of France.
@Vera von Weltin He’s making that crap up.
More than ever they need to do this now. to get it together. Citizens of the USA might take heed if our leaders could just get it together. Who is at fault? Trump and his GOPers.
If they could get along for the sake of the country but nope they act like weirdos
Trump should be wiped from history. Biden to Obama and ignore the parasitic fascist in the WH at present.
@Marchant2 – You think more Dems want Communism? I’d hate to think that.
@kelperdude How you were able to come to that conclusion by what I said is beyond me.
No, he should remain in history forever to remind people of Republican’s failure and cowardice.
A frame canvas painted orange would be fair.
@Walter White chlorine dioxide? Please go back and listen to what your buffoon said and then come back and try again
As if lumpy dumpy is gonna say something nice about president Obama! No chance! He’s too shallow and petty. Lol
Did you consider that possibly it might be because of Obamagate. You know, committing fraud on the FISA court to spy on his campaign. Leaking classified information to the press. I could go on.
@Howard Bueker what was the crime?
at his dad’s funeral, trump spent his entire time praising himself (occasionally looping back to “praise” Fred for having sperm’d his own wondrous self).
it’s absolutely gross fwiw.
Please re-read. I clearly listed two. 1. Fraud on the FISA court 2. Leaking classified info to the press. Your comprehension skills are lacking.
Obama was not a perfect president, but going from him to what we have now is like going from Masterpiece Theater to 16 and Pregnant.
Honey Boo-Boo comes to mind for me.
love it lol
Obama protected the criminals in wall street
@John Hillman then you must be apoplectic for what trump is doing
… right?
@efs 1066 yep
Trump is an aberration in the history of US presidency
The biggest aberration is that he’s not a president but lives in the WH and calls himself one.
@Marchant2 Unfortunately Thump has the power of a President. It’s like giving a 10 year old the keys to your car.
@Billy Akin I HOPE he is an aberration – and not a harbinger of the future.
@EricIrl I think the insanity of Thump as President is a aberration but…the Oligarchy would rather have someone like Thump over a Bernie Sanders. The Oligarchy does not want a President that will fight for the Poor, the Working Poor, or the Middle Class. So, we might still see a Thump like character again, unfortunately.
@My Thoughts&Words !! The janitor would be an improvement.
This is so sad , our democracy is basically on HOLD until January 2021
I’m betting until 2025.
Howard Bueker no way. The covid deaths alone will be over 100k on top of all the people out of jobs
The older voters
Fitting that Carter started this and Trump ends it. A metaphor for Democrats vs Republicans. Wait until we wipe Trump’s face from history.
Yes…..Trump’s legacy will include impeachment, a blatant disregard for the rule of law, descimation of the emoluments clause, nepotism, delivering damaging misinformation to the American people, lack of leadership skills and the calamitous number of deaths due to the pandemic. That. Is. All.
@Glo Girl But Carter is still working for a housing charity even though he’s in his 90s. Can’t see Trump doing anything decent at all. Trump is still killing innocents overseas despite the fact of the pandemic, i.e. kicking people when they’re down. That’s his legacy!
Now this should tell you the state of America. Every previous president has been able to do this respectfully. Trump is so undeserving of the the role and title.
Your post does show the state of America. It shows the poor state of our education system. Jimmy Cater started this tradition not George Washington.
Howard Bueker errrmm did anyone here mention Jimmy Carter or George Washington? Oh I get it….desperate for attention I see. Well… you got it.
Joy O to be fair, you did say “every previous President”, and the video clearly stated Jimmy Carter started it in 1980. Let me take a wild guess… you’ll be voting for Biden this year because neither one of you can remember something you heard or read 5 minutes ago?
C-Mo 313 one would think anyone with a quarter of a brain would be able to comprehend what I said. Ohhh…I forgot Trump supporters need extra help and I need to be literal with every single word. Got you.
Great Post !!
Obama’s image is already filling up Trump in Trump’s head.
True, Obama has a 3 story condo, with room for a 2 car garage in Don the Con’s head

LuvDoesIt Love your reply! You give more detail. I will pick out some curtains for the condo. LOL

Who wants to bet Trump doesn’t have one of his goons physically destroy parts of the White House on their way out. Trump is the classless type to pour cement down the toilets, and skeet and buggers all over the walls and furniture.
The ORANGE DEGENERATE knows he’d feel like a LITTLE WORM standing next to a REAL PRESIDENT. And he’d be right!
Can you see trump’s portrait now? An orange peel surrounded by hamburders.
With a Russian flag in the background.
The picture of Dorian Gray comes to mind.
It’ll still look look better than the Biden portrait that isn’t there.
Easy fix: Let Biden unveil Obama’s portrait next year. Trump doesn’t deserve an inch of wall space. He’ll probably be in jail, anyway.
@Glo Girl So the stable genius won’t continue the tradition of throwing out the first pitch at the world series. He won’t attend the White House Correspondence dinner. And he won’t have a traditional ceremony unveiling his presidential portrait because Obama will be there. And what conclusion, pray tell, are we to draw from these actions? Obviously, the POS narcissist is a complete f*cking coward when it comes to his ego. So this “stable genius” tries to protect his fragile ego at all cost – because he is so weak inside! Coward!
@Bigsey Picturing trump trying to throw the ball to home plate from the mound, no way he would ever get it there, but would be good for a laugh.
@Bigsey *….fragile ego is a perfect descriptor!*
I don’t think it’s going to be easy as you think. You seem to be forgetting Biden has Dementia. Did you see his latest town hall? He was talking to a pre-recorded question. The man is talking to somebody that’s not there. You guys run a career white collar criminal and now one with Dementia. You guys can sure pick em.
@Howard Bueker Reagan had memory issues. I’m not sure if he had dementia but he was still a far better president than Trump.
Well, if Joe Biden does it for Trump*’s portrait the only way he’ll be able to attend is if he gets a day-release pass from Rikers…
Erm … which one?
@Margaret Nicol haven’t you heard? OBAMAGATE!

@Ashley S. MacKenzie Does that fit into Trump’s wall?
Trump doesn’t need another portrait. He already has the huge one he paid for by stealing the charity money.
Margaret Nicol tru dat…
And yet, he won’t go to prison for that, either. Sad.
Bring in lots of Clorox disinfectant.
Another presidential tradition: releasing tax returns.
Amen to that!
This is from a time when ADULTS served as President of the United States…. I miss those days.
Trump’s portrait will be hung up in the visitors’ toilet.