CNN's Abby Phillip and a panel of political reporters discuss former President Trump's week of controversies on "Inside Politics." #CNN #news
Why this week was one of the worst of Trump’s political career

CNN's Abby Phillip and a panel of political reporters discuss former President Trump's week of controversies on "Inside Politics." #CNN #news
The ONLY reason Republicans would break from Trump is when they are convinced he’s too much of a liability. Not because of any moral reasoning.
@Harvest Smiles These bots will be busy trying to spin the information, as always
@Elmosweed “accused”? EXACTLY hahaha you hang in there elmer you’ll catch that wascally wabbit some day!
@Paul Itix
That is how the law works genius.
You are accused of a crime.
You must then show your innocence.
Both sides are not for us . K L a u s. S.c.h.w a.b is running things. He is finishing out H.i.t.l.e.r.s. Plans.
All of which has left his allies “wondering if the former president is finally becoming a liability” you don’t say 🤯
Probably shouldn’t be rapin’ little girls. That is pretty sick.
When Jack Smith indicts Trump on multiple felonies, that will beat this week by light years.
@Jim Brew he prosecuted the Unabomber. Timothy McVeigh. Has never lost. Got a judge to sign a search warrant for Trumps house
@Drowning poor alice just like with Hillary 🤣🤣🤣🤣 why isn’t she in jail? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Ryan Elliott Lock her up….WHEN
@Pam Jones why would the FBI investigate themselves?
@Pam JonesYou’re a known bot
The nose dive accelerates as he becomes more desperate to find anyone who will stroke his ego, no matter how disgusting they are.
@Ver Coda I’m anti war and very anti for paying for one. Ukraine is corrupt and a lost cause.
@Randy Watson
Trollski Patrolski.
@TesserId Cult. Not “fans” but cult members.
@sad romantic ignoramus giganticus
Dream on. He’s being talked about 24/7 on every cable news channel in the country . Anytime the coverage lags, he just throws a stick of outrageousness on the fire, and the press responds. His dopamine flows at the sound of his name. The only bad press he knows is no press.
If you think this was trump’s worst week just wait there are worst weeks coming
Tramp should be ARRESTED
@breadnbuns trump is the anti-Christ
Yep we are getting him now!!!
Well so close.
This time we have him!!!
Maybe next time.
if you think the last two years of buck fiden and the democrats was the worst wait for the next two lib
@Will Tell All No one cares.
Imagine if you were friends with someone who loved the Dallas Cowboys, and whenever that team lost, your friend would deny that they lost and that somehow there was a mass conspiracy against their team and they simply would never shut up about it, make signs, wear shirts, and flew a flag saying so. You wouldn’t be friends for long.
@Pam Jones what proof do you need? Evidence a plenty if you get off the mockingbird media outlets…
Pam Jones If you havent seen the previous releases be sure to keep your eyes on the the next few Twitter file releases…
@Pam Jones If you havent seen the previous releases be sure to keep your eyes on the the next few Twitter file releases…
@Harold <—signs of a sociopath: “He lost, he lied, and Ashli Babbitt died.”
Are you talking about Stacy Abrams?
Bad week, bad week. Tired of listening that he had a bad week. WHEN WILL HE BE CHARGED??
Dear Donald,
May all your Yesterdays be better than all of your Tomorrows.
Sounds like you got that one twisted
Good night Jackie
Where’s Jackie? She here? 🤪🤪🤪🤪
An indictment and conviction would help convince a lot more republicans to ditch this monstrosity. My two cents.
Think, think, think. Why do some people stand by Trump. If you could answer this, then you would know that for most of them – Trump himself – has little to do with it.
If you actually believe an indictment and conviction would convince more republicans, clearly you haven’t been Around very many Republicans and are underestimating the depth and their stupidity.
The creature, even in prison, would not lose one single republican vote. They, just like the creature, have no heart or soul.
The GOP are silently praying for an indictment. They want him indicted so they DON’T have to publicly dump him. They can then blamed the indictment not the fact that they want him gone? They stand a chance of keeping the MAGAMoron vote if they can blame it on the DIJ. The GOP knows he is nothing but a liability but can’t make the break without pizzing off his MAGAMorons. They are gutless hypocrites.
Who cares if he is a liability! What we want is him indicted and arrested, period. He broke the law, repeatedly. And so far he is getting off. We are tired of all this.
Broke what law? Did he promise to withhold money from Ukraine if his son’s prosecutor wasn’t fired? Or did he direct his campaign to work with twitter to breach the first amendment to cover up a story about his criminal son? Or did he promise college loan refunds when he had no authority to do so? Or did he kill 13 Americans in Afghanistan through sheer incompetence alone?
Oh wait that was Biden.
Get used to it, friend. It might be better to look for a Plan B
“Finally becoming a liability”? He has always been a liability.
Here is the recommended clip that say it :
How so? He was president for 4 years, and did not one of the bad things that democrats have been doing. Whatever democrats accuse trump of, it’s something that they are doing. That’s a verifiable fact. If you do not want trump because of what he might do, how do you feel about democrats that are actually doing it? Actions speak louder than words. Democrats are hypocritical beyond belief, and I have lost all respect for them, especially the democrat bullies that bash people for who they voted for. Democrats have become the anti-freedom party. They have become establishment bootlickers, always supporting the elite by acting as pawns. You don’t even see it, but it’s not hard to see if you step out of your leftist echo chamber, which democrats never would do. Why try to understand and respect different views? That would be too much thought process for libs, and they don’t like to do any thinking for themselves.
Finally we have him.
Well, so close.
We have him now!!!
Almost had him.
This time for sure!!!!!
Maybe next time.
“Why this week was one of the worst of Trump’s political career” – EVERY WEEK (and day and hour) that Trump is alive and free is the worst week of MY life.
Here is the recommended clip that say it :
smoke some legalized drugs and you will be alright. maybe some meds for the TDS that will help flake
How can THIS week be any worse than EVERY week of his political career? Also, HE could care less!
He absolutely cares. He would not fare well in prison.
It’s actually the best week if you go through the Twitter Files release…
The majority of republicans would vote for a balloon if it had an R beside it. The Democratic party simply needs to get more people out to vote and to fight the republicans who try to restrict voting in various ways.
@JK we??? Cuckoo cuckoo. Leave me alone you creepy weirdo.. you’re like Trump perving over his daughter
@Stephen Jordan yah, glad we cleared all that up for ya
@trumpist Come on Trumpist, didn’t you know under Jim Crow that black voters were able to have really strong turnout and elect fellow black people, like they just did in Georgia?
It’s totally like Jim Crow, black people becoming Senators in Southern states, and high black turnout at the polls.
hahahaha… least if you listen to braindead Democrats who’ve never picked up a history book.
@Islander Byrd oh no not the race card is that all you libs got LMAO. sounds like you might want to lay off the fake hat media. MSN BS and CNN that is all they talk about
@JK just repeating the great unifier joek biden.
It’s absurd to go on saying that the Republicans need to do something about Trump, when we already know that Republicans are waiting and hoping for the Democrats to do something about him.
Dogs Rule another fact worth sharing is that Elon Musk sent out a tweet saying “My pronouns are: Prosecute/Fauchi”
And that more Twitter file releases were yet to come… whatever that means. ✌️
@Dogs Rule another fact worth sharing is that Elon Musk sent out a tweet saying “My pronouns are: Prosecute/Fauchi”
And that more Twitter file releases were yet to come… whatever that means. ✌️
Big Game yea, I think Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney are among some that have joined with the dems to save their own hides… Twitter Files exposing a lot. Perhaps these details will emerge as well.
@Big Game yea, I think Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney are among some that have joined with the dems to save their own hides… Twitter Files exposing a lot. Perhaps these details will emerge as well.
@Harvest Smiles Yes we definitely have to get rid of all the swamp creatures if we are gonna get America back on track, it’s spiraling out of control and can’t trust any of them.
It’s frightening how long it takes America to recognize evil
@N New more importantly are the Twitter Files. Musk is just the messenger.
It’s a wonder they don’t declare a war on it. So far they’ve had war with drugs, one with terror. When’s the war on Ted Cruz
@Craig Jensen are your caps broke or are you just silly
Are you referring to Biden never realizing how evil Victor Bout is, or are you referring to the Democrat voters that have no issues with Biden giving Bout back to Putin?
@N New nowadays disagreeing with libs is evil. That’s what totalitarianism looks like, dare to disagree. The majority will tell the rest what to do with no regard for the opinion of almost half the nation.
He’s still walking around free and he’s still making millions of the suckers that support him. As long as that’s happening there’s no justice.
Most Americans knew Trump was a liability from the moment he came down those escalators.
@Pam Jones I couldn’t care less about what you want the topic to be…nobody does
@Michael Morningstar great at what lmao using the race card is that makes you great lmao
@Bettina Dewoof Of course they did, it just shows how many freakin’ morons there are in the US.
Canadian here; mid-50s. I remember underestimating Donald Trump… or rather, what he could get away with… all the way down the line. My father is served in the Royal Canadian Navy for 20 years, and when Donald Trump dumped on an undoubted war veteran, John McCain, and my jaw dropped. I knew the American people, and knew Trump was finished. Nope. I was visiting my parents when that whole “grab ’em by the pu$$y” thing came out and we all looked each other and we knew the American people, and knew Trump was finished. Nope. He went on stage and called his opponents juvenile names like a seven-year-old at recess and I knew the American people, and knew he was finished. Nope. He got the nod, and the Electoral College—although not the people—put him in the White House. I’ve learned my lesson. The system, and the gullibility of enough human beings, means that a pile of human filth like Donald Trump can aspire to the more important office that the human race has constituted so far. It’s one of the most disappointing realizations of my entire life.
@Pam Jones is that all you got lib LMAO
I keep hearing how bad things are for Trump. Yet almost 2 years later, he’s still not in prison. DOJ needs to indict now!
Gotta be a rock solid airtight case….they won’t get another shot
Got him now!!
Well almost……again.
@M Hall The law of averages eventually catches up to everyone…just ask John Gotti….oh wait he died in prison
Looks like Elon Musk is doing quite a bit to help in this department by exposing old Twitter policies. File release #4 just happened and no air time on the mockingbird media outlets… weird, right?
It’s disgusting that the republicans care so little for the American people, the Constitution, and our future enough to drop him even now.
And yet many dems still support the current corrupt regime… Where’s all this “caring” you speak of?
@Harvest Smiles it’s called the Inflation Recovery Act, the CHIPS Act to bring good paying manufacturing jobs to the US. Historically low Unemployment (sustained) and more. Stop watching Fox News and you might hear about where all the caring is. 🎉
Sherry Merideth oh yea, the one that does nothing to help inflation, and based on economists (that aren’t on the payroll) it will likely make inflation worse.
And the chips act that Pelosi had her son help negotiate. Wasn’t he the same son on the Burisma payroll with Hunter?
Sorry, don’t watch Fox.
But I did see the Twitter Files continue to wake up more normies…
Looks like I gotta send this twice for you to get notified… perhaps some “Google files” are in store in the near future… 🤷
@Sherry Merideth oh yea, the one that does nothing to help inflation, and based on economists (that aren’t on the payroll) it will likely make inflation worse.
And the chips act that Pelosi had her son help negotiate. Wasn’t he the same son on the Burisma payroll with Hunter?
Sorry, don’t watch Fox.
But I did see the Twitter Files continue to wake up more normies…
Its not only republicans, its every bafoon in that damned congress