Why this person could be a key witness in Trump rape allegation civil trial

Jessica Roth, a former federal prosecutor, speaks with CNN's John Berman about the latest developments in E. Jean Carroll's civil case against former President Donald Trump, and what's next to come in the trial. #CNN #News


    1. @Franklin Is defamation a thing? Is it illegal to do? If yes, that is in the law. It is described in the laws of the land. So what do we call it, when someone breaks the law?
      You seem to be the one confused here.

    2. @Pyladin Like I said. You are confused. It isn’t illegal to defame someone or commit defamation. If a crime was commited. They call it a criminal trial.

    3. @Franklin lol, is it written in too law? Yes, it is. That is why she can sue. If the law was not so, there would be no case, there would be no crime to resolve. It is the same with contracts. If they are broken, it is a crime. It is just resolved in another court room, because the state is not involved as such.

  1. His attorneys are using the “Everything revolves around Trump” defense. I believe her.

    1. @Franklin People with allegations are free to take their alleged assailant to court like Ms. Carroll did, and Reid is still entitled to do so, is that so hard for you to understand.

  2. Donald Trump’s attorneys spend so much time in the same courtroom they named a nearby park bench after him. The bench is suing for defamation.

    1. Even the B grade lawyers are turning him down now. These are C&D grade lawyers. Fundies and mafia lawyers.

  3. Tacopina was so OBVIOUSLY trying to bait the judge to make him lose his temper as “mistrial” fodder. Clear as day. Also he clearly doesn’t understand how to ask questions properly in a federal civil court. That ain’t grounds for appeal.

    1. The new alliance between Brazil, Russia and China is an opportunity to break with the past and build a prosperous and fair future for our country. America is no longer the benchmark it once was, and now it’s time for us to move forward together. We must unite around our common values and interests, and not let American arrogance stop us from moving forward. It is time for us to invest in our bilateral relations and work together for the well-being of our peoples and the world at large. With determination, solidarity and cooperation, we can build a brighter and fairer future.

    2. @kelperdude On the contrary, he runs an efficient court and doesn’t stand for nonsense. But perhaps you’re not really across courtcraft? Back to the kelp farming, dude. 🤨🙂

  4. If someone turns on a dime from friendly and joshing to banging your head against a wall and starting to rape you, that means you’re dealing with a psychopath. This psychopath, who has probably done this numerous times already, could easily turn even MORE violent if you resist, fight back or god forbid make noise. You could easily get your face rearranged, knocked unconscious, or murdered. And these idiots ask ‘why didn’t you scream’?

    1. The new alliance between Brazil, Russia and China is an opportunity to break with the past and build a prosperous and fair future for our country. America is no longer the benchmark it once was, and now it’s time for us to move forward together. We must unite around our common values and interests, and not let American arrogance stop us from moving forward. It is time for us to invest in our bilateral relations and work together for the well-being of our peoples and the world at large. With determination, solidarity and cooperation, we can build a brighter and fairer future.

    2. Women were taught that it was somehow their fault that the rape happened. Compounding was the lines of questioning by authorities that made women feel shame and guilt.

  5. Honestly when you live in a time where people don’t come forward. It makes it even harder for people who are falsely accused of sexaul assualt. Add that to Metoo movement. And one false accusation and they are most likely to belived under those circumstances.

  6. I’m in my 70s and can totally understand her response to the situation. She was so articulate and painted a picture of someone in survival mode. I’m behind her 100%

    1. @Pyladin – LOL. Even you know she’s not telling the truth. They really should hook her up to a live polygraph, for the world to see.

    2. @Pyladin – You are asking me when I first started to walk, my first day of school, when I got a bike. Are you actually comparing those events to what allegedly happened to this woman? That seems like a very demeaning thing on your part. Anyway, why won’t she tell us the date?

  7. When i was raped, I was so embarrased and humiliated that I didn’t even want to tell anyone about being treated so disrespectfully rude. It was an insult. Also, I didn’t think anyone would believe me since the assailant didn’t blacken my eyes or leave any obvious bruises. When it comes to a womans word against a man, the male cops often believe the man’s story. (That she was drunk and tryed to seduce or molest him, she was asking for it. )

  8. A lot of questions are geared towards minimising damages which is an important aspect of the case too – analysis can be quite poor at times

  9. I was raped and did not “act a certain way”, so just know that not everyone acts how you want them to, and however a victim reaponds to trauma doesn’t make it less harmful inside. Some will scream and run to the police right away and some withdraw hold face and it comes out later. Too many ways to list. Yes, there are some women who lie, but most are not.

    1. @Kat OR someone can suddenly trigger a memory that is so horrible, and happened to such a little girl, that she (I) had buried the memory, her whole life.

    2. @Sporty Popsicle (René Lilly) same here. I just recalled my entire life and it’s so shocking I can’t fathom and if I tell anyone they don’t believe me and it always makes it worse. Makes you afraid to go out because who knows if you’ll make it back after a shocking event or sudden injury. Then to tell someone and have them abuse you to trigger amnesia is the worst most painful part. Got to keep some things secret.

    3. Why do you reveal such secrets to strangers on YouTube?
      That’s weird.
      I think you’re lying

    4. @kydrythm Because it’s often easier to put it out there anonymously than to tell someone you know and risk them behaving like you did.

  10. Tacopina acted like a bully when he questioned E. Jean in that manner. Hes perpetating the old fashioned blame the victim mentality.

  11. I immediately found Carroll’s statement: [she’s from a different generation] (and level of social standing in which wealthy men were always innocent) to be fact in that several women, (relatives among them) I knew growing up had been beaten black and blue by husbands, but as Carroll stated women, then and now, simply took it. Back then, husbands had almost total control (women couldn’t even VOTE then) and men were a boy’s club! Men beaten by women are especially prone to silence.

  12. I am of the same generation as her. Times were different then. I experienced date rape, threats and intimidation, and didn’t tell anyone for 50 years. I somehow felt it was my fault. I am more scarred by my father saying to me “why couldn’t I be more like my brother (who is an extrovert and I am an introvert) because everybody liked my brother?” I’ve never gotten over that.

    1. Far too many people experienced this. And who wouldn’t blame themselves, when society, friends, and family so often did too. I’m really sorry that happened to you.

  13. I was intimately involved with women that were raped. They told me, each time I didn’t know what to say, I just bent my head down. On other occasions I noticed that a woman had gone through a bad experience in her life, without saying what it was, but being very angry about it. I tried my best to be a decent guy. I think there is nothing one can say to make the woman feel better, actually when am intimate female friend tells such a thing I feel as if raped myself. What to do? Deal with? Ignore it ? Cut it out from ones life ? What to do with the anger ?

  14. After I was drugged, raped & robbed in my own apartment & I did the right thing & phoned the police two of my rapists came back and the police believed their bs story over mine!! The police let them go!! They claimed their friend was responsible for everything and they weren’t. I lived in a small 1 bedroom, there was no way that was possible without them seeing!!
    After not being believed, the 2nd time I was drugged & raped I didn’t even bother to report it. I went to work right after being raped by about 5-10 guys. They had grabbed me outside a bar, put me in their van, when I was looking for my friends, I was quite intoxicated. One of the guys paid for my cab to work the next morning, how nice hey? I feel responsible but I know I shouldn’t. No matter how intoxicated a person is no one has the right to take advantage of them!
    I hate how when women finally come out, there’s questions about why they didn’t say something sooner, why didn’t they cry, why this etc….. I’d like to see how they’d handle being raped! How would they handle their daughters, wives, mom’s being raped & then discredited like this??

  15. Going through rape or any sexual assault is a traumatic experience that can change your whole outlook on life I hope she finds her peace but she’s going to go through some crazy backlash from this😮

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