When President Trump announced the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, he proclaimed a new American hero: the dog that chased him down. Chris Cillizza walks us through a brief history of presidents and their dogs, and what it means that Trump doesn't have one in his White House. #CNN #News #Cillizza
Trump, the first president in a century with no dog, explains why: ‘I don’t have any time.
Trump Shares Faked Photo of Hero Dog Getting a Medal
Trump’s news conference on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s death, annotated
A dog helped kill Baghdadi, joining a long history of canine war heroes
That time Putin brought his dog to a meeting to scare Angela Merkel
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
Editor: Steven Sevilla
Producer: Arielle Sacks
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Hey, Chris here — do you believe dogs looks like their owners?
Let’s see YOUR dog, Chris
@Dong LeMoan
Obama gave bj’s to Michael Obama dog every single time .
@Dolt Daft Dunce Deplorable Donald Trump why did the Dems just vote for an inquiry, when they could have gone straight to impeachment???
@conference Justice Barry loved petting Michael Lavaughn’s dong
*I believe you’re a Lieberal Puppet who takes orders from a fat, ugly little putz with glasses!* #Trump2020
Why care for a dog when you can pay for a Playboy Bunny?
Exactly.. I’ll take the playboy bunny
The creeps at CNN fake news are gays.
The president of the United states saying “he died like a dog”
Trump will die like the fat pig he is.
@Brian S no respect for that gross pile of grease and spray tan.Trump is pure trash.
@G L
Your opinion means nothing to anyone.
@Brian S then ignore it idiot.
@Brian S how is it an opinion ? Ni doubt Trump is a pile of grease. It’s a fact.
Skip to 4:00 for the answer to the video’s title…
Dogs and cats are a danger to trumps rats
Dogs can sense the evil in people. If he had a dog it would probably attack him.
My dog is really smart…he can turn H2O into K9P.
So rude of Biden not to recognise Putin’s Pet in the Whitehouse
His beautiful chocolate cake.
They say dogs are a good judge of character, given this little factoid I doubt Trump could find a dog that would not bite him.
having a dog you must be consequent and reliable in your attitude
He doesn’t have a dog because he doesn’t want anyone smarter than him in the white house
If Joe Biden wins the presidency they’re going to have to place random dolls that look about 8 or 9 throughout the White House so he can come up behind them, squeeze their shoulders delicately and whisper into their ear.
Ahhhhh! I get it.

I see where you came up with these ideas and what you were
thinking about while listening to the speech.
Never trust anyone that doesn’t like dogs.
@Truth Triggers was that something that needed figuring out?
Never trust anyone who supports the fake media like CNN fake news..
@SE Morgan Yep! Apparently so–as the NYT and Jim Acosta breathlessly told us that it was photo-shopped. I’m thinking that CNN imbibers needed to be told.
@brian gardner wrong, he only loves himself and Ivanka for some reasons.
@Truth Triggers the failing New York Slimes and fake news hack Acosta are low IQ. Your claim is very believable.
Why would he need pets around when he can treat his staff like pets? I hear Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham are “good boys”. Especially since both are neutered.
are you going to be dressing up like a man for halloween
@ihave35cents typical boomer showing his insecurity.
No dog would be seen with that shmuck.
There is only room for one Dog in the white house!
He has a
it’s classified and on lone
Someone might pay fleeting attention to something other than him.
Chris enjoys going to the dog park so he can sniff other dogs behinds
PAID CNN ROBOT You are a robot? You must sound like Trump reading a speech all hopped up on Adderall and European Sudafed.