Donald Trump is so confident that he has the support of the Republican base, he supports several US states canceling their 2020 primaries. Confused? Chris Cillizza explains why the Trump administration wouldn't mind shutting out any competition and uncertainty ahead of 2020 — by just awarding delegates to Trump without holding primary votes.
Republicans move to nix primaries in show of support for Trump
Republicans in 4 states may cancel their 2020 primaries to support Trump
Why felon Keith Judd did so well against Obama in West Virginia
Joe Walsh Blasts ‘Scared to Death’ GOP For Canceling Primaries to Protect Trump: ‘Undemocratic BS’
Presidential Job Approval Center
Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil
Editor: Steven Sevilla
Producer: Arielle Sacks
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Hey, Chris here — do you think anyone can actually have a good showing against Trump in a GOP primary?
@John Balnis Obviously you have too much sugar in your britches John.
@Nikolai Collushnikov
Mueller said that he was lied to and that Trump was not exonerated. Pelosi is actually working for Trump, that’s why Trump hasn’t been impeached yet.
@Michael Clagett Your’e just upset we never fell for the round-the-clock Russian Collusion propaganda.
Just goes to show how much the system is corrupt.
@chucknchar T she’s on every thread , no point in commenting back. Maybe use her native language, Russian!
The Republican party already has their Racist Jesus. It doesn’t get better for this party. Their Second Coming arrived in November 2016.
@Cute Little Suzie hahahahahahahaha ok
@jason Todd
∆ Ragetard alert
@Hazzycakes Perhaps you should stop being HOMOSEXUAL.
That’s because trump has everyone blackmailed in the GOP
@Hazzycakes Trumpies supporters will tell you that millions and millions of votes were illegals, thereby voiding those votes and cementing in their minds that Trump has support of majority.
@Dennis Manson Keep living in the Twilight Zone Denise. You can try to dull yourself with sticky HOG and greasy testicles but sooner or later reality will set in.
@H B Are you telling me you don’t support LGBTQ?
@William H You keep proving my point about your lack of intelligence.
@William H Putin?? Kim Jon Un? lol ..
back into yer basement boy, go fold your laundry. Have a nice day.
Not allowing people to choose their candidates is not democratic or America at all !
Republican Party is pulling a stunt showing the corruption in their party in modern times … it’s sad
@Chris Oros Then you weren’t even paying attention to the election. You’re probably a high school kid that doesn’t even vote. You’re probably from an upper middle class family and have let yourself become obsessed with socialism.
America wants Trump dipsh!t!. The only people who don’t want Trump are anti-American pieces of slime or gullible manipulated brainwashed morons.Which of the two are you? I am guessing both. MAGA!
Joe Dirt I voted in 2016 I just would of never voted for a democrat before all that
Man you sure do make a lot of assumptions & are way off but nice try !
I love watching the gop swirling in the toilet bowl on their way to hell and their gods.
you mean the DEMS!! right?
@Juanita Shatley Democrats support LGBTQ. *FACT
Pfffftttt HA HA HA HA Dennis dream on whacko!!
Trumps new book, “how to become a dictator in four years of less”,will be released just in time for holidays. The forward by Kim Jung in says,” best of luck my friend, your on your way”.
Hi, Comrade *Larry Rowe,* When Trump has finished his third term in office in 2028, do you think he should be allowed a fourth term?
____ Yes, of course
____ Si, por supuesto
@Darmok Do you deny you support LGBTQ?
@Cute Little Suzie yep, Evey thread, lowlife !
They are embarrassed for letting Trump fool them in front of the world. They helped him destroy thier party and obviously America was not made great again. In many ways we are weaker because of thier lack of action during this thing he called a presidency. There no rats left on this ship.
Any facts in that drivel moron?
Trump supporters love what he is doing. Are you embarrassed the CIA just called out CNN for it’s recent fake news story that Trump jeopardized a US Russian spy? You probably don’t even know about it right? Crawl back under your rock. You people are so misguided and deceived.
QUICK ANSWER: To rig it in favor of Trump.
Ari Onassis-Sugen…cut and paste Trumpsheep today?
@Cute Little Suzie Bernie is not a member of the Democratic party, he just tried to wiggle in and take over, like Trump did with Republicans
@Pntngbrn So you agree? Thanks.
Hi, Comrade *Dan* I don’t think that eplains why woman beater keith ellison praises Hitlerjugends antifa violence?
*#DemocratsHaveLostTheirDamnMinds** **#PunchCardIntelligence*
@H A Whyte He’s right.
Look it up.
The CIA said in a statement that CNN’s “misguided analysis” was “inaccurate”.
The spy was pulled but not because they feared Trump was going to blow his or her cover, like CNN reported.
They (CNN) get a few pertinent facts with no context and than proceed to spin it to fit their narrative, knowing full well that the DoJ and intelligence agencies usually don’t contradict them.
Usually, they let the public run with whatever speculation they want.
Lately, you’ve seen them correcting the record more frequently and it looks real bad for MSM when they do.
trump and his gaggle of idiots are not even Republicans anymore so why is everybody still calling them that??
How are Republicans not Republicans moron?
Some democracy we have. Both parties behave like they own us.
Do you realize how uneducated and ridiculous you sound when you pull that “both sides” bullshit?
9 out of 10 base supporters love him. But it’s not a cakewalk….. Good job CNN lol
Keep it up until he grabs your pussypunnai
*I love watching the gop swirling in the toilet bowl on their way to hell and their gods.*
Hopefully the highly moral spirit cooking democrats do a better job of colluding for their candidate in 2020 then they did in 2016! LMAO!
Not allowing people to choose their candidates is not democratic or America at all !
Republican Party is pulling a stunt showing the corruption in their party in modern times … it’s sad
Signs of communism it won’t be long when America will become a
communist country!!! As long as that orange hair is in the white
Signs of communism it won’t be long when America will become a
communist country!!! As long as that orange hair is in the white
Even the media can’t help these politicians
There too far in the deap blue
Wait, what job is Comrade Trump doing, that the republicans are so happy about?
Mrs.tRumpfty Dum
pty is the worst 

potus in American history.