Why the Delay of Covid-19 Vaccines to Jamaica? – March 4 2021

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Why the Delay of Covid-19 Vaccines to Jamaica? | TVJ News


    1. Listen this vaccine is delayed for good reason, I think the government first should get this and the oposition , not the people of Jamaica, after watching them for two years then giving it to murderers.

    1. @Junior James glad to know a brother is awoken, keep strong bro trust THE FATHER AND NEVER GIVE UP WHO YOU ARE, ONE LOVE BRO KEEP BLESS IN THE MOST HIGH YAH AND IN THE GRACE OF YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH

  1. Ministers why are you guys killing uno self to get this vaccine uno might end up sorry when God a make delays keep uno self quiet and wait

  2. These people could careless about the Jamaican people. Why can’t they figure out how to make things much cheaper on the Island? It makes no sense that Jamaicans pays more for goods and services than people living in wealthier countries!

    1. They don’t want that. Their main source of income is through excessively taxing Jamaicans for having ambition- buying some basic and nice things.

    2. Actually it does make sense, Jamaica need to produce more to help that. Customs is a factor but the gdp is bigger

  3. The parter woman are men should have a heave fine for disobey the law of the land.
    For god is the head of all government
    Owen UK.

  4. How it cost for the vaccine jamaica goin get .because is pure beg jamaica a beg so what thier are getting is sub standards

  5. How jamaican people know if the vaccines from China is safe for the jamaican people. Jamaican people please stay on the safe side.

  6. Bwoy a tell you this minister and Dr Omar Davies are in the same class, they are extremely good spin doctors.

  7. Our safety is in the Lord. Read psalms 91.
    Jamaicans please do your due diligence concerning the vaccine. Pay attention to safety issues and whether it is really effective.

    1. Sure, but this alone will not save anyone. Vegans are still dying. Healthy sports men and women are dying. Christians alongside non Christians are also dying. The virus doesn’t carr if you are “healthy” or whatever else.

    1. Thing is, we know close nothing about the vaccine. But that doesn’t mean it’s bad. Why speak badly about something you are uncertain about?

  8. Nowadays when the big boys talking they help their heads down can’t look people in the face and they stuttering so badly 🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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