MSNBC's Brian Williams takes a look at the presidential photo that broke the internet, and explains why the current First Couple looks so much bigger than President Carter and his wife Rosalynn Carter.
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#MSNBC #PresidentBiden #JimmyCarter
The lens used is really important here. Look at President Carter’s feet – they look really big. And that is because of the perspective distortion from this short focal length but wide angle lens. There was probably just not enough space for the photographer to move further back and/or use a longer focal length lense – both can solve the issue. I’m sure he or she isnt too thrilled about this picture either…
You really want this to be true, I know. Keep saying it over and over and a few more people will begin to believe you.
@Jane NC You really want this to be an issue. It’s right up there with tan suit. Did you know from Reagan to now 57 republican cabinet members have been arrested and 1 democrat. Indictments is worse. Nixon to now, republicans 431, democrats 3. But hey, weird photo.
Sorry to say. Mostly grateful nation, some of the nation are raving lunatics who will find something to hate in even this story.
True right,it’s crazy how crazy and hateful that third of the nation are…
Jill Biden looks so lovely and wholesome.
Ask her first husband that she screwed around on, with Potato Joe, what he thinks about her being wholesome…
“I really don’t care, do you? No one gives a fawk about the fawking creesmus decorations. Donnie won’t give me dollares. I must make fawk fawk photos with many woman.”
@Dentatus Dentatus why is one supposed to put a Dr. In front?
@T. Tharp M.D. Diver Exactly!
Either it’s a wide-angle lens or Carter has size 32 feet.
Good observation.
This photo gives the impression of being taken from about ten feet away, but it is probably more like five or six. I can see other evidence of a wide-angle lens being used. For example, compare vertical features. See how they are far from parallel.
Also notice how these two chairs, which are almost certainly the same size, look to be considerably different sizes — more than you would expect for such a small difference in distance from the camera.
@Astrobrant2 Lmao what’s wrong with Carter’s hand? Joe’s right leg and right hand are from original photo but the rest of joe is pasted over. As for Jill her whole head was pasted over the original. they also screwed up the picture frame next to her head.. Poor photoshop skills…
President Carter’s wedding photo made my heart warm
girly boy
its so cute!!
You need your man card revoked!
@omi god it’s funny you had to edit your very small meaningless comment lol!!
@Just-in Case Glad you’re amused.
Bless the Carters.
Why when he was president, he was considered crap.
Your explanation. Is bullshittio! Are you apologizing for him. Keep talking brian…you im sure know about shrinkage we are getting old.
That’s not even biden…come on people, wake up.
He was in the pool!!@cynthia graves
Malarkey@Tan 370z
@Joe Who Lmao what’s wrong with Carter’s hand? Joe’s right leg and right hand are from original photo but the rest of joe is pasted over. As for Jill her whole head was pasted over the original. they also screwed up the picture frame next to her head.. Poor photoshop skills…
A lovely explanation and great statement at the end.
But he didn’t explain anything.
“Above all, we should bear in mind that our liberty is not an end in itself; it is a means to win respect for human dignity for all classes of our society.”
Admiral H.G. Rickover, Father of the US Nuclear Navy
That’s cute. So now you back the military. Good one!

@Joe Schmoe You’ve never spoken to veterans who had roles that required mental ability, have you?
@T Me Don’t worry, nobody will ever confuse you for a decent citizen, ingrate.
@Daniel Duvalle, and no one will ever confuse you with a human since you don’t have critical thinking ability. Your ignorance is showing.
@T Me You’ve certainly chosen an appropriate profile photo yourself, crybaby.
Carter spent his time after being president building homes for people who needed them – literally – sleeves rolled up. He is a wonderful, kind and modest man who sets a great example to everyone.
So great to see them still together and happy after all this time.
but what a terrible president, his solution to high energy cost was to wear a sweater. and when iran took hostages he did nothing for over a year
@Javier Saldivar “Probably”, was the second word in your comment. You have a bitter, cynical opinion that only reflects on you. If I’m wrong show your proof.
@Peter Stoops meanwhile St Reagan of Bonzo made a deal with kidnappers and gave them weapons so he could destabilize central america because of his paranoid fantasies
@Jey Frye Reagonomics failed and continues to fail, because it’s a failed policy.
@Ed H spoken from a total lack of education and history. If I thought you could carry your end we would discuss it. Good luck believing in Cornpops economic plan.

Not as the POTUS of course- that record was abysmal. He’s a swell humanitarian otherwise.
You mean, First Lady, Rosalynn Carter. Lillian was President Carter’s mother’s name.
That’s not her name
Ah yes, Lillian, “I should have stayed a virgin” Carter.
Thank you President Joe and First Lady Jill
74 years- that’s what a life full of love and loyalty looks like!!
Women 74 years ago we’re not disrespectful
74 years and still in love. true goals.
Knew their place? That’s the trouble with women these days. Don’t know their place.
Or they got to the point leaving was more of a hassle .
I think the ‘crisis of confidence speech’ was great
96! Dude doesn’t look a day over dust!! Looking good mah dude!!!

Honestly though he was a good guy why cant we have more people like carter for president.
You need to elect the good people like you did Biden,…not reality show stars like Bruce Jenner and Kanye and Individual 1…
@Mogamad Greyson I do not consider Biden a “good candidate” he was better then Trump, but any election where he wasn’t running aganst Trump, I wouldn’t have voted for him.
Biden didn’t win because he was popular he won because people disliked Trump so much we would have voted for a sentient turd in a garbage bag lol
@Godzilla And yet he’s turning out to be A WONDERFUL PRESIDENT!
Go figure!
Always lovely to see lovely people. Beautiful souls that make the world a better place.
Those 2 humans are the epitome of generosity and compassion!
Yes…how are you doing?
Very Well said, Brian Williams.
The Carters have always been giants in my book.
Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, the embodiment of how the rest of us should live out our retirement…