Chair of Nanos Research Nik Nanos explains why the PM and Liberals are falling behind in support, potentially costing the party 29 seats.
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Nope. Not losing support for the Liberals.
yea their pretty much done. every week or every other day the liberals seem to be wrapped up in new scandals or creating controversy
How can you vote for that guy? Do you not have kids? Because if you do they will never own a home, have little to no savings because of how over priced and over taxed everything is. Are you happy the way things are or going.
Wonderful news . Time for Trudeau to go
More and more Canadians (Trudeau is no Canadian) are getting sick and tired of the constant corruption and ineptitude.
True, having completely forgotten about the ten years of constant corruption and ineptitude under Harper!
@Pat Jackson Harper Harper Harper!
Its because this is the worst government weve ever seen
It’s on a short list of the most competent, actually.
Toronto is finally waking up
Let’s get an election going let the ppl vote now
Toronto is finally waking up. It’s about time
Better put another mfg plant in Ontario and make them happy and they will be climbing all over each other to vote Lieberal again.Ontzrio time to vote for your country

Support Trudeau

best joke I’ve heard all day
Here’s by report card for the Liberals under Justin Trudeau: Economy/Finance: F-, Ethics F-, International Relations/Defence: F-, Law and Order: F-. In short sum, we’ve made out of the pandemic alive, but it will be a miracle if we survive the Trudeau dictatorship unscathed.
We what trudeau out now
Utter incompetence explains it all. Don’t need a news report.
This is great news! Let’s keep pushing Pierre.
Pierre Poutine will never be the Prime Minister.
We’ll see about that!
Trudeau is past his best before date. He passed it in 2008.
This is why there should be two term limit. This has happens everytime the same guy holds the seat too long.
I blame fatigue
I blame immoral, unethical, corruption and incompetence.