After testing positive for Covid-19, Florida Democratic state Rep. Shevrin Jones shares his experience with contact tracers in Florida as cases continue to surge
#CNN #News
After testing positive for Covid-19, Florida Democratic state Rep. Shevrin Jones shares his experience with contact tracers in Florida as cases continue to surge
#CNN #News
God please help the America

@Shen Gao
God please help all countries !
From Iraq
He has helped us . MAN has refused to listen. He has given us cure for this,but because men want to make profit off of the lives of citizens we suffer and die. If you want blame anyone blame man and his pride!!!!
Because the government will not!
Help has arrived
Our governor I’s a joke please don’t vote for him next time
Prophet muhammad(pease be upon him)
O people,your lord is one and your father adam is one.
There is no favor of an Arab over a foreigner, nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin, nor black skin over white skin, except by righteosness. Have I not delivered the message?” They said, “The Messenger of Allah has delivered the message.”
Exactly right, he will not do anything that donnie boy disapproves of and that’s sorry cause it hurts the American people.
his report is a JOKE! The current administration should put together a CV19 Task Force that goes out after every one of these exaggerated reports to FACT CHECK these numbers! 1. They report % to make it look worse! 2. They don’t tell you that only half of the hospitalization numbers are due to CV19, the others are “other medical issues”. 3. They don’t tell you that only 1 in 4 (25%) ICU patients are CV19 related. The rest are from “other” medical procedures! What a terrible report trying to skew the numbers to make CV19 seem worse than it actually is. The hospital recovery rate is way better and the Death rate is very very low!
You have to add more context if you really want to make your point across. This is why people like yourself FAIL
@Bill Wilson l take it you run the hospital where your at. ?
Mask up, keep washing your hands, keep your distance from people. Keep you and yours safe.
@jay disqus actually the flu does kill in only 5 months fall to early spring is the time they count seasonal flu. And covid hasn’t killed 135000. There is a difference between dying from covid and dying with covid. Not to mention the fact that they are considering flu like symptoms ample cause to put covid on the death certificate since they get more federal money for a covid case. They shut down hospitals main money makers then made it easy to game the system. What do you think that does to the numbers. Btw I’m not saying this isn’t a real thing. But think about it rationally. I’m willing to talk about this with anyone as long as they drop the defensive attitude like they want to believe we are all going to die from corona.
Ron desantis is the mini trump supporter everybody knows that he will be leaving soon he don’t remember who put him there to become governor stupid
J Hallin
You mean, you chose Woo over Science.
Don’t use Words you don’t understand.
It makes you look dumber.
J Hallin
Thanks for proving your TOTAL ILLITERACY when it comes to Science.
Viruses are NEVER the cause of death, you ignoramus !!!
You alway die from a physiological failure caused by your body’s response to the Virus.
What you said is BEYOND ignorant, it’s Scientifically Absurd.
Trumptards disapprove this message….
I guess average age in Florida will be way lower when Corona is done…
Don’t know what CNN is talking about? The death rate has decrease significantly. Let’s just do a comparison May 6 total deaths 2701 the last three days 273, 212, and 244 out of 330 million. The death rate is extremely low. CNN is bias coronavirus is all they talk about. Most people who are dying from coronavirus are old people who are dying from old age and that is life. More people have died in gun violence under the age of 45 than the coronavirus in the last 3 months. That is a fact.
Kids have a much higher chance dying from car accidents than the coronavirus. Kids have a much a higher chance dying from gun violence than coronavirus. More kids will die from suicides than the coronavirus if parents keep their kids lock up.
That is one way to solve the Social Security problem
To be fair most states contact tracing systems are a joke not just this one.
@D-BO 842 in the USA, non whites get arrested for nothing all the time.
Don’t know what CNN is talking about? The death rate has decrease significantly. Let’s just do a comparison May 6 total deaths 2701 the last three days 273, 212, and 244 out of 330 million. The death rate is extremely low. CNN is bias coronavirus is all they talk about. Most people who are dying from coronavirus are old people who are dying from old age and that is life. More people have died in gun violence under the age of 45 than the coronavirus in the last 3 months. That is a fact.
Kids have a much higher chance dying from car accidents than the coronavirus. Kids have a much a higher chance dying from gun violence than coronavirus. More kids will die from suicides than the coronavirus if parents keep their kids lock up.
TBH I don’t think any states even have one…..
China is probably doing more to track us, the virus with our chinese apple phones
No, it is Trump!
And tik tok and Facebook. Theyve got a covid tracing app installed in Facebook now. If u cant see the agenda …
@D-BO 842 . Seriously!
@Jacob van der Meulen . Sure!
No china over them making another virus aka g4
Stay safe please, keep your children away, we all stand together
Dada Tv – Nursery Rhymes & Children’s Songs Americans stand together. The anti American Democrats want violence, lawlessness and destruction.
Gramps grow up.
Time for your walk to McDonald’s and Wal-Mart.
Your world was closed for business long ago.
I’m in FL. and no one wears masks anymore. Me and my family wear ours and people look at us like we are aliens for wearing it. Sad
silverpairaducks – another stupid narcissist
@Teh Cy bunker boy won’t come out and play. Well see how well he can debate but I fear it won’t be pretty for biden
@Rocky’s World
A mask isn’t a political statement. It’s an IQ test.
@Shawn Corbin History is important you realize there’s books right, films, museums, pictures and websites right? They can each maintain history quite well.
Also they were built to remind black people they honor the Confederates. Basically to terrorize them.
Covid-19 or not. It’s your choice but don’t forget, no mask means you are putting your family, friends and other people in danger of contracting Covid-19.
Left or right. Everything is politicized. Trump is the most chaotic, controversial, deceitful, divisive, conceited presidency ever.
America has never been this divided.
D-BO 842
Wow … so you saw 2 guys pretending to be Doctors on YT and that’s it the numbers are fake ?!?
How F’ing GULLIBLE !!!
@D-BO 842 pls send a link
@D-BO 842
One other thing I’m wondering about, why do all countries ban US travelers if it’s not a virus?
*We Europeans should send a container ship to America to pick up the last remaining people who use this thing called “a brain”*
@– Imagine calling out 100 years old history to justify 2020 stupidity
Please,when is it being sent over?
@Logic B4Religion Some people have no brain here…
Wow. Look at this. Even the disease is making fun of us.
Where are your ancestor are coming from?
I don’t think you were at WW2 and Trump looks like the leader of this war.
I remember just a few days ago the comments were full of people claiming the hospitals were empty. I guess they had corona in their eyes.
FE Gaming
So … you really did call yourself ignorant …
That’s a new level of stupid, ain’t it ?
@FE Gaming Why don’t you go in a hospital and take pictures of all those empty bed for us.
Kids have a much higher chance dying from car accidents than the coronavirus. Kids have a much a higher chance dying from gun violence than coronavirus. More kids will die from suicides than the coronavirus if parents keep their kids lock up.
Nah,It comes from a symptom of the trumpvirus.
Jim DiGiulio You’re hallucinating! I stand corrected forthwith: You may be the first person I know who MAY have the “virus”; one of the first symptoms being hallucinations.
Florida always has to do things the hard way never the easy way.
Wait until the election.
Floridamen do what floridamen do…..
Dedrick Lucious: … or smart …!
Of course you’re talkin’ ’bout North Floridians. They’s diffe’nt.
State Rep. Shevrin Jones has the Coronavirus and his parents has the virus . That has to be tough!
I’m so glad the EU banned Americans from traveling to Europe
Am French and I approve this message.
Well we can.
Our Conservatives are not complete r’tards, though.
Mick E
You’re aware that without us your Country would be an English colony, right ?
Homeschooling failed you so hard !
Honestly,it’s the best thing y’all can do…
People should realize that DeSantis has purposefully refused to limit social distancing or require other state-wide mitigations because Trump wants the GOP convention moved to Florida. Just think about that: the governor of a state with 22 million people in it won’t lift a finger to help them because Trump wants a convention there.
haha, that was a good one
But if we can be serious here for a minuite? Can anyone here name one single democrat who is NOT a pedo?
Don’t know what CNN is talking about? The death rate has decrease significantly. Let’s just do a comparison May 6 total deaths 2701 the last three days 273, 212, and 244 out of 330 million. The death rate is extremely low. CNN is bias coronavirus is all they talk about. Most people who are dying from coronavirus are old people who are dying from old age and that is life. More people have died in gun violence under the age of 45 than the coronavirus in the last 3 months. That is a fact.
Kids have a much higher chance dying from car accidents than the coronavirus. Kids have a much a higher chance dying from gun violence than coronavirus. More kids will die from suicides than the coronavirus if parents keep their kids lock up.
@Rino Ponce More people have died from death than any other cause in the history of mankind. What’s your point, moron?
@Carl Sagan: Hmmm. So, whose running the State of Florida?
If and when you intubate someone and then put them on a vent when it’s not needed it can lead to murder.
That is why hospitals/health officials advise you stay home to quarantine unless it is a dire emergency. The hope is that your condition eventually improves and you don’t have to go to the hospital.
I never ever plan to inhabit anyone ever for any reason nor should anyone else. It is also called POSESSION and is demonic.
@Jeffrey Down gj dude on not inhabiting someone I imagine it must be hard!
Its very sad, how a leader is doing business instead of caring
What? Business is what keeps you with electricity, phones, clothes, food, water, medicine,!etc. Stop being a baby.
@GPH You are wrong,, GPH, so very, scarily wrong. Do you have no awareness of what is happening around the world? Or is just a hoax and fake news to you?
And not doing anything to benefit something….
Such a beautiful country and so many selfish people!! How sad!
No,HOW PATHETIC!!!!!We have a Trumptard INFECTION!!!!!
“I wanna know what happened to the 61 million dollars”
Science is going to slap the sh*t out of a lot of people.