Republican Roy Moore lost to Democrat Doug Jones in the 2017 Alabama Senate special election after a series of sexual misconduct allegations surfaced against him. Despite that, he's running again, making Republicans nervous that he may win the nomination — and lose them a vital seat in the general.
#CNN #News #Cillizza
Why Roy Moore 2020 is a Republican nightmare

Hi. Chris here. Roy Moore is back for well, more. Do you think he stands a chance in the 2020 race?
Senate Republicans’ 2020 nightmare scenario just got more likely
Roy Moore, who lost Alabama Senate race after sexual misconduct allegations, to run again
Roy Moore is back for more
Roy Moore Is Running for the Senate Again, and Alabama Republicans Are Not Happy
The 2020 Senate map begins to take shape
How Roy Moore Could Actually Win Alabama’s Republican Senate Primary
Judge delivers win for Sacha Baron Cohen in Roy Moore defamation lawsuit proceedings
About me:
I was named “best dressed” in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN’s editor at large and author of the daily “Point” newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Brenna Williams, Leigh Munsil
Editor: Steven Sevilla
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@Chadillac Pedophiles matter whole, to the people whose innocence they steal.
But seriously though Chris…..”Best dressed in 7th grade”??? Please tell me you didn’t go full dork and wore a bow tie.
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber I hope so
@Leek I agree. When do you think they’re going to lock up Bill Clinton along with his buddy Epstein?
Today is my 21st Birthday!
Im sorry to hear that
@max smart I like how pedophile democrats believe that accusations are in themselves proof of wrong doings. So, for example, I accuse you of raping kids, and that is proof that you are in fact doing that. Difference is of course, all democrats are pedos, so the chance is 100% it’s true.
I’m British, and just passing by
@S S A so??????
@C W Rachel got a joke for you. Justin trudeau

@Brian Anshen Get the UK *_OUT OF THE EU CALIPHATE!_*
And Denmark will follow!
@William H Our duly elected and beloved President, Donald J. Trump
I whish I could say that, but I am not from the US.
European countries are pussies in comparison.
Roy Moore is a Predator.
@janewright315 Do you have proof of any of that?
Spearhand no matter how much they have you still won’t believe it
@Q Mcdonald Name one thing of proof.
@janewright315 Can you provide evidence for those accusations?
You do know what evidence means, right?
Someone Please Revolver Him.
The religion of peace, the dnc, shows it’s true fascist face.
The child molester is coming back again? He is more than likely still hanging out around schools for young girls. Smh!
@Aussie Jim What makes you think I have plenty of brain power?
AOC? garbage disposals? amazon? lost jobs?
@William H oh …you just seem to …hell , we are no screaming intellectuals , for sure , but we ain’t stupid.
@Suzukas husband TRUMPS BEST MATE?
Which of the democrat child molesters? keith ellison? biden?
Run Roy Moore again in Alabama, it’ll be nice seeing A pedophile lose.
@Rapist Trump ODA 595 wouldn’t you just save yourself a whole lot of time and humiliation if you could prove that you weren’t a coward and a fraud?
@Roger Out of the Kremlin who said it was mans knob? You have repressed homosexuals passive aggression boy.
@Mister Morgan apparently you know so little about women that you didn’t know they don’t have “knobs” like men do.
but considering how frequently you fantasize about homosexual sex acts, it’s not hard to figure out that whatever you were talking about had something to do with gay sex.
Uhhhh because he’s a CHILD MOLESTER and he’ LOVES tRUMP who is a CHILD MOLESTER and DAUGHTER F$CKER n right proud of it?????????????????????????????????????????????
@C W You pedophile democrats throw around accusations like it’s nothing, however, why do you never follow up with evidence?
@diane shelton accusations are not proof.
Richeously angry that he lost? Wifes scowl behind him is making him look great. Lol
‘Righteously’ dumbass.
A pedophile running again go ahead Roy Moore hi ho silver away. We’re still waiting for you at the Finish Line Roy it’s going to be the same as the last time you been defeated.
I can’t, no, take that back, I can believe how people in Alabama would want him back! Thank God I don’t live in that hick state.
@Don Williams
KOREA… who did ya call?
VIETNAM.. who did ya call?
AFGANISTAN.. who did ya call?
IRAQ… who did ya call?
Aussie Jim well there is 1800 courses in the fucked up Outback. America, Awww not 1 single country better. As far as those countries mention? We could still send our salvation Army and take over your shithole. You don’t golf ore than 10 times a year. Stop trying to be what you are not, worth anything. Awwww, Golf, then jump in my pool. Not to mention in 2 weeks on my way to Aruba. I love being retired. 6 years now, oh and I’m 52… LOADED. Australia, hahaha what a fucked place it is. Hows that defending your home going since the BAN and the mandatory selling your guns back..Hahaha
ilhan omar? al quaeda?
@Don Williams So… people who want to help other people, instead of hurt them, are sheep..?
Can we vote to kick Alabama out out the United States?
@William H …how is it an insult, self-hating freak?
@Eclipse The Gambling Ocelot debunked stupid )….
ooops! ))
The most leveraged state, California, has twice as much debt per capita as West Virginia, the state with the least in debt.
California has the highest debt-to-income ratio in the country. Residents of the Golden State make about $28,000 annually on average, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. The New York Federal Reserve Bank shows that Californians have a per resident debt balance of $65,740. This gives Californians a debt-to-income ratio of 2.34 on average. Like many other states, most of Californians’ debt is held up in their mortgages. Californians owe about $51,190 on their mortgages on a per capita basis.
@William H doo doo doo… Doo doo doo
Nope. Keep the land and toss the perverts in jail.
@Akela DeWolf Try looking up the states wealth instead of the people living in it. Largest in the U.S and 5th largest economy in the world. So good luck with that CIVIL WAR you lot want to kick off. “OOoopps”
Moore’s story on how he met his wife is proof he’s a pedophile
He met her at a high school dance….WHEN SHE WAS 15 AND HE WAS 29
He’s been creeping on high school kids since his late 20s
And yet… kiddie fiddler democrats are in strong support of islam, which has pedophilia as a doctrine.
It does indeed take a special kind of stupid to be democrat
He is a practiced pedo who uses the forgiveness of God as a lifestyle choice. There’s a demon in his chest who wants out bc Moore is so disgusting.
Yeah, that’s when he started.
What do Muhammad and Roy Moore have in common…
Creepy tRump walks into pageant dressing rooms to watch young girls changing their clothes.
Iran is ready to negotiate with US!! WOW
Let him run, to see him fall, again.
CNN, why aren’t you reporting on the antifa terrorist attack on a ice facility putting children in danger ?
LOL going after Roy Moore again? so desperate. Trump and the Train have moved on
What do you call it, when they’re beyond desperation?
The next we will see is the dnc, Die Nazi Committees Hitlerjugends antifas doing what they did for the nazis in the 30es.
Prepare for extreme violence from pedophile democrats.
Who’s the gruff old guy w the cowboy hat that’s always standing behind Roy Moore? ….oh snap, that’s his wife???
I like how kiddie fiddler fascist democrats are also so “tolerant”.
Hopefully he can finally have a career ending crash and burn.
Incredible how the Republican Party keeps brining candidates from the 1890’s. Where did they get that time machine?