Missy Ryan, Pentagon reporter for the Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about the decision making process behind President Biden's announcement that the U.S. and NATO will withdraw from Afghanistan unconditionally this September 11th. Aired on 04/14/2021.
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#PresidentBiden #MissyRyan #MSNBC
Why President Biden Is Pulling The U.S. Out Of Afghanistan Now | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
The amount of tax-payers of money spent there for nothing is really insane.
@Gina whiteley The history of Soviet involvment in Afghanistan is a bit more complex. The Afghan-Soviet relations were actually very good since the 1920s although Afghanistan was a kingdom until the mid 1970s. Soviet engineers modernized the country in the decades before, Afghanistan was in fact already a close friend and the Soviets didn’t need to invade it in order to create a buffer state.
In the mid 1970s a military coup happend in Afghanistan and the king was removed from power while he was in Italy. That created lots of instability and at the same time the islamic revolution happend in neighbouring Iran which inspired the resistance against the new regime, it became islamic and fundamentalist. For the Soviets that was a big problem because they feared a spread of fundamentalist islam into their central asian republics which have a border to Afghanistan. This is the reason why they invaded, to prevent that this problems spreads over to them. It is a bit ironic that their motives were not so different to ours.
@Therealfett It always was for nothing. It was supposedly about WMD’s it turned into an assassination and an occupation. So to say it was for nothing is not to say that nothing was done but that nothing beneficial to the USA was or has been done. We basically spend 20 years justifying our presence after going 1/2 way around the world to assassinate a warlord who wasn’t a threat. Then continued to occupy a country that not only wasn’t a threat but would be a worthless ally even if they wanted to be.
@FullSizedGaming ya thats what Im saying, it’s not all of a sudden worthless cuz were pulling troops.
Any student of history figured this out a very long time ago.
Diotr Treviso thanks for your information. I was at us miltary base in peshawar, Pakistan when I was told the Russian were attacking. This was 1969. When I returned in 1970 it was becoming dangerous for westerners so I returned to Canada. I appreciate your information.:)
How about we been there long enough
How about how they claimed the other guy was “abandoning allies” when he wanted to bring troops back. Now it’s good though, right? # sheep
With nothing to show for it. The Taliban is ready to step back in the very next day.
@Jay Porter the spin from MSNBC and such is incredible
@Jay Porter not our problem Take care of home first F them
@Schüler They every where Dont matter Take care of home first 1/6/21 We got our own problem Somebody made it worst here and I glad he lost last November
We can’t keep being the police of the world pretty much sums it all up
you really are a sad troll 

@synthesis1200 can I have what your drinking

Yeah but selling arms everywhere is fine right!
What does “US policing” actually mean? Did you “police” Iraq 2003? Or did you invade a sovereign country based on lies in order to steal the oil of this particular country?
Our military needs a place to practice.
Thanks to all who served in Afghanistan and Iraq and continue til this day.
@Ash Roskell Everything is political and youre a fool if you believe otherwise. Either he is doing this for pr or he is doing it for some economic reason.
@Thyalwaysseek killing terrorists and putting their lives on the line for us
F therm
Licking boots already
@Ash Roskell And look how well that turned out.
Good work guys thank you for your service I hope you guys get treated better than I do the VA medical system here in the USA sucks
They are just a bunch of terrorists and babykillers.
@Dustin Caso I agree…I have terminal cancer…the VA has allowed me to live longer than I ever expected!
Absolutely. It is getting better and word of mouth on helpful tips to those who serve is helping as well
@Guardian Of Truth it’s a good idea only when a Democrat says it’s a good idea
@Jay Porter Exactly
The money printer ink runs dry, therefore you are asked to return home.
The money printer ink never runs dry! Keep it coming!
You’re ignorant if you think that
its the country with the single largest opium output. like, 80+%. most of which goes to china… biden is soft on china.. its not hard math.
Elbert Lee
those printers NEVER run dry. Politicians print money to burn after they take all of ours. That is exactly what the people we vote for does to with money, burn it.
Because they know we will vote them in again to continue the process decade after decade.
Thank you to all the soldiers who serves/served

, hopefully we can focus on the war in our own country 
@Boots 310 Send all cnn “journalists” to Gulag, we need people to cut trees here, we will be building a new rail road path.
They couldn’t cut trees. These are weak people, brittle and soft.
History will remember them all as terrorists, not soldiers.
Agree…but if you follow foreign news..it’s not likely
Sure, you got medals for invading Iraq and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians there.
Extremely hard to believe it’s been 20 years….. 9/11 still feels like just the other day. Thank you to all those who have served.
Thanks to the troops who have served the globalist drugtraffickers by growing and guarding the opium.
@Ryan Smith 100% correct.
@Ted Turnner uhhh
@sissy murphy
You need GLASSES!
I was 25 when I did my first tour in Afghanistan. I’m 45 now and my daughter just returned from there last month. And my son, who graduates from West Point this year, may very well end up there or in the Obama/Biden oil war in Syria also.
I’ll believe it when I see it. There will always be a reason to delay the withdrawal.
The $$.
The US has NEVER completely left anywhere we’ve invaded. Ever.
@Don F You really should google CNN a few months after the new cycle. You get a better picture of what happened. President Trump negotiated a deal with the Talaban and called for a withdrawal. The problem is Congress keeps funding the war for one more year. The military also played a shell game with the troops. They would order replacement troops, but then extended the existing troops. With the final piece is funding, once congress ends funding, the military effort is done.
This is all designed to make Joe Biden look like a hero they already make him look like a dictator. President Trump did pull our troops out
Gotta get in Iran
One plus is Biden is giving enough notice for the USA’s allies to get out as well.
Biden does not have to give notice. He is not in charge. Ask half white barry.
I wonder how many people got rich and powerful off the bodies of the people that fought.
Many, on both sides of the political spectrum.
Not to mention the bodies of the people who never fought (women, children). Let’s not forget those innocents
9/11?!? Interesting date to pick. I get this feeling that SWHTF…..
Of course it will. This is just Lucy, Charlie Brown and the football again
@The77stevo77 Obiden will FORGET that date.
@Harvey Manfredsenjenson LOL! Obiden must be Charlie Brown.
@adewey33 No WE are Charlie Brown if we actually believe this exit from Afghanistan is actually going to happen.
@Harvey Manfredsenjenson actually when the OPIUM production is completed , then we will move out.
Yha we’ll see about that!
Ow The President has done well. Pulling them is a victory, God bless you all
@Austin McCalla wtf

@Austin McCalla You’re 100% correct, sir.
@GM23 Trump announced months ago the US troops were coming home from Afghanistan.
@Austin McCalla This same network was critical of the previous administration’s decision to pullout troops but now it’s the best decision since sliced bread.
It’s called redirection. Remember, on January 20th, he sent in 40 armored vehicles into a Syria, a sovereign country. Russia is building up on Ukraine’s border and China is entering Taiwan’s airspace with nuclear bombers.
@Piotr Trebisz well put and accuatly said Piotr and I agree with you 100%.
@George Kent It’s not protecting the US, it’s attacking other countries. That is what the US is basically doing. China is not operating on US coastlines.
@George Kent The U.S. has gone right back to doing what it does best, being an oil company with an army to enforce it’s will.. PERIOD. You disrespectful, ignorant piece of trash.
@Jason Williamson your an Ffffin Moron!
@kevin122759 I don’t agree with your Nazi comment because I was in the US Army from 1996 to 2017. BUT I will agree, as someone who was actually there, that some of these invasions were completely unnecessary as is our governments insistence on remaining there for years. The Biden Administration is looking for a pat on the back over deciding to pull out of Afghanistan while simultaneously ramping up operations in Syria. I’ve been to BOTH of those countries. We have ZERO allies in Syria that need our help, they are doing nothing to us, and there is absolutely nothing there of benefit to Average Joe American. As we speak this Administration has troops in Syria babysitting oil wells. They aren’t there protecting American interests because everyday Americans HAVE NO interests there. And before you cast stones please keep in mind that where I come from your options for the future are either working in a steel mill or selling dope on the corner. The Army was my job and I showed up for it. But ultimately I’m glad I did because working for 4 different Administrations is a real eye opener.
During the Vice presidential debates, thirteen years ago, Joe Biden said all troops would be out Afghanistan within two years. This, if it actually happens, is still several months later than the date negotiated by his predecessor.
His predecessor did not withdraw them. Saying and doing are not the same
@Rocky So far, Joe has only “said ” and he has “said” before. He had eight years to get it done under Barack Obama and did not. Maybe this time…
@Herbert Shallcross He wasn’t the president. Besides, ISIS was rampant back then
In light of what’s really going on…. When was the last time anyone in America has heard the word C-O-N-S-C-R-I-P-T-I-O-N?
Not to forget at this juncture, that Russia also pulled out after 20 years. Afghanistan is the only country that was tested by both the super powers and withstood both over along period of time. The terrain is so rugged and the people so resilient.
Very true. Feel sad for the population though, especially the women. Thousands will be slaughtered by the fundamentalists/ Taliban when they take back the country.
The real problem is the terrorists blend in with the population
It’s amazing that anyone would want a useless, godforsaken place like that anyway.
Daniel Afghanistan is full of natural resources and lapis. I was there in the 1960’s when USA peace Corp was running schools and bring medical, until the Russian s invasion. I don’t know why they invade but never develop mines or ways of accessing the resources.
Hi Rachel Anne.

Rachel, “it is..pause..something.”
Me, eventually you will get better at doing it, and you won’t include the word um.
A gradual withdrawal will bring peace.