Why not everything you say or tweet is protected under free speech | Just The FAQs

Could you go to prison for saying you're going to incite violence? Here are your rights under the first amendment.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Tuesday wrestled with whether to revive a lawsuit brought by a Georgia college student who sued school officials after being prevented from distributing Christian literature on campus.

The school, Georgia Gwinnett College, has since changed its policies and the student has graduated. A lower court dismissed the case as moot and an appeals court agreed, but the student, Chike Uzuegbunam, is urging the justices to allow the case to move forward. He’s seeking just $1 and says he wants the Lawrenceville, Georgia, school to be held accountable for its past policies.

Groups across the political spectrum including the ACLU say the case is important to ensuring that people whose constitutional rights were violated can continue their cases even when governments repeal the policies they were challenging.

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    (copy and paste from my files):

    Consider the following: (Whether human, AI, or other species):
    We appear to be individuals in a larger society of individuals. Whether it is an individual human in a larger society of humans, or an individual AI in a larger society of AI’s, or an individual in a larger society of all species in existence throughout all of existence.

    What is ‘best’ for an individual, may or may not be what is ‘best’ for the larger society of individuals. And conversely, what is ‘best’ for the larger society of individuals, may or may not be what is ‘best’ for the individual.

    But, if a decision had to be made concerning a certain topic, of who’s ‘best’ should take precedent over the other’s ‘best’, who’s ‘best’ should take precedent? If for an individual, which individual? All individuals? If for a larger society of individuals, which larger society of individuals? A certain group? A certain nation? A certain species? All species in existence throughout all of existence?

    And who decides? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide? Should I decide how you should exist? Should you decide in how I should exist? Should others decide how we both should exist? Should we decide how others should exist? And who even decides in how to decide? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide?

    This whole natural tension between the individual and the larger society of individuals, who decides, and by what authority they and they alone get to decide, is the cause of much strife, suffering and death in this world.

    But still, while we consciously exist, how should we, individually and as a larger society of individuals, exist while we do exist? And who decides? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide?

    It’s all basically about who is in control, so as to make the decisions, for who’s benefit. With all the consequences and ramifications, seen and unseen, of all of our collective choices.

    1. * Then, no matter what we all decide:
      1. We are still ALL going to die one day from something.
      2. We are still ALL going to forget everything we ever knew and experienced.
      3. We are still ALL going to be forgotten one day in future eternity as if we never ever existed at all in the first place.

      Nature is our greatest ally in so far as Nature gives us life and a place to live it, AND Nature is also our greatest enemy that is going to take it all away. (OSICA)

      Life itself only matters to life itself, only as long as life itself still exists. It’s just that based upon the current analysis, life itself will not always exist from this Earth. Sorry folks, but life itself is all ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

      It does not even ultimately matter that we exist, much less how we all exist while we exist. BUT STILL: How exactly do we all, individually and as a larger society of individuals, want to exist while we do exist? And who decides? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide?

    2. And for those who believe ‘God’ actually exists:
      (another copy and paste from my files):


      For those who claim God actually exists (besides as a concept), consider the following:
      a. An actual eternally existent absolute somethingness truly existing.
      b. An actual eternally existent absolute somethingness that has consciousness, memories and thoughts truly existing.

      People who claim God actually and eternally exists basically are claiming that ‘b’ above is correct but yet simultaneously seem to be saying that ‘a’ is impossible to occur.

      ‘a’ above can exist without ‘b’ existing but ‘b’ cannot exist unless ‘a’ exists. Even per the scientific principal of Occam’s razor, ‘a’ is more probable of being really true rather than ‘b’.

      I am one step away from proving God’s existence, but am unable to find any actual evidence to do so. And nobody I’ve talked to seems to have any actual evidence of God’s actual existence either. All humans appear to have are ‘Theories of God’. Some humans appear to go their whole life basing their life upon their specific theory of God. They even at times kill other humans based upon their own theories. Many give their God human characteristics and cannot even prove the existence of their God much less the characteristics given to their God. Some have circumstantial arguments for a God’s existence, but others have circumstantial arguments for no God existing. Not one has any actual factual evidence that their God actually factually even exists. Hence, at this time in the analysis, God does not actually exist except for as a concept created by humans for humans. Humans have personified Nature and called that personification “God”. It appears many of them are delusional and are believing in fairy tales as if those fairy tales were really true. Instead of what is claimed “God creating man in God’s image”, it’s more likely that “Man created God in Man’s image”.

      Further consider that if the emotional parts of the brain override the logic and reasoning parts of the brain, people can be made to believe basically anything at all as being really true. Plus modern science has already proven that humans can have visual and audio hallucinations that are very real to that individual. All the more reason for critical thinking being needed and to follow the facts wherever those facts might lead.

      In addition, while modern science does not know what consciousness actually is yet, memories and thoughts appear to require a physical correctly functioning brain to have those items occur. Where is God’s brain? Where are God’s memories stored at? How are God’s memories stored and retrieved? How does God think even a single coherent thought?

      If inside of this space time dimension we appear are existing in, then where?
      If outside of this space time dimension we appear are existing in, then where is the interface between that dimension and this dimension? No such interface has been discovered as of yet as far as I am currently aware of.

      * Note: Since this is a search for the real absolute truth concerning God, Intelligent Designer, Pre-existent Consciousness, etc, feel free to copy and paste this elsewhere to further the analysis and discussion.

    3. * The universe ALWAYS existed in some form and NEVER had a beginning:
      (another copy and paste from my files):

      (‘Space’ being energy itself, ‘Time’ being the flow of energy):

      Consider the following, utilizing modern science and logic and reason:
      a. Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it’s one of the foundations of physics. Hence, energy is either truly eternally existent, or modern science is wrong.

      b. An ‘absolute somethingness’ cannot come from ‘absolute nothingness’, ‘absolute nothingness’ just being a concept from a conscious entity in ‘absolute somethingness’. Hence, an ‘absolute somethingness’ truly eternally existed throughout all of eternity past, exists today, and will most probably exist throughout all of future eternity. That eternally existent ‘absolute somethingness’ most probably being energy itself.

      c. The universe ALWAYS existed in some form and will most probably ALWAYS exist in some form, with no beginning and possibly no end. Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, have been replaced by actual reality.

      d. And for me, ‘space’ is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing. And ‘time’ is the flow of energy. Hence ‘spacetime’ being ‘energy and it’s flow’. ‘Spacetime’ had no beginning and will possibly have no end.

    4. Currently, the one singular ultimate answer to ALL questions in existence, including questions never even asked is: “It Does Not Ultimately Matter”, or in today’s vernacular “IDNUM”. (OSICA)

  2. Pretty good Puff-Piece USAToday! I like the way you tag it “freespeech” or validate it with “Just the FAQS”. Unfortunately , there will be many that interpret this differently and will not “drink the Kool-Aid” so easily. I’d be careful being “big tech” and talking about what your viewers “can” and “cannot” do if I was you….

  3. If you were ok with Facebook and Twitter fact checking posts…

    Then you should be ok with the United States of America fact checking votes.

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