Former President Donald Trump's legal team has asked a federal judge to appoint a "special master" to ensure the Justice Department returns any of his private documents seized during the search of Mar-a-Lago two weeks ago. CNN's Kaitlan Collins, Katelyn Polantz, and Elie Honig have more. #CNN #News
Why new Trump lawsuit shows disagreement behind the scenes

What a joke! He wants a third party to review the stolen documents that he never allowed the National Archives to review. Now, that is PRICELESS!
@Trump Hilter He already has.
@trump Hitler
Putin already knows
@Trump Hilter worry not – he probably has.
Trump’s note to the Attorney General is a typical mob shake down. Even Monte Python did a sketch where the Fracotti brothers were in a General’s office saying it would be a shame if some of his tanks got broken then knocks an item onto the floor breaking it.
“Nice Democracy you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.”
Garland should add an obstruction of justice charge to the long, long list of other crimes.
The DOJ should simply answer this lawsuit with an indictment. PERIOD.
For what….DOJ for the most part have been silent ….Garland needs to do the right thing and release the affidavit unredacted…..if he wants to regain any kind of legitimacy with the public …..
@VJohnson I bet with kooks like you trying to sabotage the process and making special demands that no one else gets.
Yes he needs to be indicted for the Mcdonalds breakfast receipt he snuck out the whitehouse to sell to Russia
I love how… Trump lights the match, throws it onto a bushel of hay, and then has the sheer audacity to walk over to the friendly fireman, asking him how he can help put out the fire, to save the family inside.
@Anti-Rioter-15 I don’t find it funny at all. It’s actually alarmingly accurate.
You lose lmfao.
Delay tactics, as usual. He uses this everytime he has a law suit. I bet his goal is to delay until he’s president again. Not gonna happen!
No, he only has to delay until he does something else that gets the attention of the press. The papers print his picture almost every where he goes. Although come to think of it, I have never seen him at an opera or a show, but once in a church.
The young son watching his dad and his sleazy business partners on the news. The son looking at the Capitol Riot and knowing his dad caused that awful scene. The young son knowing that this is how his dad makes his money by being a court jester for the cameras. Even if Trump lets him know that it’s all an act, it’s still your dad. Your dad is making a fool of himself for a class of people you don’t really respect.
“Hey Barron, what’s your dad’s comedy routine for the press tomorrow in order to get poor people to vote for him again after he stole all their money for his fake campaign.” Walks away laughing.
or until another Republican can pardon him.
“Most” Americans aren’t on trump’s crazy team—most of us follow the laws, and we like it when criminals are prevented from continuing their illegal acts.
“Most” Americans will be voting against the continuing criminality and corruption of the repub party in the next two elections.
Lmfao you lost again.
When Trump is in distress he always files a lawsuit against someone etc
@Don’t be Fooled! Living his best life!
There needs to be someone with top secret clearances is special master granted. And it can’t be Jim Jordan or clowns like that
we need to call the dog catcher on trump
So much for his declassified excuse…
What about Hilary or Barack?
Just buying time. Judge should respond with, “lol, no.”
👍can you imagine the Judge having a special stamp made with “lol, no, denied” on it, and using it on the Motion🤣🤣😆
You wouldn’t like the road that goes down. Best keep it professional and dry. That is actually much more hard-hitting than such a cavalier response.
The DOJ will just point out that Trump’s lawyers had a chance to make these arguments last Thursday but instead they sat on their hands through the entire proceedings.
Asserting executive privilege basically admits that they are presidential papers, which means they are subject to federal rules about how presidential papers must be handled. Which means he should not have been keeping them at his residence.
@Caesar Medina looks like your codes comment got deleted? I dont see it anymore
@CSPORT you were not arguing that he didn’t do it. You argued their existance by claiming trump could so those things, so I listed the 2 codes that say he can’t.
@Caesar Medina my only argument is he is, as president, allowed to declassify documents unilaterally. Were going to have to see what these alleged docs are to make a reasonable judgment on their importance, if they never show what they are, I’m not buying it. I’m not going to just believe that he was breaching national security just on faith.
@CSPORT Well they did give him some time to give it back plus you know they needed to gather sufficient evidence to search someone’s home.
@CSPORT Even if they were declassified he still cannot take those documents home, especially after his presidency ended. All documents wether classified or unclassified must be returned. That’s what you don’t get. On top of it if they were classified and contain sensitive information, why would they release it to the public?
Stalling,stalling,stalling. A special master,who would be a lawyer, wouldnt have the top security clearance needed to go through the the security documents.
A Master is a Judge. The Judge in Florida saw the documents.
Exactly. It would take weeks or months to find someone with those qualifications and after someone is found Trump’s lawyers would find another problem.
He’s fundraising off of this, once again deceiving his fans.
@Amitis Shahbanu a fool and his money are easily parted
@Uniquely Lily – The judge in Florida did not see the documents just evidence on an affidavit that a crime was being committed and that evidence of a crime would be found at Mar-a-Lago.
There will not be any “political” prosecution if politicians stay within the law. A criminal is a criminal. If he is also a politician should not matter to the law. That is the choice of the politician. Being a politician should not automatically immunize a criminal!
Your excellent point seems also to beg a conclusion that the DOJ’s noninterference policy should be discarded.
*should not automatically grant immunity to a criminal. I don’t get why Americans want to take shortcuts all the time in our language, it looks terrible. Immunise means something else, obviously, immunise is something you do with COVID, you don’t then get to crowbar that word in other contexts, because you find English to be so hard. Obviously if you hate English that much, you can misappropriate Arapaho or another native language, just not with ours. To grant immunity is a legal term, immunise is a medical term, even when you misspell it for no reason into some sort of Italianate word.
@Oscuros Immunity is also a medical designation.
@Oscuros while I agree entirely with you, bear in mind that you’re on YouTube. Talking with Americans (for the most part). The proper use of the English language is not a high priority. Even news readers make shocking errors in grammer.
Justice must apply to all. Political consequences should not prevent any judicial investigation from moving forward. Trump breaking laws is a political issue, and that is Trump’s problem. Period.
Trump is the master at stalling in the court system. I hope the judge sees through his tactics
He’s the special master of delay lol.
On the other hand if you’re even facing court action, it may be essential for you to delay. Particularly if you have no lawyer.
@Erick Borling Jail Him Lawyer or not . He’s Guilty as it gets !
People keep overlooking the fact that the law forbids willful retention of the documents no matter what the classification.
“Willful retention”
@Phylis He was asked for the papers and he refused to give them all back. So, yes, willful retention when he had no rights as the Presidents documents belong to the American people and are secured and tended by the National Archives Department.
Lmfao you lose again . The tears are so sweet.
When he says it’s politically motivated, it’s because it benefits him politically. He’s always projecting. He’s the worlds best gaslighter
Only in his lil mind. This is why all the reputable attorney leave and no new reputable ones will take on his case!!
The problem is he thinks he’s right all the time because nobody has corrected him for years.
So, let me see if I got this right: Investigations are not permitted to take place because they are (1) political and (2) too close to an election cycle . . . If that’s the case, then who should give a damn about the law.
It is Outrageous that he kept most sensitive records but he continues to say he did nothing wrong!
The DOJ is perfectly capable of handling this.
It’s taken them more than two years before finally deciding doing something.