January 6 House select committee member Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) joins CNN’s Jim Acosta to discuss former President Donald Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania and the classified documents found at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. #CNN #News
Why Lofgren says Trump’s speech was ‘weird’

All TRUMP needs is 11,780 days in prison !!!
@jeff Rodgers it’s either — For what, or What About with you trolls.
And it’s likely to be a country club prison
That’s about the exact number of gov docs the FBI found at Mara-LARD-o!
Good one
BREAKING NEWS: Putin has formally offered to be the Special Master, since he’s already reviewed all the documents and could expedite the process.
He steals every platform from his “friends “
Has no friends!
Other people are nothing but props to him. For sociopaths, “other people” don’t really exist, except in some theoretical way. He literally thinks the world revolves around him.
He doesn’t have any friends he has assets
You mean imaginary friends of course.
Vicious monsters?!?! Trump needs to look in a REAL mirror sometime.
Projection. It’s a narcissistic trait. Textbook. Though he wins biggly. He’s the best at it.
You said it
@Jordan Keith Yeah, and they come out after dark!
With what we know about Trump, any reasonable person wonders why he has not been arrested.
@gibbeys I’m not kidding. See what you did there? Every time I ask for one example of anything that is claimed about Trump, its just “Oh there’s so many” Ok so give me one! You cant can you?
@Jason O’Leary President Trump is everyday news

. This has made him even bolder, and powerful. They know he knows they’re lying 

@Rolen Rodes let’s try “facts for dummies” for basic Trump supporters. And “Believe their actions not their words” for anyone who goes to Trump rallies.
Donald Trump calling Joe Biden an “enemy of the state” is PROJECTION
@Acer Maximinus it’s sad, but true. the erosion of safety, economy and prosperity has all happened under full Democrat rule.
TRUMP 2024
— that’s his method of operation
Please stop referring to his appearances as “speeches”. It’s senseless rambling. Wasn’t he there to support candidates for office in PA.
@Bryan because he is the leader of a fascist movement and I swore an oath to defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
@Bryan and no one made anything up about him. Wtf are you uninformed about?
You aspire to be a fraud?
It would do you no harm to raise your expectations a little.
Poor guy.
@Detective Columbo are you on drugs?
Lesson in life my mother taught me: “Just because you got away with a very questionable fart once, doesn’t mean the next time you won’t sh!t your pants.” Still holds true today.
Your mother is a wise sage.
That was awesome.
If you use a Bic lighter, you can light them. Bardini.
I hope you don’t mind, butt I just jotted down your Mother’s words of wisdom for future use! Your Mother’s a Rockstar in my book!
Thank You Zoe. Yes it’s weird. But we can’t haul him in till after the elections. He is such a beautiful disruption of the republican platform.
@SkipTheBlip quit spreading lies no one’s paying anybody to stay home
sure he can be arrested before elections
Haul him in. Period. That’s justice .
Lock him up before he can have another rally. He is dangerous
@ Mary Valenzuela, Absolutely right!
my thoughts exactly
It’s mind boggling that trump is allowed to continue his crap
@Shane Higgins He has no chance.
@Cryst C O lol no
@Shane Higgins
No going back. MAGA forever.
That is what is known as P R O J E C T I O N ladies and gentlemen.
@bigcheesecurdlover no, it’s called cowardly
Honestly, Trump’s rhetoric is so much crazier now that I have to wonder if ordinary Republicans aren’t also thinking “it’s really weird.” Can you imagine the chaos if Trump were actually elected again? Heaven forbid.
I’ll run for the border and seek political asylum. No way will I stay in my homeland under such tyranny! Why didn’t HE leave the country? I’m old and poor and will starve before I’ll tolerate that kind of ‘leadership ‘ FDJT!
Last fight https://youtu.be/pq9yyaZ25YI
pretty soon he’ll accidentally extend his hand in a Nazi Salute – and nobody will be able to deny his true colors
Orange swastika
Pennsylvania thanks Dump for helping to elect Shapiro and Fetterman who will represent the citizens of our state over the Dump.
Last fight https://youtu.be/pq9yyaZ25YI
@Loretta Nericcio-Bohlman Shapiro is our Attorney General. I am supporting/voting for Shapiro and Fetterman.
@Nancy Krawczyk If they have another pipe burst. Or whatever it takes.
#voteblue #saveourdemocracy
He has to be paying some of them. I say that because the same African American man (white shirt with black lettering and sunglasses) Has been at all the recent rallies in different states. It’s been like a “finding Waldo” book
He’s been in his rallies since the beginning.
@Serena Hilton
he can pack a football stadium in a day, anywhere in the country.
@pdspears102767 but the government pays you?
Yeah, I spotted him in more than 1 photo!
Once again, he projects his own behavior by calling someone else an “enemy of the state”. Lock him up.
That’s a Big 10/4!
How long does it take for everyone to know this is true? Everyone should understand that calling the emperor without clothes presages his anxiety, unforced errors, and self destruction. Just apply what kids say: “if that’s me, then what are you?”
@Apple Tree obviously, very desperate for attention.
@Michael Whitted 2024.
They should arrest him and not let out as he can cause so much trouble by creating a distrust in law enforcement and the law. He’s guilty, so he’s trying to vilify the ones that he fears.
Defund the police.
Ok. And under what law would we be able to do something like that and thus end up denying 330 million Americans their civil rights when/if they find themselves in front of a judge? This is a process. If it happened in any other 1st world country the process, slow as it is, would be the same or almost the same. YT comments are so low rent & reactionary, especially when the British jump in – which is almost all of the comments – the ignorance is beyond belief. I don’t know why I put myself through it.
@Rock Forester Trump committed clear espionage – (and incitement of insurrection) for which both are felonies and those perps were arrested and sentenced… THAT LAW, numbnuts.
Ye asked and received thy reply
I cringed in embarrassment when HRC called this man and his supporters
*deplorables.* Then I realized that she was only being generous!
@oltedders yeah HRC means Hillary Clinton, why did you need to mansplain that to me when it was very clear I was aware of that?
@El Spoocho Because you said you’d never heard of it. You need to get out and arounnd, cause it’s been used since yonk years.
Well said. Truth brother.
It’s sickening to see 45’s contemptuous face and/or hear his lying voice. Our DOJ needs to lock him up – and shut him up – already!
@Siegfried Braun where are they now? If I remember history correctly they didn’t end well.
@JusticeIsComing Wrong again Bucko! That sounds more like Trump!
Trump’s acting like he’s really scared of something.
he does seem out of touch.
@Zepparella Dakunish He’s always been out of touch since Day 1
Lol I don’t think so.
I love watching interviews with Zoe. She is the absolute best – intelligent and very well spoken. Always speaks to the point. Clear and concise. When she can’t publicly answer a question she will say so, she does not beat around the bush or try and change the topic.
Like your favorite English teacher or librarian. Wish we had more public servants like her…..kind of the opposite of the snarling bullies and snake oil peddlers the republicans seem drawn to.
I love her!! We need more like her!!