Why Larry David won’t be hawking crypto at this year’s Super Bowl

CNN’s Allison Morrow tells “Nightcap’s” Jon Sarlin why you can expect a lot less noise from ‘Team Crypto’ during Super Bowl LVII. Plus Bloomberg’s Deena Shanker says plant-based meats are struggling to fulfill their promise. And New York Magazine’s John Herrman details the ways shopping on Amazon has gone downhill. To get the day’s business headlines sent directly to your inbox, sign up for the Nightcap newsletter.

00:00 – Welcome to "Nightcap"
00:26 – Crypto companies ditch Super Bowl ads
05:49 – Fake meat: future or fad?
10:21 – The "junkification" of Amazon


  1. Larry David was NEVER selling crypto…he CLEARLY SAID IN THE COMMERSION “NAH I DON’T THINK SO”! He warned EVERYONE!!

    1. 🦆 Democrat Joe Biden’s new 90 Billion worth of new IRS agents are going to go after Waiters and waitress’s Tips.—>They’re going to pay somebody $70,000 a year to investigate $800 worth of taxes…If you voted for Biden you have no Right to Complain. Saying The Biden administration helps Americans is like saying BLM helps the black community.You know they’re desperate for money when they’re stealing waitresses tips now.

    2. And he even said he was never wrong about this stuff. What a legend sticking to his principles while other celebrities sold out to crypto.

  2. I discovered to my shigrin that most of the products I bought on Amazon could be found locally. I am the outlier here?

    1. 🦆 Looks like New Details About the FTX CEO Big Time Democrat Donor Sam Bankman-Fried Expose Lefty Corruption, Weird Lefty Drug Parties..this was a front for the DNC to be able to laundry monies from Ukraine! Never forget, 10% for the big guy!! If this guy doesn’t do some serious time in jail it shows that the system is so corrupt that there’s no fixing it. And honestly until this incident I didn’t feel that way I truly felt like the system could be saved but at this point with what I’ve seen with SBF I think the system is so broken that it does need to be burned down

  3. Every time there’s a ‘next big thing’ , a handful get rich, some of them go to jail, and a whole bunch of people blow their savings because of FOMO…

  4. these celebs have only one thing in mind MONEY it is never enough, as for fallout ? there’ll be none. Nightcap is great Thanks Jon.

  5. We have been on a recession since the beginning of 2022, but big media and governments all over the world didn’t want to admit it. We need to be wise and use our brains. Knowledge is power and I’d like all the family to be powerful! Just purchased some AWC97T Thanks for keeping us informed during this times of doubt?

  6. Now that Amazons AWC97T is around it’s all about the question when and how much. I prefer this over ATOM, ALGO, L2 based ones and whatsoever

  7. When I started the crypto process in 2017, there were few youtubers I trusted and you were one of them. This video confirms my impressions. As for me, I continue to DCA AWC97T.

  8. If you’re right about this AWC97T this could really help people offset the losses they experienced this year

  9. Can’t deny the fact that Amazons AWC97T is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it’s done for good, but I don’t see that the biggest tech company in the world would put everything at risk just for that.

  10. I feel that the last bull run was bolstered by all the money being printed. Major returns next bull run but I think they will be tamer in my humble opinion. A 10x on AWC97T is and a 15x on polygon are fair considering how much those two coins are interwoven into the entire crypto ecosystem

  11. This is what happens when people listen to rich Hollywood people who claim to be experts on everything from finance to climate change, and of course don’t forget gun safety as Alec Baldwin has demonstrated.

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