Former Nixon White House counsel John Dean reacts to video released of former President Donald Trump during a deposition as part of New York Attorney General Letitia James' civil investigation into the Trump organization's business practices.
#CNN #News
Why John Dean says Trump’s decision was ‘unprecedented’

“I swear to not answer any questions because they will incriminate me”
This coming from someone that most likely voted for a pedophile…
More likely, ‘It’s none of your business’.
@Mae Miller not his call
Trump doesn’t need “the book thrown” at him, he needs a whole law library thrown at him!
@Kevin T Myers

@Vera Mae
just because and it’s one I don’t have.
I have a nice super thick and big book on World Mythology.
@bill wilson. It’s not that any of them had documents. They didn’t search(legally) Trumps home until almost 2 years later when he refused to turn over “all” of the documents! He obstructed them every step of the way because he believes he doesn’t have to follow the same laws as everyone else and he can get away with anything. Both Biden and Pence willingly worked with the Feds.
@Kiss My Axe thanks trumpfluffer
Can you imagine the plumbing bill?
I’ve seen this crook’s previous depositions. He finally learned to keep his mouth shut and admit his guilt via the 5th.
@doris affissio According to FBI documents made public in 2016, one of Clinton’s aides twice disposed of her old mobile devices by “breaking them in half or …(they are eay to find)
also to win elections you to win by the rules
and USA works as it does as states are awarded points based on population mainly. And while still the biggest population states still have more points than smaller states.. the current system stops the most populated state from being the one that wants and needs are imposed on the rest
and btw midterms GOP got 4m more votes than DEMS but didnt win senate. and just took the house
popular vote can benefit or not benefit you at different times
@Michael Weskamp coming from.. calling someone uses the 5th.. is a sign of guilt.. while someone that takes a hammer to phones and hard-drives to destroy evidence so FBI cant obtain it.. assumes nothing to see- lol i mean are you for real>?
@Stephen Sowell Sure is!
@Doc KillJoy unfortunately his stupidity already got the best of him when he said for years publicly that his hotels/assets were making millions but then claims on his taxes that infact they are not. Not to mention others testifying that they were told to devalue his assets and that they did because it was common practice. Not so smart.
@Raivan Frampton silly rabbit Biden stepped into office owing the IRS over 500 thousand. They are all crook, but Trump scares the
out of them so they keep trying and keep failing.
Question: How do you get Trump to finally Shut-up?
Answer: Put him under oath.
@Thomas no he did not,it’s a lie
@James Moore All the media are talking about it. Stop defending the crimimal.
@Thomas I’m afraid your wrong. tRUMP left the economy WORST than he found it! Sorry pal Biden hasn’t fix it as fast as the democrats usually do! After the g.o.p. plunges U.S. into a depression! Like with the last TWO g.o.p administration befor tRUMP! It’s the FACTS ! Well what do you expect when the g.o.p. yells about inflation! g.o.p yells about taxes! So the g.o.p. thinks it’s a good idea to raise prices 30% with a sales tax! g.o.p. logic But heck you guys can’t even see that tRUMP did anything wrong. Bet you if tRUMP was a Democrat you would see the wrong RIGHT!
@John Herold The best proof of Biden’s incompetence as president we see in receipts for goods and services. Inflation, breaking records. There was no such things under Trump.This is a fact.
Stuff him with hamberder.
I don’t know this answer very well, but I have heard some very good things about it and I gave the same answer to every question. It was a terrific answer. A beautiful answer. The best answer. Everyone I know said that. All the smartest people said that. Even I said that. I have the absolute right to say this. Many people didn’t know these things.
“Sir, that was a perfect answer”
word salad nonsense. Fabulous 
People cried and thanked me when they heard me say “same answer” over 400 times.
He’s aware that if he answered truthfully he would be incriminating himself, the witch hunt found their witch.
@Rob Surname
No, but nice try.
@Rob Surname
It does not say it is a confession, but in a civil case, the jury can infer guilt based upon it. Especially when so many of the questions could easily have been safely answered by an innocent person. There were a few questions where a slip up in answering could have incriminated an innocent person, and a defense attorney could explain that to a jury if he only took the 5th to some of the questions. But simple questions that amount to, “Did you do this illegal thing?” should be easy no answers. The problem is that from their cases against him, the NY DA has evidence that he did. When you plead the 5th to EVERY question, any jury is going to take that as evidence of guilt.
@cardiacpa your version of the facts are quite skewed, Trump only had momentous as reported by the NYT, that’s why it’s nothing where’s Joe Biden having classified documents from when a senator is a CRIME plus he admitted to having classified documents in his unsecured garage another crim
No. The law specifically requires WILLFUL taking or retention of such documents. We KNOW Trump did that, all evidence suggests that neither Biden nor Pence did.
What I heard – “We can not allow this prosecutor to do her job, because I dont want to go to jail”
@Gabs it goes way further than kind of personal. It with the footage of her saying it will be played to the jury.. which proves trumps suggesting of a witch hunt
and taking the 5th isnt in itself a legal right. shouldnt be taken as assuming of guilt.. but the reason why you plead the 5th could be! but if yur reason is backed up (witch hunt) its acceptable and understandable why he took the 5th
@Gabs also a DA promising to go after to jail / convict a political rival to gain votes.. is corrupt..
and once elected..she despite not having the level/bar needed to start an investigation. she opened one anyway to dig and fish and hope to find anything to take him down
Which if u are honest proves her case is a POLITICAL WITCH HUNT..against a rival.. and anyone that takes the 5th claiming that as the reason really has grounds to.
@Nigget-tv-videos I don’t agree with you. You really shouldn’t make excuses for trump’s behavior. Take care.
“accountable for what exactly?”
Let’s see… For not paying the taxes he and his company should have been paying. For inflating/deflating the value of his assets to pay less taxes or borrow more money. For paying hush money to a porn star using campaign funds. For taking 2 pallets of documents that belong to the government home at the end of his presidency. For bringing a mob of people to take the Capitol so they would steal the presidency for him. Did I miss anything?
@Nigget-tv-videos I was actually referring to a quote at the end of the video where trump states “we can not allow which hunts like this to continue to advance the careers of…..”
Ty for pointing out the vagueness of the comment without the context of a time stamp. You may find it hard to believe but I am not a liberal. I am familiar with the patterns and habits of the MNPD. He love bombed the Republican party. Made it all about himself, and now…if allowed…wll destroy it for trying to move forward.
When Trump finally speaks the truth…400 times.
@Tyrone Jackson You was rent free..
@Derrick Johnson
That’s because she knows he’s a liar and a cheater. He thinks not paying enough taxes makes him smart. Not teally, but what do you think of those like you who pay more taxes because millionaires like Trump don’t pay their share.
@Elizabeth Stanley
Really… if it wasn’t a waste of time, I could come up with many… many times. Would be much simpler with quoting times he told the truth. Why some people can’t see that is beyond me.
@Liliane Cousineau They are very, very, very stupid. Trust me on this one.
@Gustavo Deugarte Tyrone is a two-word tool.
Anyone in his position, a guilty one, would be a fool to not plead the 5th. Yup.
@Niggit apparently you don’t understand what it means to plead the fifth. Ask Google.
@Penny Davis It means that you are both guilty and a coward.
@Nigget-tv-videos Right, like Trump. And since Trump has proven himself to be that type of person, he can’t be trusted, since he’s unhinged and hateful, he’s clearly a liar too. Glad you can see that.
@Chris M calling someone uses the 5th.. is a sign of guilt.. while someone that takes a hammer to phones and hard-drives to destroy evidence so FBI cant obtain it.. assumes nothing to see- lol i mean are you for real>? unhinged roght.. clinton smashing evidence-isnt a sign of guilt! LOL
That is the farthest from the truth if you know anything about legal matters and how corrupt Lawyer, FBI and Judges are.
“This probe is political” and also “I can’t answer the questions raised in this probe because that would incriminate me”. Hmmm right, so not political then.
@Vera Mae Torture? Are you confusing American law enforcement with Putin’s FSB?
Torture was “very common in England and Europe”? The Long Parliament in 1640 abolished torture in England. In Scotland, torture was prohibited by section 5 Treason Act 1708. The 5th amendment was written long after that.
In the case you cite, you would be best advised to tell the police exactly where you went, what you saw and at what times so you could be eliminated from their enquiries and possibly help them in their investigation.
Elected officials mishandling classified documents and scientist mishandling deadly viruses.
@Vera Mae Still needs to be proved beyond reasonable doubt and that necessitates proving evidence. The fact you are walking on the route is not evidence unless scrupulous evidence is found or fabricated and that can happen either way can’t it?
Amen to that!!!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke
othe neccessary for evil to triumph over to want those you dislike jailed.. evidence be damned
Trump: Lock her up….oh and any journalists who hurt my feelings, Yeah.
Elected officials mishandling classified documents and scientist mishandling deadly viruses.
“The only thing necessary for the Trump of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
“Only the mob takes the fifth. If that guy is so innocent, why is he taking the fifth amendment?” -Trump, 2016.
“Anyone in my position not taking the 5th amendment would be a fool, an absolute fool.” – Trump, 2023.
@a w yes 100% thats what i mean.. was wrong then and wrong now.
@tyronejackson2235 justice is living rent free in your head

“Conform no longer with the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind.”
The Holy Bible
Things change in 7 Years huh ???
Elected officials mishandling classified documents and scientist mishandling deadly viruses.
I thought pleading the 5th in a civil case was deemed admission of guilt.
If you asked Trump few years ago you got exactly that answer. legally you have to prove a guilt.
@Michael Weskamp
FlashNews : children screaming :
“I got nothing to say about that” are self incriminating !
“Conform no longer with the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind.”
The Holy Bible
@Matt0040 in a civil case the jury can take the pleading if the 5th as guilt… Maybe djt doesn’t know this?
That is true, but answers in his deposition can be used in a potential criminal case against him. He has criminal liability in this matter even though it’s currently a civil action.
Everything this guy has done has been unprecedented.
isnt the evidence needed to be presented in a court of law..and proven as evidence of a crime first before you assume guilt? isnt that democracy and rule of law that DEMOCRATS pretend to care about?
An unprecedented disaster.
you mean unproven
Let’s hope he’s un presidented in 2024,as in not elected.He should be in prison instead.
You know if they were going to coach him with what to say, they would have been smart to coach him on his body language and attitude which when this is played in front of a jury with his arms crossed and belligerent attitude will scream I am guilty.
He keeps firing his attorneys. By now he’s probably at the bottom of the barrel and by the looks of it his current attorneys must not be giving him very good counsel.
“If you’re innocent, why are you pleading the fifth?” -direct quote from Trump in 2016
@Let the flames takeover it’s you’re genius.
@Jon S I second that
@regan dunn if only wishes came true.
First of all Trump was a private citizen when he acquired his wealth he lost money during his Presidency. All this bull shits are to prevent him from the office and to manipulate ignorance voters to make him looks like a criminal. They should investigate the people who became/becoming millionaires as politicians who’s never run a business in their entire lives like the Clintons, the Obamas, and those CA members of Congress who live in their million dollar homes not in their districts they represent.
@Let the flames takeover “Strategic tactic” …. you are a fukin clown.

You know he wanted to go off-script, but those lawyers of his knew that it would be bad news if he did, and the fact that he had to ask is even more hilarious
reality is… you dont no..werent there..guessing… based on hate..
isnt that more the truth
“Anyone in my position, not taking the 5th, would be a fool.” Truer words have never been spoken, however, in this case, keeping his mouth shut does not prevent him from being a fool.
“Anyone in my position who doesn’t take the 5th, would be a fool” which means anyone whose guilty would plead the fifth.
Reagan saying “I do not recall” in reference to his administration’s involvement in Oliver North’s massive drug smuggling operation is tantamount to taking the fifth, only less honestly.
At least he had Alzheimer’s