Former Nixon White House counsel John Dean and CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig discuss Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-SC) potential next moves after the Supreme Court declined to block a subpoena for him to testify in front of an Atlanta special grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. #CNN #News
Why John Dean doesn’t think Graham will get far with potential strategy to avoid testifying

Preaching personal responsibility to others is one thing. Living up to it is something else entirely. Am I right, Lindsey?
@WE THE PEOPLE 🇺🇸 спасибо за службу, товарищ
Lindsay is reading your comment and Pooper Scooper puts it and takes it where he shouldn’t
@WE THE PEOPLE 🇺🇸 and you will never post an intelligent comment
@WE THE PEOPLE 🇺🇸 aww did he hurt your maga feelings buttercup
@WE THE PEOPLE 🇺🇸 says the party that literally went full snowflake and attempted a coup against the country because they lost and got the big sad from it.
A US Senator with a law degree thinks that he can ignore a legally issued subpoena. When I’m subpoenaed in front of Congress, can I invoke my right to not appear on the grounds that I don’t want to?
Blackman envy much?
GOLUBOIzzzzz of queen vladz are hilarious 🤣
To be honest, I think they thought they would be able to reverse the presidential election! I’m glad that to this day the LAW can hold them accountable for their actions ! Polarization and division only affects the vulnerable ! and those who promote it, sitting in their comfort chair without any remorse !
Yep! And now he’ll just plead the 5th! He’s Fuckered!! So funny!
@Victor S The Justice system is designed for the rich and influential, that’s one reason why us peons are so pissed off all the time.
No unless your rich and/or have power. That applies democrat politicians and republican. The problem with CNN viewers is that only want to hold one side of the problem accountable. The democrats have as much corruption and wrong doing as do the republicans.
Graham should testify about his phone call to the secretary of state in Georgia to toss out votes in favour of a Republican.
Sure bot.
😆another right racist wingner
@Big daddy cool at least someone can spell.
Are you American?
@Truck Taxi miss Lindsey has to take care of her goldfish
Time Lindsey and like were accountable to the American voter’s for their own actions to defraud their Vote.
@here is the full video
Botzzzz for borscht 🤣
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If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…….and we will deserve it. -Lindsey Graham 🤣
Use their own words against them.
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@Inside story Get lost.
Accept your destruction Linny.
Ms. Graham is FINALLY going to face the music!!! YES!!!
Yeah sure that will happen. Has any politician really had “to face the music” from either party?
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Blah, blah, blah. Your naivety is astounding. Next week you will cry.
as usual, miss lindsey won’t have to face anything
Doesn’t seem so
Lizzy Graham is not going to do anything but plead the fifth over and over maybe 500 times vote blue 🔵🔵🔵
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simply change his status to being a target, add him lust like giuliani. let him know if evedence shows up he was involved a new book will be written to throw at him…chapter one, first page, first sentence, graham goes to prison…oh wait thats the title
Miss Lindsey, the speech and debate clause is only used for legislative duties, not taking part in election meddling in a state you don’t even represent. So Miss Lindsey, you bought the ticket, now it’s time for you to go for the ride.
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Why would Lindsey work so hard to avoid truthfully answering questions if he’s done nothing wrong? It makes him look pretty bad. Pathetic actually.
Why would he rush to testify with a bunch of democrats who want to catch you in a mistake or a lie? Who would do that?
@A A Justice matters.
Graham has NEVER done any legitimately legislative activity.
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A senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee trying to avoid testifying under oath. Disgraceful.
Yeah he should be running to testify under oath based on what you feel.
@A A Justice matters dude.
All those snowflakes want to run their mouths until they get under oath. What does that tell you? Lying cowards everyone of them.
@A A well for a while now he’s been doing things based on how your orange daddy feels. It’s about time he took some agency.
lock him up until he begs to testify
Why aren’t all US citizens demanding more from their employees.
He’s just gonna say “I don’t recall” 100 billion times.
In which case he should be kicked out of congress for having Alzheimers and not therefore not able to do his job, the turd
See you’re right he is a Democrat that’s what the Democrats do lie lie lie
@james joste Lindsey Olin Graham is an American lawyer and politician serving as the senior United States senator from South Carolina, a seat he has held since 2003. A member of the Republican Party, Graham chaired the Senate Committee on the Judiciary from 2019 to 2021.
So absurd that these old guys want to tell us what to do but don’t even have the balls to testify in court. A bunch of scared hypocrites!
Not hypocrites just corrupted
Lindsey Graham should use this opportunity to both testify and come out of the closet.
I’m still skeptical Ms. Graham will suffer any consequences for her past actions.
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At the end of the day Lindsey Graham is simply delaying the process. Playing with time. He’s aware that if he speaks out he stands losing core support within his Party. His actions, conduct and behaviour just highlights the type of man he is and the lack of integrity he has for the greater American people. Amusingly it’s the American people who elected this man in to the position he’s in right now. Situations like this should give rise to encouraging people to think more wisely about their decisions on who they intend to cast their vote for in future.