GOP sources tell NBC News they expect to have enough votes to block Senate testimony at the president's impeachment trial. If that happens, impeachment proceedings could end by Friday. The panel discusses. Aired on 01/30/20.
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Why It's Possible Impeachment Could Be Over By Friday | Morning Joe | MSNBC
This is a disgrace if he is left in office god knows what else he going do. Trump is making his rules up and getting away with it. Good luck American because uz will need it with him keep in he is a traitor and only care about himself and own family they are all corrupt. This is so sad to watch.
this is the SAME with everybody…. and for the record ? the HOUSE set THEIR rules originally have their hearings in the underground dungeon behind CLOSED doors, allowing ONLY who they wanted… its their right, its their hearing.. and they also told us they had OVERWHELMING evidence too right…
@guy loehr expect the House was using Republican rules set in 2015, it was open to Republicans and many were in the hearings, it was in a SCIF so they could discuss classifies information, and there is overwhelming evidence, however, the Republicans have their fingers in their ears and dont want to hear from first hand witnesses (you know the thing they’ve asked for since day one of the hearings).
And i dont want to cause you to lose your mind but Come November he wil win reelection. He won 30 States in 2916 As of Jan 24 in true State by State polling he is ahead in 32 States. KAG
And WE HAVE the VOTES to block those GOP senators in November!!! Get them OUT!
@birdlynn hubbard CHURCH!
@Datriax Sondor The only one’s that get caught cheating are Democrats….
@Kevin McNeil Yeah, you are SO right! We are Not STOOPID enough to cheat!
I don’t trust these ‘might vote yes’ Senators…
Sycophants, the lot of them!
Lucy with the football. We aren’t playing anymore.
@David Duffy I mean that they are compromised.
@Mo Fuggar Because they won’t allow for fair witnesses at trial. Sweeping under the rug all of the evidence is bad, bad, bad for us all.
@birdlynn hubbard OMG stinkey cheese man, is the sky falling?
America is screwed and the world is watching. Who can trust America when their leaders don’t have a moral obligation do what’s right.
@Kaleb Williams yeah trust the polls? You will be disappointed in 2020 just like 2016.
Been saying that forever… lost respect for that country. It’s a joke
The world is watching yes indeed. I live in Australia and am totally mortified and disappointed at the morally bankrupt behaviour of republican senators and their criminal masters.
The republican senators could call the Bidens any time they want; they have the votes. They won’t is a threat, as with all bullies call thier bluff.
Willliam Fish you are so right. McConnell is just trying to scare his Senators into thinking that if they vote for witnesses, that he will call for Biden etc.. and that they will be in court forever. It’s a lie. He wouldn’t do that. But they don’t want to take that chance. What a bunch of imbeciles. Even I could figure that out. McConnell is a poisonous reptilian sake in the grass, coming to get us all.
@Worth That is just a fox news fever dream.
Worth I believe that trump will be in prison first.
@Worth Just like Hillary, you’re a joke.
You’re like a little boy that’s just had thier pants pulled down.
Hes a dictator
Gopee why do we need the truth when we are all on the Russians payroll!
Gopee just burned the constitution!
John Roberts is in a situation he does not want to be in. He was hand picked by the Koch brothers to allow Citizen United so the Koch brothers could buy the republican party and Charles Koch is still supporting the retention of Trump to continue with the John Birch agenda. Roberts is walking a line he does not want to walk.
Stupid ….the Russians are coming the Russians are coming ….

@David Clark lol the Koch brothers ? I think you mean Soros and the Dems also the entire left……
Not the Russians payroll but on Israel´s payroll!
Now our country is sold to the highest bidder.
@Crystal Giddens when your dictatorship takes your rights away, think the criminals had you fooled.
@Paul Belardo you mean trump Russia conspiracy again. It’s ok when the dictator takes full effect your rights will disappear. Fact
No freedom
No guns
No laws only police state
Watch that land slide traitor
@Rob Dim It is funny how you people tie things in with Russia. That President Trump is a Russian spy lol. How stupid can you people truly be lol You better run and hide I believe the Russians are invading your neighborhood this week
@Rob Dim what rights?
Too bad Americans can’t vote on impeachment like we vote for president or government officials.
We voted for Hillary but we got Trump so I`m Hoping that I live long enough to see a change.
@Felix Carpio Yes but do you know the last time CA had any impact on a Presidential Election? Do you know when the EC votes from CA pushed a President over the 270 Mark or prevented one from getting to 270? Also CA NY are not representative of America. So Yes your numbers are right, but Realistically they are meaningless. The American Voters living in TX FL GA NC PA just to name a few will never again vote for the same person that CA and NY will. It is a Numbers game. And Even though President Trump and America knows CA is lost it is not needed to win. And NEVER has the EC votes in CA had an impact on a Presidential election even though it is the largest. FL PA TX each state has pushed a President to 270 and each state prevented a President from getting the 270. So yo think that in 2020 or on that the People in TX PA FA NC GA will vote the same as people in CA or NY is Ludicrous. We will see when Trump wins in 2020 and the Republicans take the House and maybe pick up a few Senate seats. As President Trump said “America will Never be a Socialist Country” That leaves CA and NYC out of having an impact on the Race to the White House. America Loves Trump maybe not in NYC maybe not in CA but in more then enough States to Get even more then 307 He got in 2016. Remember Mondale’s run well that is what is going to happen to the DNC in November if you Nominate a Socialist. Have a great day and Keep America Great Keep America First in everything and Keep America Strong
Democrats should of picked something that might crack the top 200 of the worst things Trump has done. Pausing military aid that shouldn’t be given to Ukraine to begin with doesn’t matter to the public.
@elvisstopper 420 Well in November Preesident Trump will be relelected. So in 2024 Maybe Don JR will run so that is 8 Years That takes us to 2032.. Maybe after that there will not be a President Trump. Depending on how old you are maybe. I do think we are watching the downfall of the DNC like the Labor Party in the UK and the Dead USSR in Russia. We can only hope.
@Gunner DJ :: PA and FL are battleground states. tRumpo won them by only 1% in 2016. So not be so sure, don´t be so wishful thinking. And Dems have been making inroads in GA and NC, and in 2018 they got more votes than Repubs in MI, WI, AZ …. and also in PA. If only Dems get the Black and Hispanic voters to the polls , the New Yorker orange wacko tRumpo will be doomed.
History shall never forgive Republicans aligned with the sham trial.
@Fez Paladinrelax it’s an impeachment prank
@Fez Paladin – Lying about the senate and defending Pelosi’s lawlessness. That is so rich.
@Fez Paladin I totally agree with you
@Barry Sutton I disagree with you. Trump is done. It doesn’t remove the fact that Trump as impreached in the house during his first term in while in office.
@Kurts aksls videos AKS You’re absolutely right

If they end this early this won’t be over. Every race will have this brought up until November.
A trial without witnesses undermines the whole basis of American Justice!
@Jesse J I hope they will get what they deserve!
Let’s see if a Democrat can do what Trump has and get away with it.
@Annie LOL!
All lies Wake up you STUPID STUPID chumpuglyclan cultist troll…you can’t even simply differentiate between a TRIAL and the house impeachment inquiry
typical chumpuglyclan cult misinformation and lies…
thank God for THE LINCOLN PROJECT…at least there are still some TRUE republicans that haven’t sold their souls to THE CHUMP’S new “version” of what was once a legitimate political party of right wing politics… SHAME on the unpatriotic chumpuglyclan cultist for their betrayal of america
We need to hear from bolton and parnas at the very least.
These men and women will go down in history as traitorous to our country. Our children deserve better.
What lies will they tell their grandchildren when asked – why did you defend him when it’s plain as day that he committed several crimes?
Gutless Senators are complicit.
Yeah, Not like that Patriotic, Unbiased Congress……
Turtle Palpatine is a misguided old man.
Who is that?
M L.
A scoundrel, to be kind.
The Fix has been in since day one. The once proud Republican Party has become the Craven, Trumpist Sycophant party
Very sad , isn’t it?
Moscow Mitch will go down in history as a quisling. As pathetic a character as Franz von Papen.
Russia Russia Russia
You have been watching way too much MSNBC
Barry Sutton TROLL
speaking LIES LIES and more LIES
you have been watching way too much faux propaganda and now you come here whining about MSNBC…
My, we must vote these – my opinion – traitorous Trumpublican lying senators out of office!
@guy loehr shocker when the right become the wrongens
They were voted in and still supported. Good luck.
@mcken2020 see
that comment
@andrew chambers Those smiling faces are a facade of fascist, racist, leeches. Remember the Nazi’s and their little parades… looked pretty good through the edited lense. Democrats love our country, we love it so much in fact, that we believe it can fulfill it’s promise but we acknowledge there is work to be done and phonies and avarice driven bloodsuckers to deflate as well.
No wittiness!!!!….USA will be joining the “Dictatorships of the world” I’m just guessing but that can not be good!
Haven’t watched a minute of actual hearings yet you are talking about witnesses
WHO ???
@guy loehr Schiff’s mom
Yes pray for us. Moscow Mitch is about to make USA a de facto monarchy.
McConnell is corrupt. I hope the voters in Kentucky will wake up and vote him out.
Good luck with that, To many Gun nuts and Evangelicals!
Good luck with that most of the trumpers in Kentucky are too busy screwing their brother, sister or 1st cousins and making sure morbid obesity rises.
So mitt is the only honest Republican left in office!! Sad times indeed.