President Trump said he knows more about the environment than most people, but he skipped a major climate meeting on the Amazon fires right before. President Obama’s former Energy and Climate aide Jake Levine joins Geoff Bennett to fact check the president’s claims and explain why they are so dangerous.
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Why It’s Dangerous Trump Thinks He Knows A Lot About The Environment | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Trump: ” I’m an environmentalist…a lot of people don’t understand that.”
Well he was right about the 2nd part of that statement.
@Daniel Osterman Let’s hope they’re ‘right’ about the meds working.
trump must think a environmentalist is someone that fks the environment.
What a remarkably clever & nice little thread, for YouTube!
Trump just wants to build a resort in the Amazon jungle. “Let it burn” I’m sure is what hes thinking
@Dmitri Fukov I think you name pretty much says all I need too.
He’s thinking of all the MONEY to be made from Oil, Gas and Minerals, once that Useless forest is out of the way, same thing he thought about the devastated land in California!
@a. barker Trump’s “Advice” isn’t worth the toilet paper stuck to his shoe!
His IQ is somewhere between 65-75 and that speaks for itself!
@Dmitri Fukov Multiple fires were started simultaneously, the government routinely used “Slash/Burn” policy until it was outlawed. The G6 know about this dangerous tactic; burning down villages for cattle ranchers/agribusiness; is greed, not nature.
He was thinking cheap hamberders
I always fast-forward passed Trump speeches
well they are always the same – may as well put a record on.
I don’t know, sometimes it’s kind of entertainment, sometimes I’m on the floor dying
Me too. They contain zero information.
Lie after lie DUMP TRUMP and ditch mitch in 2020 we deserve rhe truth
DUMP TRUMP ….. DITCH MITCH that soumds real perty
Gary Davidson Got any proof?
the truth is there for everybody to see (by definition) , demanding to be told the truth is part of your evergrowing incompetence …..
Who is going to give you the ‘truth’? You have been lied to for so long, it is doubtful that you know the truth.
donal always rude, always sweaty, always lying.
How embarrassing. He skipped the summit meeting on climate change while claiming he had a meeting with two people that went to the summit meeting.
@Q Wins G8?
@S T take you long to come up with that? stop embarassing yourself.
@Mind Freshener hypocrite.
@@Hazel McCloy G7. Thank You Kindly
DAYBROK3 The time is getting closer to when he goes to a military tribunal…should be a new holiday when traitors HRC, Hussein, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, MCCabe, Ohr, Yates, Mills, Huma, Podesta, and the rest of the seditious treasonists get hanged
At some point in time, Trump has stated that he knows more about war, steaks, casinos, healthcare, trade wars, technology, and now he claims he knows more about the environment than anyone else. So far, the one thing we know for sure, that Trump knows about more than anyone else, it’s lying.
@derry667dingo well, he just blurted ANOTHER lie. I grew up in France. I remember goblets, lovely in the afternoon light. Delicious, too. I think you are dead right.
He’s also in France. Remember he knew how to put out the Notre Dame fire with water bombers? Might have flattened the cathedral, but it would have put the fire out….
Not many people know this, but Trump knows a lot about fires after helping out the first responders on 9/11…. SMH…
Stable genius, best words and smartest voters

Stable genius… Obnoxius imbecile is a more correct description.
Illiterate ignoramus.
@gramcracker also, amoral/braggadocious/unpatriotic/unscrupolus/braggart!
Every Time I Hear DrumpfKopf Say “STABLE GENIUS” I Hear, Wile E. Coyote STABLE GENIUS.
Trump is a know it all, know nothing dimwit.
He is both a liar, and has the Dunning–Kruger effect going on.
Trump’s a know-it-nothing.
AND….on top of all else, cheats at golf. The boy-jerk is WAY overdue for that first spankin’!
trump is a “make it up as you go” clown
should not play golf in that case
Trump is an environmentalist and Putin is a hippy.
t’rump is an environmentalist just as Cruella De Vil is a member of PETA.
… and Putin is a LGBTQ tolerant hippy.
Trump always and forever Putin’s puppet on a string.
Hahaaa . Yeah
Xi the Buddhist monk. Kim jong un the football jock.
Good job right wingers for picking the most corrupt, dishonest, divorced from reality and bigoted person you could find! You really triggered the libs good!
@Kittymittens Knit’n…you’ve been snorting used kitty litter again haven’t you?
@Mr Jones Perhaps you are the great man boy lover they speak so highly of
@Mr Jones fyi, kitty is a russian troll.
@Mr Jones just ignore the russian troll.
Trump has got to go…the USA needs a President that looks to the present and future for clean Green Energy. and a President that can understand it’s a Global Economy.
@ben ban Benny he’ll be gone a lot sooner than that…thank God.
you have said all that needs to be america needs a president not unlike his acting appointments most that will be gone by the end of him
Moose – Yeah ok LOL !!
@jude jackson ya think? Haha…Ok Oh!
Trump doesn’t even know the basics of umbrellas.
Trump humiliated himself with his incompetence in France. Absolutely disgraceful !
How about all of you stop driving cars? Turn the electricity off in your house and stfu you hypocrites

will drew wtf that’s a very good idea
ElSmusso I know it’s mind blowing right

And us as well as our “leader”.
I am a leading expert on pretty much everything. In spite of that I can barely answer any questions put to me and I just string a few statements together that sound ‘good’. Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong, part of the ‘fake news’, an enemy of the people……Why is anyone taking this lying oaf seriously?
The only thing Trump “knows more about than any other people” is psychosis, although he’s clueless about his own.
Donald J. Trump is a Malignant Narcissistic Sociopath really believes he is smarter than everyone and when he says “I and I alone can fix it” – he really believes it!
@Nancy Stowell You got it, Nancy. Handing this guy the reins of power was a huge mistake we, and the rest of the world, will very much regret. Take care.
If he wants a clean, wealthy, “spectacular” country, then he should resign from office TODAY.
Unfortunately, we are then left with Robot Pence who is just creepy. BTW, What does he actually DO as VP??
Well Trump, Flint Michigan still don’t have clean water.
Julie Purpleskater , the sooner the fraud is in jail the better!
@J. Ho Pence seems to be really good at looking away and serving the Anti Christ..
Julie Purpleskater And let who take his place? A democrat to suddenly take the White House? Please, y’all can’t even decide what crime your going to charge him with while dismissing others that do it right in your face, ahem media. I can surely support my claims. Can you
I’m suprise Dumb Trump is not suggesting rake the Amazon’s grounds to keep fires from spreading
“They do that in Finland, you know”.
He should take his rake and get there as fast as he can. He can’t get there fast enough. I’m sure Nancy Pelosi will he make the arrangements. Hurry up Trump do your duty!!!
@Marni Miller ‘Cause he “…knows all about science/the environment”… “We have the cleanest.. air/best water…” a lot of fracking/drilling for oil/big beautiful pipelines! “America’s really rich ’cause of me”! We don’t need health care, a coffin just fine!
Oh my God, world, the people of America apologize for this orange, clueless buffoon. We promise to make it right in 2020.
@aquelpibe To be fair the majority didn’t vote for him. We will fix it. We have to, no other option.
I feel so bad for those of you in the US that didn’t vote for this mongrel president. Truth, honesty and integrity has to prevail. Please do right by the planet and get rid of him.
@aquelpibe Please note, the majority didn’t vote for Trump! The DNC was hacked Putin /Wikileaks/Cambridge Analytical all helped Trump win the electoral college. Our election process is deeply flawed; reforms are required once the corrupt are removed from office.
Too late, sorry
Trump should move to Flint, MI and enjoy the clean water…
… that’s just heavy water, very valuable …. extra wealth ….
Or higland park, Mi
He should be exiled to Russia, where he belongs.
Or any city whose water supply is located downstream near a military firefighter training facility