Why It Really Seems Like The GOP Is Still The Party Of Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Republicans are still deeply divided with the future of their party ahead of Trump's speech at CPAC. We discuss with Michael Steele and Lawrence O'Donnell. Aired on 02/25/2021.
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Why It Really Seems Like The GOP Is Still The Party Of Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. The Thanks no one is worshipping Trump in fact Democrats Rino Republicans and Lame stream media’s talks about TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP 24/7 😂 Trump is a civilian now all the politicians and lame stream media are like old girl 👧 friends they hate Trump but they can’t stop ✋ talking about him day and night omg 😆 😂 Trump is living rent free in their mind and he built skyscrapers 🏙 in everyone’s mind 😂

    2. @Araya Buchichi yeah you morons definitely worship trump ,sorry people who don’t go anywhere without there maga hats Kag hats and every other merchandise trump has are definitely cultist that worship trump .that blindly believe whatever and what he says. And absolutely do not believe anything said about trump that doesn’t glorify him.

    1. @Jerry Gallo pretty typical when you have no facts or decent argument. Straight to the assuming and name calling such a tolerant You dont know anything about me “bud” so come back when you have something useful. Better yet read up on what our president is signing as EOs. How terrible of you to assume a person is a particular way when you don’t know them. By you logic I would have to assume you are a basement dwelling , riotous, communist antifa member.

    1. The Thanks , he seems pretty relevant to MSNBC, CNN, and the some of our current House and Senate. That’s a lot of effort for someone out of power. Too much effort is as revealing as too little, but that’s just me.

    2. @Eduardo Ramírez Trump is relevant because of the dumb sh*t he does….people cant believe it….when they think they have seen it all from him….he reaches a new low….and people are like what the F**k!!!!

  1. “Why it seems like the GOP is still the party of Trump”

    Because the majority of them admit it is. Mystery solved.

    1. @Alpha Tozer The head of the FBI was a registered Republican under Trump. Because he doesn’t agree with reality he had clashes with the FBI, who cannot disagree with reality by the nature of their job.

    2. @Alpha Tozer Wat? We live in a different world than the one that Dwight lived in…

      You are arguing that the FBI is not conservative, and that is so wrong it is stupid. The majority of FBI officers are former LEO officers which are like 90% Republican.

      These are a bunch of freaking cops. They are not going to be Democrats. How stupid is that notion even?

    3. @H. A. L. … we have different definitions for conservative. That used to be the same side of the same coin. Much like classic libertarians. Conserve the constition and limit the federal government. The world may have changed, but the nature of people has not. For example… name calling may have existed, but how “stupid” and “I don’t understand, so you must be wrong ” became synonymous is beyond me.

    4. @H. A. L. … I’m not republican. Crypts and bloods. All career politicians are on the same side… and their interests revolve us fighting each other and not them. Like a game of football between the players and fans.

    1. @V Silverhand Biden didn’t lose in November. If you think Trump is smarter and stronger, you have a strange definition of those words.

    2. @Isaac Smith Bullcrapola. Hydroxychloroquine is not effective for COVID. That is a lie. Trump knows it and you know it. Everybody knows it.

    3. @Nikhil Newse Biden didn’t lie. People died because of Trump. He should make that the new Trump thing. He has Trump Tower, Golf course, vodka, steaks, university and now Death.

    4. @Huey’s House of Fun
      “how many changed procedures against the Constitution?”. The answer to that is zero. All the Constitution says is that states will run their own elections. You guys cry about the weirdest stuff.

    1. Camp Flyingdragon talk to me when you can make a valid point, so far everything you’ve mentioned is a busiest opinion or lie pushed by the right, quite frankly it’s pathetic that you people go around thinking your making a good point when it’s a stupid conspiracy or lie told by your orange cult leader

    2. Camp Flyingdragon lmao I’m crazy? Not the people that are more than willing to follow your cult leaders every command and follow through? For threatening to bomb the capitol because you didn’t get your candidate? Willing to harm people that have a different political opinion? Wow someone needs to stop drinking the coolaid

    3. @Sdy010 you idiots burn and loot your own neighborhoods and we are the ones in a cult? Hey, there is a new flu going around that kills .4% of the population let’s close everything and change our way of life. You are the ones drinking the koolaid. Keep killing your babies and chemically castrating your kids. Give all your money to the government because they know how to spend it.

    1. You are not getting your news from Brian. Or did you not notice he had guests? See, the whole idea of the internet is that you don’t have to get your news from one guy. There are lotsa guys and gals. You listen to them and then you try to piece together what makes sense from what they say and show others saying. That’s the way we used to do it in the 60’s. Why would anyone want to get their news from just one guy?

    2. @Grace Bertrand when you say caught on tape you mean his words are butchered and his sentences are shortened to leave put the context 🤣 you fools believe anything that’s fed to you

    1. And we, those who aren’t indoctrinated by propaganda and filled with hate from ignorance…are living in an Orwellian dystopia! Still waiting for some of that “unity” your feeble leader Joe Stalin talks about! Oops, I mean Biden 🥸

    2. @bighitter Yep, I try not to watch it…but @ times it’s like chosing a comedy, esp with his dunce “press secretary” so I’ll tune in every now & then for a laugh, but it always turns into complete & utter shock. An embarrassment for our nation, that is for sure! The supposed leader of the free world is a historically racist, physically feeble, corrupt sexual predator with a diseased mind now suffering from dementia…with the most important job in our country, and the world?! Wonderful, I feel much safer & can finally sleep @ night 🙄

    1. @Juan Garcia judgement day? Is that going to happen in fantasyland on the corner of denial and shame? Pathetic oxygen thief.

    2. @East Bay Raider you a Republican? We dont want you. The Lord is our leader. Well God might want you, I don’t. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.

    3. @Juan Garcia the lord is imaginary and adults with imaginary friends are dangerous. Seek psychiatric treatment immediately and never reproduce.

  2. It’s like when a girl breaks up with you and then sends you a pic of her “new favorite” type of food 1 month later…… She wants you back.

  3. Hey everyone that’s just here for the comments… Make sure that you pause the video and don’t let it play in the background. YouTube doesn’t allow monetizing if the person only watch several seconds, just remember that.

    1. @Elaine Kilgore lol its pretty obvious if you think about it. They only post stuff like this when they hit a slump because they know the conservatives will be all over it. And sure enough this video is less than 4 minutes long but has over 150k in veiws (which already equals to about 3.75 per view for a big corporate channel and already invalidates zeths “video length” theory) and most are from people who dont even like or agree with the material. It’s kind of common sense to not criticize a platform while USING said platform and expect to impact it. It’s like you’re going to McDonald’s everyday, buying their food and throwing it away to spite them.

    2. @both parties are TOTAL dog sht yeah toss me a link, far as i knew there is no income earned on videos with just secs of played screen time, regardless of whether it’s a LLC or a big Corp or just a regular person. I’d like to look more into the difference between those if you have a video I can watch or something I can read.

    1. @Edsknife I heard an interesting interview…not on Fox. The guy ask why would Trump want to be in the W H again; to do what? He could have produced a new health care bill, he could have passed an infra structure bill etc. To me it would be to say I am king and my subjects worship me at my feet.

  4. Why does the msm keep talking about trump????
    They must be obsessed!!

    -the person who is compelled to watch every video and comment about trump

    1. @lesmo whomever super frightened of someone that lost the house, senate, and White House all within 2 years….how’s that workin out for you?

    2. @Moose Juice A repub was asked why they still supported Trump and they said …I’m a-scared. He might get me.

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