Prime Minister Trudeau won't be attending a meeting held in Washington and one political analyst thinks it may be a way of signaling Canada's displeasure over U.S. President Trump's latest threats to levy steel tariffs.
Michael Geoghegan says however the reason could be that the U.S. has completely failed to control COVID-19 and the prime minister is concerned about having to self-isolate along with his staff upon returning home.
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Bunker Boy 2020!
@Richard C Richard Canada can do business with China. You want all your McDonald’s all your companies back you can go to China if that’s the country you decide to make your trade agreements with. Are we McDonald’s China Walmart China great you’ll basically have to go through them to get your company back in Canada. So basically the Chinese would own you. That would be cool Canada owned by the Chinese government will be probably a lot better
Bunkerboy Trump

Cottage Boy hiding from Bunker Boy lmao
He has to answer for his third ethics breach and explain to Canadians where all the project money has gone!!
There was no money, it got cancelled. The students got screwed by PC and NDP.
Antifa bricks.
We are so screwed
4 more months

@Abe Lincoln and 4 more years
The PM would not be traveling alone. All his staff would be taking a risk and also have to self isolate.
Like after a protest march?
Excuses excuses. If world leaders can’t figure it out then they have no business telling others what to do.
A total Bias
The list of reasons is even longer than those stated here.
Hes not going to a high level meeting because of Covid? Does anyone actually believe that nonsense?
it’s coz he is soft in the middle
i do
Trudeau has been hiding in his cottage doing a version of groundhog day. Everyday he walks out of his cottage & announces more spending.
smart guy
He is very busy hiding cash in suitcases and at the cottage as he’s under another ethics investigation…number 3 or 4?
It’s because he’s a fruit, that guy stinks. Surprised he was even invited
Fruits and vegetables don’t get along
The first lady love fruits. .
@Chris Hooge can you speak in front of 10000 for an hour an half? no then sit down and be the vegetable this time
Is she married to Brian Burke the jerk?
big bad papa bear was not now
because trump is a dictator?
of what? if he was he would have ended the fed so sadly no
Keep boarder closed, no Alaska travel through our precious country
Well Trudeau was at a BLM rally in Ottawa. So he wasn’t concerned about the virus in that rally?
What is this new NAFTA they keep talking about? Oh they mean the USMCA, call it what it is.
prime minster is best to just do webinars and stay out usa covid19 cases is to high! its best for prime minister to chill in canada ottawa with canadians.

Trudeau should meet to express displeasure in person
Can someone explain this a bit better to me??
I don’t really understand