The Scrum takes a look at the Conservative Party leadership race as 'favourite' Pierre Poilievre started campaigning against Jean Charest.
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So being a MP for several years and not being investigated for crimes & ethics violations amounts to “not accomplishing much in a lifetime”? That is something that I would be proud of.
I am not a fan of PP but I agree that saying he hasn’t accomplished much is not a credible statement
What did JT accomplish?
@Colin Gryms JT? I dunno he had a few hit singles. Oh you mean Justin Trudeau. Ohh then nothing.
I’m a traditional ndp voter Pierre’s convinced me that he can run our country and help mend the craziness of the last 4 years
@Matthew Vandersluys Former (Liberal) premier of Quebec.
@Matthew Vandersluys bad prime minister, look up commission Charbonneau in Québec, when upac went to knock at his door, they receive a phone call and walk always, 36 billion $$ of 72 billion$ missing and still not accountable for its lock and seal in an envellope until 2074, decision from the juge Charbonneau on that commission, look it up.
Then you lack the intelligence to make sound political choices. Poilievre has accomplished absolutely nothing as an MP.
@D.R. Tweeds Tweeddale he still better than Trudeau
@nsxboy604 only in your mind
If the Conservative party wants Jean Charest then basically they are telling Canadians “we don’t want to run Canada”
Where the bleep has Jean Charest been these past 6 years ?
Private sector
Why does the Prime Minister need to fly to Europe? How about Zoom? Isn’t Zoom better for the environment?
He is going there just for fun: to spend time in the best hotel, have the best food, meet other leaders, talk about nothing and pretend that he cares about Ukrainians.
It’s an opportunity for him to actually be outside without being scared witless as he is – and should be – in Canada. And he might get a boost to his ego surrounded by other politicians who can pretend Trudeau might be a ‘respected’ person in Canada – which, of course, we know he’s not!
Pollievre loses the CPC dies and the PPC rises! think about that!
That could take over 10-15 years. Id rather have PP win.
Ppc but I want Pierre
Jean Charest is a liberal, the last thing we need is another liberal type government.
Pierre is just shooting a warning across the Liberal Charest ‘s bow lol
Because we love pierre
well I’ll only vote if it’s him. If not I’ll go PPC
The real question is why Jean Charest even relevant??
Conservative party members asked him to run for leader.
No kidding!
I wonder what special interest is the push behind Jean Charleston ?
Please dont forget the commission charbonneau and what m. Charest did provincially, its a big No,
Charest is a liberal. He like big government, he proved it when he was Quebec premier.
Hasn’t Charest had his chance and did bad? Why would he even present himself again? No one want him back! LOL
PP a Right wing populist? yeah, but to say he has not accomplished much is not a credible statement in my opinion
Jean Charest is constantly switching parties. A couple of months ago he was a liberal, now he wants to be a conservative.
Because Canada needs to know how indecisive Charest is. He cant make up his mind which party suits his views best. Canada needs someone who knows who he is.
Complete opportunist.
either pierre, or ppc. the only 2 options for me.
Jean Charest was a the deputy prime minister and a cabinet minister in the Brian Mulroney government. We all know how that worked out. The last thing Canada needs is Mulroney 2.0
Pierre is campaigning against Jean because having Jean as the leader of the P.C. party would destroy the P.C. party’s chances of winning the next election.