The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on the president's recent interviews and why if Trump loses in November, Republicans will likely turn their backs on Trump and say 'Donald who?'. Aired on 8/6/2020.
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Why If Trump Loses In November, GOP Will Say 'Donald Who?' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
blank look in his eyes just a reflection of his empty soul.. if he has one at all, that is.
@Science&Law Nah, it’s just garden variety ADHD.
I have been calling this man “President Dunning-Krueger” now for three and a half years, and almost nobody knows what I am talking about, chuckles.
@Robert Scott If it is ADHD I’d argue it’s severe and not garden variety
@Robert Scott yeah, that particular diagnosis fits him perfectly, doesnt it?!
MSL he doesn’t
No no no, nobody is going to be allowed to jump this ship. Republicans, we will not forget what you did here! You chose party over country and worse, man over everything! As a former life long conservative, you turn my stomach.
@hankakah you just spewed the big government Democrat platform. You’re a walk in lockstep codependent Democrat
@Marvin Guigar well done for knowing what month it is! You’re in the top 5% of trump supporters! With those that can tell time and the ones that spell their name correctly on the 4th grade test they’ve been trying to pass for 15 years
@Jarry Sciligo Sad, but true (:-
@Thomas Power why do you have to insult me?
What is embarrassing is he doesn’t understand the graphs he is presenting to the interviewer. His knowledge of them is superficial and when confronted with their explanation he becomes flustered and pathetically defensive.
He’s that kid who always just stuffed papers into his backpack instead of putting them in a folder. Like Pigpen from Peanuts…or Dennis the Menace.
I literally laugh out loud when he showed Swan the graphs…they were so oversimplified , my son understand graphics since he was a child… wtf?
We teach bar graphs and axes to students in grade 1 in Australia. It accounts for Jonathan’s quizzical look of “wtf is this? Why is he showing me his grandson’s school project?”
“Send your kids to school because they are totally immune to Covid, and it doesn’t matter if they are not totally immune because Covid will magically disappear. And if they spread the virus to their teachers, parents, and grandparents who die well, IT IS WHAT IT IS”.
@james w bullington jr that is not clinically proven. Omg the research your citing says children don’t transmit the virus as easily as adults, it does not say children do not spread the virus
. There is a huge distinction between don’t spread and less risk of spreading. We are still very much researching the infection and transmission rates among kids. We don’t have the full picture yet so why spread false information?
@james w bullington jr We are all still waiting on those clinical trials you claim that proves children do not pass coronavirus to adults? James Bullington Jr. you have just made a big FOOL of yourself.
I have no issue with it
Trump told Chris Wallace that his healthcare plan will be out soon.
tRumpdon’tgiveashitcare is better than Obamacare, No Copy for Bleach, No copay for Hydroxy.
@james w bullington jr where is your fake evidence for you insane claim?
*Trump is a Global Embarrassment*
No he isn’t… it’s the idiots and gangsters that made him president. Trump is just Trump, it is what it is. And everyone knew it. Or should have. No excuses.
@Ellen Peba says someone who does not understand the economy…
@Trisha Arblaster I understand enough to KNOW welfare recipients like you are destroying our Economy.
@Ellen Peba
@Mina Edwards nah. feeling solid
At least when Biden is elected we’ll no longer have a president who cakes on more makeup than a drag queen.
@Trisha Arblaster last 3 months 11 million jobs added. 11 million in only 3 months. Unemployment is at 10% and falling like a rock. Keep up with current events. S&P,nasdaq are at record highs. The DOW will be there soon. Unemployment will be 4% by election day. Keep up with current events/statistics
He is a bad drama queen

” no body likes me ”
@Zaidia Naif So embarrassing. Christ, no wonder the Kremlin wants him reelected.
It looks as if Biden will be elected, and while I pray and hope he is, let’s not get too confident.
No such thing as Alternative Facts its called lies plain and simple
Only people who live in an alternate universe believe alternative facts.
It is a ludicrous statement from a fraudulent administration.
Trump has Alzheimer’s. He’ll be the one who’ll say ‘Donald who?’ to his own son.
@Patrickvegas The choice comes down to keeping America with Biden or becoming a fascist dictatorship with Trump.
@Emmy Rose Trump is the one with dementia. He proves it constantly.
Lol… wow. The TDS in you people.
More projection from the dumb party.
People throw around the term Alzheimer’s without really knowing much about it. The bottom line is Trump has a bona fide, serious personality order, a very warped view of reality as it is only based on self AND he truly isn’t very intelligent — to use his terminology, “ a low IQ individual”.
Jon Swan made trump look like a Moron on headlights! Frightening!
-made trump look like- showed trump to be
Just imagine Trump coming up against Leigh Sayles, she would have the clown for breakfast then spit it out again. Trump would have started crying.
They won’t be able to get his stink off of them. They should NEVER be left off the hook for sitting by and doing NOTHING as he let our country be engulfed with this pandemic along with his other crimes.
Too bad we can’t revoke the citizenship of those who have brought grievous harm to the US and evict them from the country.
Susan Farley yeah, people like the Trump Crime Family, the Republicans, and each and every Trumpanzee
@Susan Farley We don’t think any country want Donald Trump for their leader. They want Americans to travel to others Continents because Donald Trump lead Americans to the worst Pandemic spread viruses in the world. This makes him look not so smart, but he still want more votes.
Anyone give him votes would be one who’s family and friend are not die yet of Covid 19 Viruses.
@Edward Emmick If it is a bio weapon then why does every country have it, but only some are getting cases by the millions and only one has deaths by the 160,000s? Or do you somehow think there is a different strain of bio weapon in New Zealand to one in India, to one in Vietnam to one in the US? May be, just may be it is policy toward Covid19 that differs. Hmmmm????????? Surely not. Eh.
The most anti-American president ever on the planet
@ms 3533 What do you think is American about Trump? I am just curious. Just trying to understand.
@vincent james Trump 2020- 20yrs for Treason 20yrs for corruption
@Margo a la Moto i am curious as well.
No, just anti-neoliberal democrat. Which is 100% pro-American.
@Mike Bernard Neither left-winged extremism or right-winged extremism is pro-American. Trump is a right-wing extremist.
It’s not “if” he’s “when” he loses.We’re going to take back our Republic in November! JOE BIDEN 2020.
@Winston O’Boogie – *Prove it’s NOT, Bugnuts!*
@ms 3533 if trump wins you will all be dead by June 2021.
Don’t protest if he wins
@Mimi Stern hahaha
you’re wrong. Don’t protest either. 4 more years of fighting on YT 
stick a fork in him…he’s done. hahaha DUMP TRUMP 2020!!
Poor, poor, pathetic Donnie, such a sad loser.
Don’t protest after the election
A flounder with the name of Trump,
is flopping around like a lump,
pandering God for some help,
‘cuz he is just a poor liddle whelp,
with a tremendous ego to pump.
The people won’t forget who supported him though.
This is so much more important than we know. Let Trump get away with his crimes, pardon and forget him. Everyone around him should be punished if they are guilty. Mitch McConnell, Bill Barr, Jared and Ivanka – and many more.
@Tahir Ali shut up fool
The 25th amendment should have ended this debacle, the GOP, are as responsible as Trump for not doing their job
If Joe gets elected, he won’t even remember what he got elected for.
To bad the average GOP voter has the IQ of a blade of grass. There are still 38% of the nation that thinks NOTHING is wrong.
Why don’t you tell us all about that… and why it didn’t happen?
“We should delay the election until it’s safe for ppl to vote in person.”
“Send your kids back to school this fall.”—–Trump
We should cancel the election so Pelosi becomes president on Jan 20. Automatic win with no election and we would control the Senate!
I don’t think so why give trump more time it’s an excuse
@I am sick and tired of being sick and tired
Is that a bad thing eliminating rubes?
So glad you posted this. Keep posting this please:)
Thank you!
This is a president who cyber bullied a sixteen year old girl because she was person of the year.
A secure person would have graciously congratulated her. Instead he did the opposite and acted like the big baby he is.
yes but Trump is criminally insane
Kathy Smith He sure did… he was horrible to that young lady. The biggest baby I’ve ever seen. Despicable! That spoke volumes to me.
Yes. Proving a 16 year old kid was more mature than a 73 year old demon.
@Chris Dee He is certainly that…be better statement though if the “but” was taken out.
She is a inspirational young lady. I thought she handled it well. I love what she tweeted back.
How did this man get into power? His followers believe every word that he says. They even believe that the news is fake.
GOP Phases of what they said of Trump:
Trump the candidate: They hated him
Trump as President: They loved him
Trump after loss: Trump who?
The world has a pandemic, America has a narcissism problem.
“If we had no testing, we would show very few cases.” -The President of the United States of America’s.
if we had no pregnancy tests we wouldn’t have any pregnancies
If we had no unemployment statistics, we wouldn’t have any unemployed people.
If we had no police, we would have no criminals.
If we don’t go to the dentist, we would have no cavities!
If there were no morticians there’d be no dead people
If we had no night, there would be no day.
If I don’t think, I will have no problems
If you don’t have a mirror, you aren’t really here