1. @European American its undeniable that she is an integral part of American history. Many people that have been set aside need to be considered. This shouldn’t be a contest.

  1. I really don’t understand why changing your bills is such a big deal. I’m Canadian we change our bills every few years as part of our anti counterfeit measures plus it lets us feature different parts of our history and culture.

    1. Trump main support is from white men, and white nationalist that are racist and a lot of overtly racists people that would damage his support to put a black woman on $20 bill!

    2. andrew winkenwerder delusional how? I’m breathing, working, enjoying my life. Couldn’t say the same for people in other countries.

    3. kombijr can’t say the same for a lot of people in your country never mind other countries. How many years did it take to get Flint Michigan water again?

  2. “Tell me what has become of my rights
    Am I invisible because you ignore me?
    Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
    I’m tired of bein’ the victim of shame
    They’re throwing me in a class with a bad name
    I can’t believe this is the land from which I came
    You know I do really hate to say it
    The government don’t want to see
    But if Roosevelt was livin’
    He wouldn’t let this be, no, no
    Skin head, dead head
    Everybody gone bad
    Situation, speculation
    Everybody litigation
    Beat me, bash me
    You can never trash me
    Hit me, kick me
    You can never get me
    All I want to say is that
    They don’t really care about us
    All I want to say is that
    They don’t really care about us
    Some things in life they just don’t want to see
    But if Martin Luther was livin’
    He wouldn’t let this be, no, no”

    notice 2 names inthe lyrics?…… this is why they turned on him

    get WQKE

    1. Shawn Corbin The racist is taking a ‘leave of absence’ and waiting for this to blow over.

  3. This cnn lady is very pretty and I love her story telling we need more please I need her name ….

    1. @slactweak
      WHY NOW?
      BLM is a trained Marxists group. Check their donation page. The money goes to the Democrats campaign fund.

    2. Damn that’s a stupid comment. Guess what idiot; Harriet was a REPUBLICAN. a CHRISTIAN, and she carried guns. She hated her Democrat slave masters

    3. @Titus Matthews Freedom from Democrat slave owners. All of the first African Americans elected to the House and the Senate etc were Republicans.

    1. @Brett M why is it that no one questions the reparations for the Jewish people (they got Israel… cough… Palestine) and it’s not enough for them. But blacks were enslaved for 400 years and YOU’RE the one that’s angry? Let’s take away your culture and see how it affects you

    2. Brett is just mad people are coming for that racist and worthless piece of paper 😂😂😂 it’s more likely that the change will happen when Trump loses. let’s see 🤷🏾‍♂️

    3. @Karl Young THANK YOU. Finally someone else sees the significant difference. The Holocaust was horrible, but a decade of death barely holds a candle to 400 years of oppression.

  4. Put her on one side and an native America on the other side. People who actually built America with their Bear hands.

    1. @RellyR510 She’s one of the greatest Americans if you are talking too thousand or so. That isn’t great enough to be on money.

    2. yup Americans voted for HARRIET. Plus 2020 is the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower settler ship of pilgrims crashing here into thousand Native Nations whose homeland was negatively impacted.

    1. Nope. The land is owned by American settlers either purchased it through war. That’s life. Deal with it

  5. No doubt about the fact that the white man’s heritage is his exploits and oppression over other humans underscored by slavery.

    1. If the West are so bad, why does slavery still exist in Africa and the Middle East? do explain? 🤣 you have no come back to facts!

    2. @Goochrider


      OK, here goes…

      12,300 years ago in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey, a Midden began when Hunter-Gatherers were feeding Stonemasons carving & erecting huge Monoliths in a Circle, Grains & Seeds & Bones from the Midden show that for the first 30 years, everything going in the Midden was wild-harvested, DNA Analysis showing some Grains & Seeds came from 300 to 500 miles away on opposite sides of the City.

      After 30 years, the first Hybrid Strain of Grain appeared in the Midden…, by 300 years ALL the Grains in the Midden were Hybrid Strains ; and 400 years after that the City had been abandoned, surrounded by the first Desert to have been created by the Broadacre Aggrokult of Harvest Everything-ism.

      The Diaspora spawned by the Refugees fleeing Gobekli Tepe spread out, and by 7,000 years ago there were “proto Cities” with up to a thousand people growing Crops, keeping domesticated Animals & with wheeled Carts…, and then from the South end of the Caucusus a tribe of Horsemilk-drinkers called the Yamnayans appeared, and within 1,000 years they’d conquered from Spain’s Atlantic Coast to China’s Pacific Beaches, from Scotland & Norway to Delhi & Hong Kong…

      It was so fast that 100 years after Stonehenge was built there were no British Y-Chromosomes left within the British Isles, the Yamnayans killed ALL the British Males and used the British women as Slaves or Wives.

      All this is Peer-Reviewed Archaeology, from New Scientist magazine.

      Meanwhile, here in Oz the oldest Campsite yet found is 76,000 years old and 46,000 years ago most of the Tribes which were here when Captain Cook arrived had already come here and were occupying the same Towris (Countries/Language-Areas)…, two Ice Ages came & went, and the Australians stayed put and adapted.

      12,000 years ago was when the Rainbow Serpent Theology appeared, devoted to making a Religion out of caring for the Environment…, which – because it worked, spread accross the entire Continent, even including Tasmania.

      Also, from New Scientist Magazine.

      Oz was about the Last place on Earth to fall to the Harvest Everything-ists, they who created the Global Vile Age, by feeding the Ecology of the Biosphere to their Sacred EcoGnomic Growth.

      And, now, between Anthropogenic Global Warming, Resource Depletion, Overharvesting, Mass Species Extinction, & Habitat Destruction – all conducted to satisfy Market Demands…, and the Bat-Eaters’ Lament Virus…; it appears that the Global Industrial-Scale Fossil-Fooled Broadacre AggroKult of Harvest Everything-ism is literally about to imminenently disappear clear up it’s own Cloacca…!

      So, Yay Team Gaia Hypothesis !

      Such is Life,

      Have a good one…

      Stay safe.


      Ciao !

    3. Lol apparently you didnt study history, history goes back more than 500 years. Open a book and keep an open mind.

    1. EXACTLY!!!!! EDUCATED PERSON!!!! Andrew Jackson is probably APPALLED that he is on a worthless, fiat money Federal Reserve NOTE at all!!! He was president when we RETIRED the National Debt and he was the President who kicked the butt of the National Bank (set up by Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton) and it s then leader Nicholas BIDDLE–take him off the bill because it would have offended HIM is the best reason!

  6. when people have so much privilege that even the slightest thought of equality feels like oppression

    1. @Devourer Of death Listen up, Systemic Racism. People like you are the reason for affirmative action. ; )

    2. @Dragon1717 keep telling yourself that. maybe today you will learn that the world doesnt revolve around you, maybe you wont.

  7. Andrew Jackson was nicknamed “Indian Killer” by some Natives and “Sharp Knife” by others.

    1. @Datsun Crown ya actually every native tribe from Canada to Brazil mention it in their history. Nice try though. Keep drinking the coolaid

  8. *”The Chosen One” is more concerned about defending dead, racist traitors than the troops*

    1. Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. History has stopped. Nothing exists but an endless present in which the party is always right. -George Orwell, 1984

    2. Jackson was not a traitor and he and all the Confederates have done more for this nation then the entirety of black america in 200 years 😂

  9. “… I think it’s very rough when you take somebody off the bill.” It’s okay Trump, Jackson won’t feel a thing.

  10. “I have freed thousands of slaves. I could have freed thousands more if they only knew they were slaves.” Harriet Tubman.

    1. Listening to the left is like watching Clueless Part Duex, the remake of the reboot, directors cut

    2. That’s an illogical statement. So she is the moral authority on whose a “slave”? Strange how they have been so opressed yet never returned to Africa. Wonder why..

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