“Today, it's easy to point fingers when it comes Afghanistan, and we are seeing a lot of that now,” says Mehdi Hasan. “But let's not forgot that it all started with the guy who launched the so-called ‘War on Terror:’ George W. Bush.”
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#MSNBC #GeorgeBush #Afghanistan
Love how Republicans are complaining about something they got us in in the first place.
@Rich Pryor Voted for a war that republicans pressed for with the WMD scare tactic excuse , who was president BUSH a republican.
Ok….the hypocrisy.
@Florida Rocks ur version of mic drop is like u dropped mic to look cool then tripped on the cable and fell on ur face

Biden voted for the war in Afghanistan, only 4 senators didn’t.
No matter who started the war,reached an agreement with the Taliban or so on,its BIDENS administration that didn’t have a plan in place to evacuate the people before the military!!! Total failure….
Also being overlooked is the fact that Trump released 5000 Taliban leaders and fighters last year in exchange for a cease fire to help his re-election campaign.
@Zach Burskey trump can’t spell coordinated
Trump may have started this withdrawal but it’s on Biden for not having a plan to get the people out before the troops!! TOTAL FAILURE in the white house….
@William Stall Come on, dude…don’t be so narrow minded. This catastrophe was long in the making – way before Biden arrived.
Oh yea….let not FOGET that!!!!
@Oh Not Again The Syria withdrawal worked out perfectly for us. And rebels weren’t killed en masse.
If Dubya had paid attention to the intelligence to avoid 9/11, we wouldn’t have gone to Afghanistan
@flipnotrab I’m no fan of Hillary Clinton, but only a few years after Hillary got into office Bin Laden was sleeping with the fishes.
Bush had 8 years, and 3 major opportunities, and he blew them all. Legendary incompetence. The dude did irreparable harm to America.
@Greg Miller
Read up on ‘Operation Northwoods’ first pal. When you see what the CIA is willing to do to start a war, maybe your eyes will open, but I doubt it.
@Justin Miller no fan of hers either, but CIA had him pinned 3-4x and her hubby didn’t give green light.
@Mochie bellina Go back to your anti-Semitic forums you Q-Anon wannabe.
“You know, when I campaigned here in 2000, I said, ‘I want to be a war president’. No president wants to be a war president, but I am one.”
G-Dub on Oct 26, 2006
@Engage360 Please leave the United States.
@Engage360 illegal
@Denise Hodges L
Thanks a lot George W. Bush, we lost yet ANOTHER war!
He was almost as bad as Donald. His followers just weren’t as openly violent, back thenl.
They misunderestimated me.”
G-Dub on Nov 6, 2000
@jim bob : And, let’s not forget who claimed to have all but personally defeated the Taliban? Begins with t and ends in a giant, orange rump.
@Ash Roskell GWB said mission accomplished, and that they would see us as heroes and liberators.
GWB also said around the same time that they hate us because of our freedom, also said we will go liberate them and give them freedom.
BTW the RNC had a hand in making it successful at democracy or not, they chose corruption, they don’t support democracy here and they never tried to create it there.
What took place yesterday in Afghanistan made our withdrawal from Vietnam look like child’s play. Perhaps in World history, there has never been a withdrawal operation that has been handled so disastrously. A President who has been illegitimately elected has brought great shame, in many ways, to our Country!
@Ash Roskell Indeed! I’m not saying our withdrawal is going smoothly, but this would have been the result no matter when we left. This was always going to be the outcome. I know it might sound harsh but why should we continue to fight for them when they won’t even fight for themselves? After 20 years it’s time for our troops to come home. (They should have come home years ago, but it’s better late than never.
@Ash Roskell agreed

Bush got away with being a war criminal and was considered the worst president ever, and then Trump came along and made him seem quaint in comparison
@A You Tube Commenter I’m NOT wasting time on comparing these two disgraceful men
@batgurrl Sad thing is,we still are a laughing stock. It’s not improving.
@A You Tube Commenter according to WHO? Fox News?
@batgurrl Delta ain’t going nowhere. Afghanistan just crumbled and heads are going to roll. Taliban has already started executing any LGBTQ left behind. I don’t watch Fox News and don’t care for them but if you think Biden is going to fix anything, you are in for some serious disappointment.
@A You Tube Commenter we were there for 2 decades and spend all that money there for nothing. It’s not like things are rosy in the US of A. It’s unfortunate but it can’t be our problem for eternity
Rumsfeld got off easy, but Bush can still go to jail
Oh please. No president or ex president will ever go to jail. N unfortunately I don’t think they should either.
@HerbFlowers I do their no better than anyone else America is a disgrace
Bush is Best Friends with the Obama’s. SHAME.
Yes. Rumsfeld is dead. He didn’t have to see this humiliating final chapter of the saga he co-wrote with Bush.
The Taliban was ALWAYS going to take over. This was inevitable now or 4 years from now.
That part of the world is doomed. It’s too fragmented to come together to oust the Taliban. And don’t give me the Taliban is more powerful nonsense. You could have said the same about the 13 colonies against the British empire. Americans had unity, Afghans don’t. They need to put aside petty grievances and fight as one
@L3th4LQu4rK yup
@L3th4LQu4rK you’re correct. There’s absolutely nothing to gain in that region but useless land that pretty much only can grow opium plants. Old USSR was basically going for a land grab but underestimated the peoples “will power” (with a little help from USA
). Just had to wait 10 years longer with USA.
Thanks a lot George W. Bush for yet another USA War Loss!!
@Isaiah G-M what are you talking about? this was his legacy, from ground zero.
George W. Bush. A president thanks to the electoral college; who lost the popular vote in the 2000 election.
And can happen again with another war monger republican.
And I bet you never read Democracy In America by Alexis de Tocqueville either. .
If there wasn’t the electoral college then only California, Texas, Florida would matter. The electoral college was established so all states would have input on elections not just the large high population ones.
You learn this in 5th grade civics.
@Zach Burskey There were 13 states when the electoral college was established. The electoral college almost always vote according to a state’s popular vote. One could say states with less population than some cities have too much say so. That is also 5th grade reasoning. Whatever floats your boat.
@lesmo whomever No it’s not, if the electoral college was never created then the southern states would hold all the power as slaves and free men were included into the population.
Again you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about and you want to due away with the electoral college because it gets in the way of your politicians winning.
Biden won the electoral college, but nope don’t hear you whining about that.
You only have a problem with a system that was created at the foundation of the country and writing of the constitution because sometimes you lose because of it, despite everyone playing by the same rules since the founding of the nation.
“I’ll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office.”
– George W. Bush (Washington DC, 12 May, 2008)
@ThE DuCk so are you going to completely ignore biden’s incompetency? also, why are you looking at my profile for anyway – that is just creepy
Well he was wrong. Most Americans know the Bushes sold the American people out to wallst and the banks!!!! We just don’t know how to get our leadership to reinstate glasstegal!!!! I’m thinking they want to do it agan? Maybe
@Blake JonesII L
@Frank Dlouhy Jr. Go back to your country
@Frank Dlouhy Jr. You lost the Gold Medal in the Olympics, Slovenia’s Luka Donicic choked!!

..because he had to wipe Cheneys smear off his chin
Didn’t George Bush claim he was the war time president at this time but unfortunately the mission was never accomplished
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever
Oh!! he claimed the insurance money ! Bsh its the realbinladen
Yep I remember him making that speech with the banner in the background on the navy ship
So what did you expect? Rummy lied us into the war. We had no business going there in the first place.
@Ash Roskell come on, are you still buy that rubbish. Bush2 was delayed on 9/11. By the time he got back to the White House the plans for invading Afghanistan was on his desk. That was fast. The invasion was planned before 9/11. Also included was the invasion of Iraq and Iran. Hopelessly delusional but I see they’re still pushing the Iran idea USA biggest threat to world peace.
How about reperations for Iraq and Afghanistan?
@tanner shortnacy The Bush administration just wanted a war, they needed Osama Bin Laden to put a face on their enemy to sell their vague “War on Terror” to the American public, Dubyas entire cabinet was the Military Industrial Complex, defense contractors from Haliburton, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, and they all made billions. War is all about money. The last thing they cared about was liberty and freedom for anyone in the mideast. Im much older than 5, the US has had 11 presidents during my life, I was alive during Vietnam, during my half century plus Ive never seen any good come from the wars…you should know this.
@tanner shortnacy true. Do you remember how long ago he was killed? I am a 9/11 victim and wanted him captured not necessarily killed. Please explain to me why we were there years after he was killed. We had no place to go? No. We got what we wanted and it’s now depleted. On to the next which is Ethiopia in Africa.
@Encou Ephrem I’m not talking about war or length or any of that I’m specifically talking about why we went to Afghanistan in the first place. Lady said we had no reason to be there. Actually we had a excellent reason.
blame bush for this crap he created this war
Cheney, Cheney, Cheney.
This falls on USA GOVERMENT and those who have make money selling weapon….
@Fred Fournier WRONG! It was the U.K., France, Eisenhower and the stupid Republican Anti-Communists who wanted the Europeans to keep their colonies as a counter to the USSR.
Read a little deeper than what some journalist showed you in a documentary.
During WW 2 we were allies with and suppling Ho Chi Minh. Once Ho was cut off after FDR died he turned to Moscow.
FDR forbade American forces from aiding the Europeans taking back their Colonies. Local guerilla groups and Nationalists were being helped to assume independence once the war was over.
FDR never included Truman in the plans, so they were scuttled under pressure of Winston Churchill who informed Truman that he would need a strong British Empire as an ally against Stalin.
@Fred Fournier Leave our United States!
@Fred Fournier ILLEGAL spotted
Thanks a lot George W. Bush for another War defeat for USA!
@Isaiah G-M LMAO…If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times. Stop looking in the MIRROR. Morons are SO hard to train.
If only Gore would have fought that hanging Chad BS
The only way to save this country now is a time machine. Better get Neill DeGrasse Tyson on the phone and start building one. We need to go back to 2000 and make sure Bush never becomes President.
@Sebastian Michaelis : or the Squandering of our CLINTON SURPLUS & ATTACK on iraq, who never attacked us in 911 , or the FAILED KATRINA HELP AND CLEAN UP , OR THE 2008 RECESSION WHICH IS THE SAME THING AS A “DEPRESSION” !!!
Any farmer knows that means the same.
@Gary Oakham : you can go back to sleep now lil child .
Yes, war is hard to stop once started !
But , us Democrats are ending it NOW !! So WHY THE WHINE !?
Other than your Man Crush is showing!!
@Geeky American Otaku : we better go farther back to lousy Reagan & Daddy bush!!
@Mr. Majestic Gore won Florida, they just suppressed the Black vote.
Bush was the person I was against in the beginning.
I love him
Maybe trillions of dollars would be better spent in America than in the Middle East.
@Dave Gilmour L
@bluemystic7501 Nope, cops will always be to blame.
@bluemystic7501 Nope, the Right Wing Republican Rioters did more damage to the Capitol
@bluemystic7501 Use google better you Boomer
Thanks a lot George W. Bush!
Who forgot Bush Jr. trying to complete his daddy’s failed war for oil? Not I says me! Remember all those WMD’s they found? Yeah, me neither!
@Michael White Do some research before you put your foot in your mouth again and look foolish! That war was 100% about oil, to say otherwise is asinine at best. The vast majority of Al Qaeda were in Iraq at the time and we were told lies about WMD’s in Iraq to somehow justify our occupation of Afghanistan. I swore into the Army 8 days after 9/11 and served in both Iraq and Afghanistan… did you?!?
@Ash Roskell L
@Ash Roskell You’re so unintelligent.

@Michael White You’re so unintelligent.
We’re just glad you didn’t mention trump for once
W chose to disremember but he misunderestimated the rest of us. We haven’t forgotten that he started 2 wars to enrich himself and his friends.