Why Fanone thinks GOP lawmakers that defied subpoenas should be arrested

CNN law enforcement analyst and former officer who defended the Capitol on January 6, Michael Fanone, discusses potential criminal referrals by the January 6th House select committee to the Justice Department for former President Trump's role in the insurrection. #CNN #News


  1. I would agree that political accountability isn’t real accountability but that’s because of Mitch and the minions. They made this the reality.

    1. Because of you and your fellow minions in that tiny liberal echo chamber. Democrats should stop robbing the people of their rights and stop normalizing defiled immoral behavior and cease the stealing of our elections.

    2. @Juan Escobedo Yeah, you have no evidence of ‘stealing of our elections”. Repeating Misinformation Doesn’t Make It True, But Does Make It More Likely To Be Believed. You believe lies. You want to believe lies.

  2. Politicians should be held to a higher degree of accountability, not get off Scott free, and scoff at Justice, as if they are above the law, and impervious to consequence.

    1. Ideally everyone, not just politicians, would be treated fairly under the law. Lets not limit it to just politicians, wealthy individuals get way higher benefits than anyone else out of the judicial system.

    2. The legal principle is the greater the consequences of your actions the higher the onus of acting with utmost good faith prudence and diligence. Power does act more like alcohol and those in power are often tempted to act like drunken sailors whoring when the ship moores at a port.

    1. TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ ᖴOᖇ ᗯᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᔕEᑎᗪ TE᙭T ᖴOᖇ ᗰOᖇE EᑎᒪIGᕼTEᑎᗰEᑎT✍️✍️

    1. @[Hashknight Gaming] fox needs a name change to LION news! It’s like fake news without all that fake stuff! Besides they’re not even clever just LIES

    2. @[Hashknight Gaming] thanks it’s original at least I didn’t copy it.( common sense can lead one there) so when I see fox or fake , or bla bla bla about the REAL news stations I post it! Trying to help RAISE the old HUE AND CRY ! I’m a herold? PEACE

    1. Sometimes heroism is flashy, but not always. Sometimes a hero just doggedly does what he or she knows is right, what is duty, in spite of strong opposition. In Mr. Fanone’s case, he was almost killed.

    2. Fanone is just trying to sell books and get money from his sponsor that was on the coffee cup he drank out of.wake up

  3. No justice no peace. Everyone who played a part needs to be prosecuted -especially government officials who took an oath to protect our constitution and values.

    1. Stop having kids y’all! Spare them all the unnecessary pain & suffering in this cruel world. No one asks to be born, & no one has the moral right to inflict serious, preventable harms upon others without their consent. Besides, it’s morally wrong to place someone in a position from which death is the only escape;;

    2. @ace ventura
      Antinatalism is an ethical view that concludes that procreation is always morally wrong. The justifications are: harm/suffering prevention, the questionable nature of gambling with another life, & the impossibility of consent to be born.

      In summary:

      1. There’s no reason to create a child that’s for the child’s sake. For the potential child, birth doesn’t solve any problem that it doesn’t first create. All positives in life such as happiness, good food and love are based on fulfilling needs, which get created by birth. Not creating those needs would not be bad.

      2. Existence is imposed without consent. No one chooses to be born or chooses the circumstances of their birth.

      3. Everyone experiences at least some suffering, and some people experience disproportionately more suffering than others.

      4. Existence brings guaranteed harm for unneeded benefit—guaranteed harms being: pain, fear, worry, sickness, injury, grief/loss, fatigue, & death. It should go without saying that the presence of harm is bad!

      5. The only way to guarantee that your kids won’t ever suffer is by never bringing them into this world in the first place, making the absence of harm good.

      6. Even though there is good in this life, the unborn aren’t deprived of anything since they don’t exist to miss out on said good, therefore the absence of pleasure is neutral (neither good nor bad).

      7. No one has the moral right to inflict serious, preventable harms upon others without their consent.

      8. It’s morally questionable to place someone in a position from which death is the only escape.

      9. None of the nonexistent wish to be born, but plenty of the living wish they had never existed.,

    3. Repent. Believe in Jesus. John 3:16 KJV – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
      John 3:3 KJV – “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

  4. Full respect for Fanone. Bought his book. Excellent inside view of actual event. Eliminates all the lying-assed b.s. about “tourists” and “mostly peaceful”. We who watched the unedited live t.v.version as it unfolded on J6 know he is factual.

    1. I’ve just ordered his book. I think it’s profoundly honest and brave of him to put it out , and he does’nt see himself as a hero. He was there on that dreadful day; and suffered appallingly. I think it has so much importance for americans…one of the worst most disgraceful days in the history of the USA. 👍🌱 (greetings from a wild & wintry UK 🌲☃️☺️).

    2. If I were an American, how could I ever resolve the fact that 74.000.000 of my fellow adult Americans wanted DJT as their president? To choose an unread, con-man, showman, narcissist, well documented liar and cheat, business and marriages, as the best America could offer? The face, the voice to represent America on the world stage?

    3. @Tom Armstrong You are correct. There are millions of us still struggling with that aspect of Traitor Trump. My in laws are extremely religious people and voted for him twice. Even though I remind them of his 3 marriages, infidelity with each one and an affair while the 3rd was home with a brand new baby…they keep saying “everyone deserves chances”🤦‍♀️….

    4. @Lynn Allen Child like faith and religion are often one and the same thing. The only thing religion and Trump have in common is they are always asking fie money.

    5. @Tom Armstrong ​ that might be the state of religion in America but it shouldn’t be, even as an atheist I feel like there’s too many con jobs out there associated with JC. And hate. But even as a non believer I know these folk should be renounced as apostates. It’s kinda like associating between the Israeli state and Jewish people, it’s just not the same thing

    1. @Eduardo Rodriguez
      Antinatalism is an ethical view that concludes that procreation is always morally wrong. The justifications are: harm/suffering prevention, the questionable nature of gambling with another life, & the impossibility of consent to be born.

      In summary:

      1. There’s no reason to create a child that’s for the child’s sake. For the potential child, birth doesn’t solve any problem that it doesn’t first create. All positives in life such as happiness, good food and love are based on fulfilling needs, which get created by birth. Not creating those needs would not be bad.

      2. Existence is imposed without consent. No one chooses to be born or chooses the circumstances of their birth.

      3. Everyone experiences at least some suffering, and some people experience disproportionately more suffering than others.

      4. Existence brings guaranteed harm for unneeded benefit—guaranteed harms being: pain, fear, worry, sickness, injury, grief/loss, fatigue, & death. It should go without saying that the presence of harm is bad!

      5. The only way to guarantee that your kids won’t ever suffer is by never bringing them into this world in the first place, making the absence of harm good.

      6. Even though there is good in this life, the unborn aren’t deprived of anything since they don’t exist to miss out on said good, therefore the absence of pleasure is neutral (neither good nor bad).

      7. No one has the moral right to inflict serious, preventable harms upon others without their consent.

      8. It’s morally questionable to place someone in a position from which death is the only escape.

      9. None of the nonexistent wish to be born, but plenty of the living wish they had never existed,,,

  5. Michael Fanone is absolutely correct, this man has been transparent from the start and very logical with his comments.

    1. @David Eby making it up only works for you in your own tiny head. Type into YouTube what tRUMP thinks about mishandling CONFIDENTIAL information. TOP SECRET documents in a BEACH CLUB! We SHOULD all AGREE! Except the hypocrites obviously tRUMP! And the FOOLS

    2. @BRUCEwayneISsober69 That’s one man’s view of a short span in history. Obama had done much of the economic ground work which the previous administration benefitted from. No one foresaw a global pandemic. DJT’s credentials took a hit there and even the US President cannot control global events which are currently roiling the best attempts of many countries. My principle reservation regarding Trump was that Putin was fully aware that DJT had the hots for a toe hold in the real estate market in Russia and the sly little bugger would have had old Dimwit Donnie soon tied up in knots.

    3. @BRUCEwayneISsober69 tfg would have done anything Putin wanted, to hand Ukraine to Russia. tfg ignored the legitimate Afghan government and tried to have the taliban meet with him at Camp David. He set up release of thousands of taliban fighters, and set up getting American troops out of Afghan by May 2021. He was attempting to help existing regimes, instead of waging war himself.
      But hooray, groceries & gas were cheaper, and wages were lower too, fool.

    4. @Antique Girl Good! Screw Ukraine. Western Ukrainians coup’d their own democratically elected leader and then started killing citizens in the east.

  6. Michael is absolutely correct. Those who defied subpoenas and still hold a seat in government should be held accountable for their participation in the insurrection. They are not above the law.

    1. @Aron Sium all the sane people are laughing at you if you think the DOJ is gonna do anything. You lefties all have Trump derangement syndrome but I’m sure Trump thanks you for all the free publicity

    2. @TheHate FuLL1 Now it’s getting ridiculous. You can’t complain about lack of sanity and defend Trump at the same time

    3. @Aron Sium the committee is a joke only Trump deranged lefties watch it like a drama because lefties are easily manipulated

  7. It’s time that Justice comes knocking for Trump and all the congressmen involved, and everyone involved in the insurrection. They all need to go to jail.

    1. The only criminals are the democratic party,
      MSNBC, CNN, CBS and ABC News!! The Insurrection would have never happened if the democrats and these low life media’s didn’t allow Joe Biden to run for President…
      So, it’s way more their fault rather than President Trump’s. Guaranteed!!
      President Trump as president did more positives for our nation than any previous president!

    2. @Susan Bengston The only criminals are the democratic party,
      MSNBC, CNN, CBS and ABC News!! The Insurrection would have never happened if the democrats and these low life media’s didn’t allow Joe Biden to run for President…
      So, it’s way more their fault rather than President Trump’s. Guaranteed!!
      President Trump as president did more positives for our nation than any previous president!

    3. Trump requested 20.000 National Guards be activated for added SECURITY at the Capitol for the Jan 6th Stop the Steel Rally.
      3 Democrats controlling the DC National Guards refused the President’s request, Nancy Pelosi, Murial Bowser, Chuck Schumer.
      FYI – The official FBI Jan 6th investigation found NO Evidence of a Planned Insurrection & any Trump White House involvement & you might want to take the time to go over that FBI report.

      A riot is not an Insurrection just because it took place at the Capitol!!!

      Was the far-left summer of violent riots an attempt to Overthrow the Government?

      Was the riot at the White House an attempt to Overthrow the Government?

  8. Michael Fanone is right. Ignoring subpoenas should not be ignored. They must be forced to attend and testify if not plead fifth amendment rights.

    1. Sambosiv…. The fifth amendment is in the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. What other rights do you want cancelled?

    2. She said they can’t skip out on subpoenas. She didn’t say they can not plead the fifth. She said they have to show up and either testify or plead the fifth. Read bro. READ.

    3. @J Akin You know they’ll plead the Fifth so its a waste of time, which is why this is all a joke. People have no clue on the process, they can ignore subpoenas. If they get a contempt notice that is when you’ll see them go to congress and then plead the Fifth, or refuse and pay the ticket/jail time. Would be no different if you personally were issued a subpoena and ignored it. When they say “they must be forced to attend” it sure comes across and sounds like China/Russia judicial proceedings to me. People need to move on and realize both sides play games and stop being stuck in their party politics mindset. I find it fascinating that the Democrats are flipping out about this but they didn’t say a word when Eric Holder refused to testify. That is hypocrisy at its finest right there. The fact the police officer doesn’t even understand this is something else.

  9. Huge thanks to Fanone for steadfastly holding the line. He continues to bravely speak the inconvenient truth that so many would rather not hear. CRIMINAL accountability MUST come. Anything less, is intolerable.

    1. @Ellen Faulkner If you think that, then you are whats wrong with our country..and everyone else that has the same mindset!…Think again Ellen Faulkner. I’m more brave than you could possibly imagine..but go ahead and think it..if it makes you feel better.

  10. Mr. Fanone, you couldn’t have been more clear and lucid in your statements today. I think oyu’ve expressed exactly the sentiments of millions of Americans who’ve been following the congressional Jan. 6 inquiry. Thank you for defending American democracy and speaking the truth.

    1. TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ ᖴOᖇ ᗯᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᔕEᑎᗪ TE᙭T ᖴOᖇ ᗰOᖇE EᑎᒪIGᕼTEᑎᗰEᑎT✍️✍️

  11. “The truth will set you free from employment, said Michael Fanone. How profound, true and sad statement.

    1. TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ ᖴOᖇ ᗯᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᔕEᑎᗪ TE᙭T ᖴOᖇ ᗰOᖇE EᑎᒪIGᕼTEᑎᗰEᑎT✍️✍️….

    2. I have been waiting for seven years for the Merit System Protection Board to issue a decision on my Whistleblower case against Social Security Administration. Several of my past co-workers warned me not to “drink the cool-aide and disclose wrong doing against the agency-that was before they saw me waiting seven years for justice. How many federal workers will speak out knowing whistleblower protections are not enforced?

    3. Yeah that part hit hard. This hero is paying the price for doing the right thing while all the perpetrators go about their business with no accountability like nothing happened.

  12. Listening to officer Fanon speak is like medicine for the mind and soul. There is no shying away from the truth, no mending words, no stumbling and fumbling, no political goals or political correctness. He puts it like it is. Plain and simple! He calls a spade a spade. He remains a hero.

    1. TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ ᖴOᖇ ᗯᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᔕEᑎᗪ TE᙭T ᖴOᖇ ᗰOᖇE EᑎᒪIGᕼTEᑎᗰEᑎT✍️✍️…..

    2. hey norman love the fact that you have the truth and those who disagree with you do not… nazis believed thee same thing..looks like you share the same ideology

  13. I completely concur with Fanone – any ordinary citizen HAS to respond to subpoenas or pay the price. It’s about time the law in America gets its act together and MOVES on all of this. They may be politicians but at the Base, they are ordinary citizens – including DT.

    1. I ignored a subpoena once and guess whst…. nothing happened. I also ignored jury duty selection. Still nothing. Lol

  14. Elected officials say “Follow the law, respect our justice system” — then they do this. Come on, do they really think MOST of America is that stupid?

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