Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, executive Rich Fitzgerald explains to CNN's Brian Todd where the ballot count stands in his state and why it takes days to get a final count. #CNN #News
Why do ballot counts take so long? Allegheny County executive explains

“It will disappear, one day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
I don’t want to watch the news until January 20th.
@Parzehlli bby so not on the 4th anymore.. a month after Biden gets elected.. Guess we better hurry up and count votes because under trump it isn’t gonna go away for a year or so…
See how weak and ridiculous your argument it?
Yeah didn’t think so..
Who is the moron that said that? 🤣
It’s called HOPE Sir
You are really stupid as you are taking comments out of context just like your handlers fake news does
Donald Trump-The one term, loser that lost the popular vote twice, impeached president.
@Black Wolf You are right good sir.
@Mark Green Trump has done more for America than anybody has. The only thing biden has done was lock up black guys, and called them predators
@Jeffery Allen Seville You are kidding right? These states that are still counting have over 200% voter turn out, and there video of it as well
@Patrick Kingfisher Kennedy, Clinton was impeached in his first term, your stupidity is now on full display, please go read a book preferably presidential history
@Ku Klux Klan did 911 that Bleach laced Trump kool-aid is still having some side affects. Hope you feel well soon
@Ku Klux Klan did 911 oh yeah and if Trump wins we’re all going to get syphilis
The Longer this election drags on , the more time Trump will have to spread false information , Nevada must release the poll results today . I think its bizarre it has taken so long ever since Trump called on states to stop counting . Something is going on here and it would seem some powerful force are still behind Trump and whether its Mike Pompeo or someone outside of the country , this guy is clearly getting support form somewhere or someone very powerful .
So If Trump is getting support , than we can expect within the next 24 hours more support for Trump on twitter and social media , more support for Trump on TV and radio podcasts and more false information regarding Biden , its just a waste of time and Trump would need to pack up and leave , Biden played fair and by the rules but Trump did not and Trump lost , Trump had 4 years of service but now he needs to go and find another job
@David Sisneroz you already have syphilis
I would personally like to thank Orange 45 for encouraging us to go out and Vote him out of office
@Kat You need to go smoke some Hydro weed. It’ll calm you down and help you deal with Trumps loss
@Andy Zeno Anyway, I hope you can understand, I’m not doing this out of some sense of loyalty to Trump or to the Republican party or anything. I’m doing this because I’m honestly terrified of what the future holds if people don’t wake up to what’s really happening. People need to see how they’re trying to tear us apart before it’s too late. I gotta get up early for work, have a good night, or a good life if we never message again.
@Kat same too you. May God Bless You
He woke the Sleeping Giant , the Socialists , stupid Goop LOL
@Andy Zeno Heh. Can’t sleep. May your deity of choice bless you as well if that’s a thing they do. (Agnostic here :V)
“OUR house, not his.” Time to evict him just like Jared is evicting his tenants
Supreme Court for no reason said to stop the recount in 2000, so why should there even be a recount? Biden won by more than 500 votes. Clearly a double standard for Democrats.
Am I the only one researching Bush V. Gore right now? This will all be over by December 12th if they follow that logic.
And then children all the creatures in the swamp lived happily ever after, taking bribes, silencing opponents and retiring to their friends at CNN or Fox
Both parties want to see Trump gone, along with their international friends with benefits.
Over 50% of Generation Z is 18 and older and they voted for Biden
@Destiny Isnow haha you are right
Dems seems to have figured about abortion 😂
@Desmond Its a catch 22 more abortions means less Democrats. That is why the Democrat governors had to put those tested with covid in elderly homes to kill off more of the Republicans. Rigging elections, Infanticide, Eldercide and having children in dragqueen is the DNC.
One only has to google Podesta artwork to know that.
@Rebel Google it
You are welcome to immigrate and get your citizenship. But it might be easier to sneak in. Joe will help you out.
Slowing down the mail and slowing down some more helps to delay the results. Now trump understands the importance of transparency in an election.
@William Ferland
Obama spy gate, Russia Russia Russia. Cheating. Why do the guilty scream and accuse the loudest. To deflect their sins.
@apple pie
Exactly, welfare shithole.
More ballot corruption by communist Democrat party
@Sheryl Ferraro
We’ve seen everyone riot duh.
Maybe the reason for the slow ballet is shown on this YouTube clip
ma,ma gee’s gospel – Did you say the word “God”????? God just committed suicide.
Here’s why Trump has a chance to win the election, even with the DEMS cheating!
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani So, where do you want to start? The voter fraud from the Democrats? Well, documented, I might add…The many USPS workers being caught on camera ballot harvesting? The people filling in ballots? The media and their election interference? Or are you too childish to have a real conversation? The only thing this election has proven is the United States is divided almost 50/50. We disagree on a lot of things, but what we can agree on, the fact that this election has been the absolute worst…Both candidates are complete tools…Biden will not last long in office, his dementia is growing ever so fast…Kamala will be the first woman president, but she was not elected in, and many will riot…Either direction we go as a country, we are screwed
Donald J. Trump’s legacy:
Impeached, infected, voted out.
(legacy continues…..)
SNL bought the rights to the Trump name, Donnie-boy changed his name to Donald Juan DeLaMierda Gonzalez Ramirez Sazon.
@Abhishek Nanda so you condone putting children in cages and think just because you don’t think something doesn’t happen it can’t happen.. You need a serious reality check and some sort of moral compass.. No that isn’t an actual compass its a metaphor… No I will not explain what a metaphor is.. Go educate yourself.
not quite
Democrat/BLM/nazi/Antifa are scared because Trump is fighting back against fraud election. I would be scare too because you guys cheated. Evidence all over the country now.
It must be stressful, much more so even than usual,
to be around the desperate unhinged orange monster now.
Has anyone over there in the white house, safeguarded the red button ? . . .
Russia if your listening I thank you as a former DNC member and donator.
Why? He’ll win in the recount. Because they keep having to manufacture more ballots for Biden every day. I love how confident you all are that Biden wins. It isn’t over. Mail fraud does not a win make. lol Wait until Trump’s DOJ exposes Biden’s collusion with China and he is disqualified. This is going to be fun. If
every vote were legal there is no way Biden wins. There is rampant
fraud, evidence all over. Military votes aren’t in yet. Do you think
they will be for Biden?
Lol in other words, Americans everywhere need to chill tf out!!
@MB Trump Hey genius, lol if we were Cheating, believe me Moscow Mitch would have been gone as well.🙄 You can stop regurgitating FOX🗣️🗣️🗣️NEWS now. 😂
@Siren Thelxiope yes just look for it. If you really want to know the truth you have to look for it because everything we would show you. You would just say its fake.
@Siren Thelxiope
@Siren Thelxiope LIttle girl, evidence is now widespread all over the country. You understand spreading wide don’t you?
@Larry This has been explained time and time again. Per REPUBLICAN legislature mail-in ballots could not be counted until the day of the election. It’s not that ballots were magically found, they were sitting there waiting to be counted.
We know that Dems overwhelmingly voted by mail/voted early due to Covid. My friends, family and I are Independents who voted blue. We ordered ballots back in September and received them in October. We completed our ballots and hand delivered them to our local voting office like 2 weeks before the election. Alot of people in my county did this (the rules here allowed it). So even though we completed and submitted ballots weeks in advance, our votes were not counted until the day of election after the same day votes were tallied. Same day votes favored Trump, mail-in and early voting favored Biden. It is simple.
Keep in mind there were record breaking numbers of early voting across the country, no county can count MILLIONS of mail in votes in a a few hours or even a single day. Blame your Republican leaders for implementing measures that prevent the early counting of these votes (which btw was part of a larger scheme to suppress the Democratic vote, but you’re not ready to have that conversation yet).
The only way Trump is going to 270 is if he loses 100lbs.
When the trolls start crying, all I hear is “Voter fraud… RAAAWK! Voter Fraud!” … someone get these birds their crackers.
@Kuttystr8nutty It’s a good thing we have a system that requires that little thing called evidence. Maybe Giuliani has another briefcase filled with evidence, right next to the one with the evidence from Ukraine.
@Kuttystr8nutty lmao … tissue
That’s funny. Fat Boy
@Kuttystr8nutty ha ha ha ha ha ha, there is no devil you idiots. ..
Religion is good in horror movies, that’s about it. ..
Georgia. The longest 1% vote count ever conducted.
@MB Trump na na na na hey hey goodbye
@R57 M Trump had NOTHING to do with the ballots. 🙄
Just because you plan ahead😭😭💯😂and predict what will happen how is that fraud💯💯🇺🇸
@Larry Penrose whatever let’s you sleep at night for the next four years
Biden won’t live that long of course
Thank goodness Kamala Harris will be there to keep you safe
Hit the road Jack and don’t come back no more
Loser always freaked out no matter what. We are going to win, And I can’t wait to Call u my president ‘Mr. Joe Biden 💙💙💙’
Yay more unemployment terrorist attacks and oooH my favorite empty promises.
You must’ve became “political “ when Trump came in.
The police has every riot on tape will pay ..i hope with yale
Surely you mean Xiden
We really should be standing united against the political elite and the 1%, not arguing over left vs right or republican vs democrat. See how they use their resources to manipulate us:
Hi Hanna, take a look at this YouTube clip
There are reports that Vladimir Putin is in the hospital – he was laughing so hard he busted his gut.
For a second he thought Biden was going to lose……🤮🤮
This is Hilarious, My Account is Suspended from Twitter, because I posted an authentic video of Rampant Cheating by the Democrats.
But I am allowed to see Fake News like CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc. Also, I can read Tweets of KAMALA, Biden, AOC, OBAMA, Hillary, Pelosi, etc. and other patrons whose Tweets are favorable to Joe Biden. I am not allowed to read Tweets coming from Influential Conservative Figures… LMAO. Now I realized Twitter is concern of my well being. It will not allow my thoughts to be poisoned by Conservative Values. Now I believe that Patriotism is Treason, Slavery is Freedom, Fear is Virtue, Political Correctness is Newspeak.
Now I believe that 2 + 2 = 5, or any number BIG BROTHERS want it to be. TWITTER is the Ministry of TRUTH, ANTIFA & BLM is the Ministry of LOVE. Thank you Twitter for opening my mind.
I thought trump said he loved the military what a lying baby
look up Tiffany trump’s military service.
@Nadia Janodien u are right
I’m just going to say it, I would dodge Vietnam like it was the draft for Vietnam. I don’t like trump and he definitely hates the military, but that war was incredibly pointless, unnecessary, and brutal. It was basically just America chasing that high of winning a world war.
@Django 3chains I thought it had more to do with stopping Communists from invading our allies.
@Roger Wilco like this election?
Trump: It’s impossible for Democrats to have more mail-in votes when I intentionally disrupted the US postal service.
In one MI county 6,000 votes that were for Trump went to biden because of a software glitch . The same system is used in 47 counties in MI alone. This is far from over folks..
@Kat what a story! check this one out
@Flavius Stilicho
it was announced by the officials there lol
Does truth hurt your feelfeels again?
*Edit I see you deleted your comment lol 😂
No he didn’t. Record mail-in votes, sooo… I wonder how many more millions would have voted for Trump if they STILL didn’t believe the phony Russia collusion scam.
Yep. Dejoy sucks
Breaking news: Rudy Ghouliani has claimed Transylvania for the count.
Ghouliani lol clever
@Lj’s Tour guide 😆 do they know the Union Army has tanks and predator drones now? I don’t think they sell anything at Walmart for that.
Here’s why Trump has a chance to win the election, even with the DEMS cheating!
@Lj’s Tour guide Yes but their brains won’t be in it… have you ever seen a trump supporter they will need their diaper bag
“ We see him like obese turtle 🐢 , on his back , flailing in the hot hot sun , realizing his time is over “
– Anderson Cooper 2020
That was a good one burn after 4 years
Yeah that sounds like something that stringless puppet would say.