While on a trip from the U.S. to Kuwait, the Air National Guard made a stop at the president's Turnberry resort, and the House Oversight Committee has been investigating why the crew made the stop. The panel discusses.
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Why Did Air Force Crew Stop At President Donald Trump Scottish Resort? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
We all know why, to line TRUMPY’S pockets….
@Peggy Micsky Just remember something: what Trump is doing, the next Democratic president can do, too. Let that sink in, cupcake. Trump won’t be the president forever.
Frankly, many many many people are perhaps calling him a bigly obese loser? That much they can tell us?
MSNBC better confirm that Trump is charging the military retail price to use his properties. If it Turns out he allows the military to use this property at a huge discount or for free they are going to be issuing a big retraction. Just like Lawrence Odonnell about Putin co-signing Trump loans, lol.
Trump has gotten his money from crimes all his life (including money laundering for putin). How is anyone surprised that if you give him the keys he uses the USA as his personal piggy bank and robs the USA.
@Barry Sutton it’s all a big joke until he’s stealing from u
@Maaike R Barry Sutton is most likely a Russian troll farmer… there is nothing you can say to educate or influence .. They are paid to post these ridiculous comments.
@Maaike R EXACTLY!!!
@sharon olsen Exactly. And the faster they go into damage control the more they prove my point.
Can’t wait for another candidate to get onstage during a debate and hound trump with these questions.
The Chosen One I’m with you. What’s in a debate for Trump? Not a lot but losing I think. No one can force him to debate.
B Babbich He’ll just scream ”But what about Hillarys e-mails?!”
tRump won’t do debates for just that reason. Someone would ask him a question and he wouldn’t know the answer, so he would just talk about how wonderful he is, and what a great job he is doing, and how all the bad things in the world are the fault of Obama and Hilary. (He really can’t get over them can he?)
Basically, any debate with tRump would just be a very long, taxpayer funded, tRump infomercial, with tRump talking about himself.
@Sherrie Nale yeah, but dump’s not normal. Or even human. So there’s that…
@Gcode Mfg you spelled traitors wrong.
In the military everything is documented. Who ordered the diversion and ask them why. Were they pressed by someone higher up in the food chain. If yes then who..
Matthew Lewis l agree. Follow the paper trail to the top. Who ordered this?
And will MSNBC issue a retraction if it is found that Trump allows them to use this property for free or at a highly discounted rate as a courtesy to the military. They should really confirm the airforce is paying full retail rates to use this property before running this, I smell a retraction coming…
Didn’t they say they got a free room? Not sure how Trump made out on this. I sure hope you don’t complain when any other aircraft lands at a civilian airport. You better investigate that. The Thunderbirds/Blue Angels land and refuel at civilian airports….you better investigate that…Was there room at an Air Force Base for them to land at…you better investigate that………get real people!!!
Andrew Bellinger I doubt that. The fuel alone costs more at this private airport. And the military has a base close by. They should be required to use that base, not stay at a golf course.
Ummmmm, was it the lure of gold toilets?
And will MSNBC issue a retraction if it is found that Trump allows them to use this property for free or at a highly discounted rate as a courtesy to the military. They should really confirm the airforce is paying full retail rates to use this property before running this, or it will be another embarrassing story for the main stream media …
@Andrew Bellinger And will the orange orangutan retract his 10,000 plus straight up lies and misleading statements? Not hardly…. half of them will live forever on his Twitler acct. Speaking of money….. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/06/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/
How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business
That’s not the case. In reviewing filings from the Eric Trump Foundation and other charities, it’s clear that the course wasn’t free–that the Trump Organization received payments for its use, part of more than $1.2 million that has no documented recipients past the Trump Organization. Golf charity experts say the listed expenses defy any reasonable cost justification for a one-day golf tournament.
@Idylchatter one persons missteps doesnt exempt the media from having to be accurate and not reporting speculation as truth. What the media and Democrats still fail to see is it was reporting like this that galvanized trump supporters and won him the election in the first place. They are helping him win 2020 right now.
@Idylchatter secondly, if MSNBC were news instead of opinion they would send an investigative journalist there to track down some airmen or get a receipt showing they are paying retail price to stay there. Reporting on a whim with no verification like this is why Lawrence Odonnell just had to publicly apologize for saying Putin/oligarchs co-signed Trump’s loans. MSNBC/CNN have become tabloid journalism, not news.
@Andrew Bellinger You have MSNBC confused with the Fox opinion channel… you love your orange turd, don’t you.
Donald Capone doing what comes natural to him
Ox Alek ,acid Alek, the Russians are here and they are feeding the Trumpturds.
Ox Alek I’m just fine trumpturd moron. Keep on whining.
@V – #45 *has* a *secret* ‘service animal’…a ‘stealth squirrel’, affixed to his otherwise balding pate.
Haole Jack: Even Mueller Magoo couldn’t sell that gag with an ‘assistant’ holding his hand. Haha
Anyone who doesn’t see anything wrong with this needs to be locked up in the same prison cell with Trump. Trump is basically using our military and our taxpayer dollars to fund his criminal organization. Any other president would have been dragged out of the white house by his feet over something like this.
David J If it’s within the per diem it’s okay. I looked into staying at a trump resort on my last TDY, the room rates were under the lodging cap and it would’ve been perfectly okay to stay there.
@Jelly Belly I had tried to tell a TRUMP can driver this morning about her but of course he didn’t believe especially when I told him what color she was I told him this is gonna be good!!! Lol
Watch when it comes out that Trump allows military to use his properties at a highly discounted rate or for free in some circumstances. MSNBC should really be confirming that they are charging retail rate to the airforce to use this property before they go running this story- I’m starting to smell a retraction here…
@Andrew Bellinger fake news. Move along, Boris. Pootie is ready for you. It’s your turn, sweetie.
Mo’ Money for the Don.
Makes you worry what else there has been and is being done to funnel tax dollars into trump’s pocket.
but he’s cutting money from necessary safety net programs and can’t wait to steal our Social Security funds that are OURS not Congress’s or his.
A lot of money has gone to build his Ego-Wall. But so far, according to reports, NO new wall has been built, and only about 62 miles of old wall have been replaced. I’m to financial expert, but that wouldn’t cost the $3.6 billion he has taken from the military, or the other money that has been diverted to his wall.
So where is it all going?
Not surprised trump charities used money from a cancer patient on himself also did the same with veterans in 2016
Trump is and always been Lowdown
toney. A lowdown, dirty, rotten scoundrel !
And took all that $$$ ppl paid to go to dumb classes at dumpU, then shut it down & cheated the ppl out of their $$.
This is like having a crazy uncle as a president
Yeah, that’ll get him. Taxi fares. He might’ve kicked a dog as well
And will MSNBC issue a retraction if it is found that Trump allows them to use this property for free or at a highly discounted rate as a courtesy to the military? They should really confirm the airforce is paying full retail rates to use this property before running this, or it will be another embarrassing story for the main stream media …
@Andrew Bellinger Come on. Discount rates? WTF are you taking?
This is the guy that charges the secret service minders golf cart rental so they can follow him around on his many many golf games.
Do you think he is going to LOWER his rates when the US is paying? He would more likely RAISE the rates.
@Andrew Bellinger After thought…The crew of the aircraft have money to pay for accommodation in a luxury hotel already, but complained that they couldn’t afford to stay in tRumps resort. So do you still think he was giving them ‘mates rates’ or free accommodation?
So now the question is…Will YOU be retracting your defense of the Con in Chief, who is now shown to be ripping Americans off?
And if you are a taxpayer, then it’s your money too. How are your hospitals and schools? Short on funding? Well, I can tell you where that funding is going. tRump!
Focused on beating these 10 GOP Senators in 2020:
Mitch McConnell (KY)
Susan Collins (ME)
John Cornyn (TX)
Joni Ernst (IA)
Cory Gardner (CO)
Lindsey Graham (SC)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS)
Martha McSally (AZ)
David Perdue (GA)
Thom Tillis (NC)
More important than gods return people.
Nice list of people that think US tax payer money should be used to keep a failing airport in Scotland afloat .
Republicans dont want to keep small airports in USA open with tax payer money , but airport in Scotland , for sure it needs millions upon millions of US tax payer money .
@Pete Lind Donate Support run for office check out the link http://Www.justicedemocrats.com follow on all social media thank you #NewIdeas #NewGeneration #ItsOurTime #Progressive #Justice #Democrats
I wish Devin Nunez, Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan were on the chopping block too. They’ve been complicit the whole time.
Trump is fleecing America and Americans don’t seem to care. If any other president did this there would be impeachment proceedings. What does Trump have over his people that makes them want to support a treasonous sketchy elected president?
Tony DeMaria a change is coming.
@Kodi Schitter I hope.
It’s called money…Russian / NRA money
Trump misspoke when he said drain the swamp. What he really meant to say was “maintain the swamp.”
tRUMP wants to drain the swamp and refill it with swamp creatures of his own choosing.
You mean expand the swamp to russia?
He already drained the swamp!!!
Straight into his cabinet!!!
He’s drained the swamp…….Straight up into your drinking water.
When you drain a swamp, you get rid of the ecosystem, and all is left is all the parasites and animals that feed on the rest ,to scour freely along and killed and feed from whatever they can get their hands on…so he literally drained the swamp ,and all the good things in it are now dead or being killed by this parasites.
Donald Trump’s House of Cards will soon come tumbling down
It’s about to get *so much worse* for #45…

*Every* state, *every* bank, *every* insurance company and *every* country that #45’s *lied to* in his filings *ARE* ‘comparing notes’…and *finding* ‘faults’.
And *soon* #45’s life becomes…a *neverending nightmare* of litigations and losses.
@Duane Hall I’m not a Trump supporter at all but I’m worried Barry might be right. Look at how many people like him are still out there 3 years later blindly supporting their dear leader no matter how much he continues to be exposed. Better believe the “Barry’s” of this country will be turning out in full force to vote when the time comes. The rest of us cannot become complacent and stay home.
dream on. Congress will do nothing.
People keep saying that, people keep making video telling us what tRump is doing or has done, and what happens?
Absolutely NOTHING.
Teflon Don just keeps getting away with it.
Trump and GOP are looting America like there’s no tomorrow.
@Kathryn Shaw – Maybe Barry’s thinking of the ‘NRA’…

Trump sees the voters as suckers to be ripped off.
Barry Sutton nobody is buying your BS
Trump moving public government money to his private companies? Noooo. You don’t say?
And will MSNBC issue a retraction if it is found that Trump allows them to use this property for free or at a highly discounted rate as a courtesy to the military? They should really confirm the airforce is paying full retail rates to use this property before running this, or it will be another embarrassing story for the main stream media …
It has always been about follow the money of this corrupt horrible man. Impeach this man, please !!!!
Absolutely, and the entire corrupt family and sycophant toadies should be attainted – their assets seized and citizenship stripped away – it’s how you deal with traitors.
Whirlwind S He shouldn’t just be impeach; he should be locked up!
Watch when it comes out that Trump allows military to use his properties at a highly discounted rate or for free in some circumstances. MSNBC should really be confirming that they are charging retail rate to the airforce to use this property before they go running this story- I’m starting to smell a retraction here…
@Andrew Bellinger yeah, well, you just hold your breathe waiting on that retraction, bub.
for the criminal in government, it is an open bar with tax payer money, like a king
While poor people give up meds to buy food, Trump is filling his pockets with US tax dollars. And Trump supporters are still going to vote for this crook.
Terry Kane in their droves and it may get worse
And will MSNBC issue a retraction if it is found that Trump allows them to use this property for free or at a highly discounted rate as a courtesy to the military? They should really confirm the airforce is paying full retail rates to use this property before running this, or it will be another embarrassing story for the main stream media …
Andrew Bellinger the taxi fare alone from preswick to Turnberry is around $60 one way and the price of food and drink at his resort 2-3 times that of all the other resorts for example a single whisky costs around $18
@Kris Moodley so, if Trumps not profiting from it, it doesnt matter- active duty military travel to many expensive places like Tokyo. Does his property have shuttles that drive people back and forth so they dont have to pay for taxis? We dont know because all there is is speculation in MSNBCs reporting and alot of wishful thinking too… it is widely known that Trump hosts many event at Mara Lago resort where veterans get to stay for free… notice in this story there was zero information about what airforce people are actually paying to stay there… and if Vice president Pence stays at Trumps property in Scotland do you really think Trump is charging Pence to stay there? Did Pence book it on air-bnb? MSNBC’s bias has ruined their credibility, it’s become an anti-trump propaganda network.
donald trump is nothing but a criminal; plain and simple!!