Rachel Maddow explains why Democrats have two opportunities to use budget reconciliation this year to work around Republican obstruction, leaving many of their policy goals at a dead end unless the filibuster is eliminated. Aired on 01/29/2021.
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#Dems #Republican #MSNBC
Why Dems Get Only Two Chances At Major Legislation This Year (Unless…) | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Check which brokers blocked small investors from buying GameStop shares today and never do business with them again.
Since the sale of Loyal3, I think Robinhood was the only place really small investors could buy.
brilliantly explained, ty dr maddow!
Just put all of the 4 bills into one bill and pass it using reconciliation already. Imho
Another alternative is for DHS to place a lot of R Senators on the No Fly List on the day before they want to fly back to DC when their vacations are ending. They support insurrection, so no fly.
@Constituent A Not sure where you came up with that but alright. Each have their on opinion
I like it.
@Matt In a more just and sane world they would be in jail.In a sane and just world those seditious people wouldn’t be on the streets as we speak.
@Alan Cook Every comment you make, every time I see your name, is filled with lies and distortions and anger. How do you live with yourself? You have a life filled with hate. I feel bad for you. You can make a better choice than that…..
@K. McKee Probably cause I am so tired of all the lies that come out of Liberal mouths. Literally everytime i hear someone like you speak i throw up in my mouth a little. Talk about unity out of one side and talk about cancelling ot putting everyone in a reeducation camp. Wow talk about hate, it about wanting to incite violence. Maybe it is because of people like you.
Prove a lie…….
Sad commentary on America that we are still having to get a voting rights bill! This is sucking really bad!
@Ash Roskell Bunk. Notice that AG Barr made a quick exit, stage left, after he wouldn’t stand with the President against the election fraud. If Barr hadn’t seen any evidence of widespread election fraud, it’s clear he wasn’t looking. Nothing was ever debunked or discredited. Leftist courts stonewalled the legal challenges, as would be expected. There is mounting suspicion that even Chief Justice Roberts had been compromised in some way. It was reported that he placed extreme pressure on the other Justices to reject the Texas lawsuit that was brought before the Supreme Court. They finally came up with a ‘standing’ excuse. Texas didn’t have any ‘standing’ to challenge election fraud in other States. In truth, they didn’t want to have to look at the evidence. It would have upset the apple cart.
@Maharajji NKB like you, debunked

Fact check any of those claims and the only thing you’ll find stolen is your ability to admit you’re wrong, it never happened, just the rantings of a sore loser(s). But hey, you have the right to your opinion, just not certified facts. Be well
@Maharajji NKB Q-uack Q-uack Q-uacks anonymous, say hello to Daffy and I suggest bringing steamed buns and plum sauce, can never have enough steamed buns

@Maharajji NKB As you seem to embrace fiction, I have a story for you I have shared with others before. Back in the 70’s I started rumors of Bigfoot being in the area to keep people from stealing my pot. Then one day, whilst hiking, I saw Bigfoot with a bong, who knew Bigfoot had a bong? Thus the mystery of the missing weed was solved. But the question to this day remains, where did he get the lighter? Ever play clue?
@Maharajji NKB , this is an outright lie! There is no evidence of anything that you have mentioned. Maybe you should just stop talking! No voter fraud.

Just say’n: I have seen Bigfoot, and I loaned him my lighter
Ds: Take power. Seize the time.
Carpe Diem. First pack up the Supreme.
Get rid of filibuster now. I know it might come back to bit us but we might lose this country if we don’t.
Lol, no chance snowflake
@AllNite Lemonade that’s what you MAGATS said about President Biden winning the election, and Georgia’s 2 runoff elections
They could wait till 2022 or beyond for the other things. Not sure it can be passed using reconcilliation. Voting rights is my biggest concern
@Augie Rockero now they’re saying Trump will be inaugurated this March. My grandma is one of them SMH
@Andrew Wallace That’s actually a good thing…the crazier the republicans get, the more they fracture and alienate the moderates….when they split into 2 parties eventually, they will never be able to get enough votes to elect anyone….and yes my family is also 100% cult FOX NEWS Hannity Limbaugh Beck religious zombies…no hope….they were crazy before though….crazy attracts crazy
Meanwhile, republicans are trying to find new ways to take away your right to vote.
@Jack Straw neither. Im not sure what u mean by this question. I asked y its hard to get id to vote and this is ur answer?
@Justin VanRensselaer sheep, no one cares about your ignorant question. I was responding to one of your sheepish reply’s. Funny you jump to be a b*tch while begging for an education.
@Justin VanRensselaer It seems you’re stuck in a conspiracy rut like the rest of the Trumpeteers.
People don’t attempt voter fraud, based on risk (imprisonments and fines) vs reward.
In large population countries, the impact of additional votes would be negligible.
In small population countries, the impact of additional votes would be noticeable.
Additionally, with all the no-evidence legal challenges and recounts in the States… please explain where all this fraud happened.
As an external viewer with no Dem nor Rep affiliation, it seems quite clear that voter suppression is a GOP habit (as per my post above).
Any defence of these actions, is shameful and more proof of the reputational slide of the US.
@Pierre Valette my weak minds? Lol and if my mind is weak yet still a danger, then it must mean their minds are even weaker, correct? And I’m curious how my mind is weak because the original poster is a liar?
@R Wags i posted a link but i see youtube has removed my comment. So ontop of all the proof i tried to provide in this link there is more proof right there that they r censorin people… if ur interested i could find a way to email it to u. Wiw they deleted it twice now. They dont want the truth to come out. Hahaha
Four very reasonable objectives. So of course the Republicans will fight it tooth and nail.
For the life of me I can’t understand how Americans keep voting these Republicans into office when they CLEARLY don’t support reasonable support for the people.
@dwntoobsnss2 Because there is a considerable amount of Americans who believe the Democrats are Satan worshipping, cannabilistic paedophiles who start the California wildfires with space lasers. And only Donald Trump can stop them. I wish this were an exaggeration. What an indictment on how low the education system has fallen – and let this be proof that yes, some things are simply better left not privatized.
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle , then to get any Republican to agree with a Democrat.
Using a biblical reference when talking about Republicans? Seriously you shouldn’t bother… most of the REDs won’t catch it, in spite of them waving around bibles.
Whats the wait? Seem like they slow moving. Start changing things now
Even more, go full bore, create two new states, Puerto Rico and Washington DC. Almost guaranteed to be four more democrat senate seats.
already have democratic shadow senators in Washington and in Puerto Rico i think
End the filibuster and you’ll have more.
More . . . what?
@Ash Roskell more twizzlers are you mad, also I would like some twizzlers.
@Ash Roskell more democracy.
I had to look this one up. They actually have a sketchy procedure to circumvent a sketchy procedure which is used for sketchy means anyways. And on THAT procedure they hang their entire system, in the middle of a once-in-90-years cluster-crisis!
How you can call this a “democracy” is beyond my understanding, if it’s only possible to get 1 law in 1 year through. In a crisis! Other nations would quickly vote on a newer, more practical constitution in the same 50+ days that a US filibuster procedure takes. Those nations are no stable democracies, though, so some middle ground is needed.
Just change the rules – if you can’t make your point in 1 hour max, your rhetorical skill is severely lacking. smh really
@Enyavar Nathis end the filibuster, pass these four, return the filibuster and say “we’re ready to work with you” The obstruction of Obama’s last 6 years, ughh
Our government process is seriously screwed up.
Get rid of the electoral vote!!
Why is it so hard for Republicans to give to the people in need?
They want it all for themselves,they are very greedy and they lie a lot.
GOP don’t work for the people, they work for big money! unless you can fork thousands for a vote you will not get it! That is the sad truth in America, it has been like that for ever and unless you scrap the entire system it will always be!
I agree, just use the popular vote to determine the winner and keep it movin’! Too many wrinkles in this presidential election process. This will eliminate battleground states, electors, electoral votes
@Shiri Definitely the fairest system for voters, but poor states like AK etc will suffer. Thus both House & Senate need systemic improvement to protect the poorer smaller states who must rely on rich states taxes…states mostly controlled by DEMS. Also, one vote one value will destroy the GOP, and they know it…. thus all the gerrymandering trickery, attacks on voter rights, blocking access to voting etc.
Democrats needs to stop playing nice with the republicans
@Cetanzi No, no – Dems are PAID to be weak. (think wrestling show fights) They are financed to win PRIMARIES against progressives and pro worker candidates. Then they can fight – hard and underhanded. Sure they would also like to win the general. But nothing, NOTHING is as important as keeping the big donors happy and keeping their money flowing in.
The ballot will give the voters a choice between a fierce Repub and a spineless Dem and both beholden to the big donors (the same industries, but often even the same companies or individuals).
Good shills that have made it for 2 terms (in Congress) and played nice with the party leadership will get a golden parachute. They can risk to lose with a lame Republican Lite platform. Their finances will not take a hit – many big donor provided jobs pay more than the 180k before taxes they get as member of Congress or Senate.
They are not allowed to run on a highly attractive platform of economic populism. The party “leadership” reigns in those that stray. (Ed Markey is a long time Senator of MA. BUT: the co-signed the Green New Deal and young neoliberal Kennedy is to the right of him. Not that Markey is a progressive, or even – gasp – anti war mongering and insane military budgets. But on Global Warming he is better than the average Democrat. So he had it coming.
And the young Kennedy fundraised a lot. For the party. And knows a lot of rich people or has connections that can be activated. He was for 2 terms in Congress (on family name only) and then he challenged Markey in the primary for the Senate seat. Usually incumbents have a better chance so that was a brazen gamble. And he had the encorsement of the likes of Pelosi. First Kennedy to ever lose a race in Massachusetts.
The Democrat that wins the primary in MA is almost sure to win the general, it is a solidly blue state. So Markey is firmly established again (and has to thank the grassroots and and the young Climate activists for helping him ward off Kennedy. Which translates into a lesson for him and others that want to keep their seat.
At some point the young neoliberal polled very well. Before ! the debates ! It shows the power of name recognition in politics. Kennedy and party leadership were fairly certain he could win, and Markey was worried. Luckily the challenger does not have the talent of JFK or Bobby. he is a poor debater, had positions that were hard to defend. Else he could have been a valuable ally for progressives in Congress and stay there – but he only wanted to pursue his career plans. Likely running for president from the position of Senator.
Instead he also lost his seat in Congress (If they run for Senate in MA they cannot return to Congress, there will be a primary and another Demcrat will run in the general, I do not know if it is the same in all states, maybe they do that in safely blue states to discourage many vanity runs.
Members of Congress or Senate that run for president can return to their seat, they do not risk to lose that seat if they do not win the nomination in the primary.
So if the party leadership wanted to punish Ed Markey for supporting AOC and for not doing enough to bring in the donations – they did not work out. But they tried.
Party leadership are best buddies with media (campaign ad budgets !!!) so they can rely on their help to derail certain invonvenient candidates. They control access to the big donor money for campaigns and usually can also help with getting a cushy job if someone leaves office. Companies, NGO’s (that get donations from the party) think tanks. Media will also offer job opportunities. They took in Claire McCaskill after she lost her Senate race.
heaven help us if a fierce rightwinger is smart enough to run on economic populism. Trump had some of that in 2016 – but he was to dumb to pull if off. And the grifters around him were to short sighted, ideological and greedy to do it.
its like trying to calm somebody down so they cooperate and then they will pin them down once they get the chance
@Gg Apple That’s a reason we need term limits.
Alex jones created pizza gate to make money, monetize clicks and sell crap
Become a multi millionaire , THINGS GOT CRAZIER AND CRAZIER
IN 2018
Fox also monetized sensational opinions
Not actual facts
AGREED…fight fire with fire
Voting rights and shoring up democracy. Without that, everything else is forever subject to republican whim and its never-ending efforts to disenfranchise as many Americans as possible.
I think they should pass the voting rights act in 2022. They only have two reconciliations this year and the others are more urgent
Get rid of the filibuster, never trust Mitch McConnell.
Hey joe. Lets roll back that tax cut since its part of the budget we will use reconciliation to pass?
Repeal tax cuts.
Pass covid relief .
Pass climate change as part of t too since it reflects on our #GDP?
@Sedition Selfi
This needs to not be a REPLY. It deserves to be its own COMMENT.
Or Joe Manchin
You get two wishes.
“My first wish is infinite wishes.”
I would be impressed if Dems took advantage of this and did as well as they could. I hope so.
Where’s Kevin spacey from house of cards when you need him lol