Why Climate Change Is A National Security Issue | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

President Trump doesn’t acknowledge that climate change is real, but the Pentagon does. Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle are joined by the director of the Center for Climate and Security, John Conger, to break down the ways climate change threatens America’s national security. Aired on 09/16/19.
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Why Climate Change Is A National Security Issue | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Why Climate Change Is A National Security Issue | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


  1. Storms and sea levels aren’t gonna be a problem if we run out of sufficiently breathable air.
    Bolsonaro and his goons with support from the US is burning down the one forest that supplies 20% of our oxygen.

    1. Brazil had had a weak fire season, these fires are small compared to others in the past. The only reason the scare started is because Brazil got a right-wing President. The lame-stream media is a scam.

    1. Adam P: the first BABY step is a total abeyance on all commercial and private air travel. and always was. meaning…… Sanders is a lying politician. what is needed is a better border wall to stop people that none of us will have the heart to stop otherwise…. and a US Space Force for ‘one agent’ [and not Chinese but with CCP collaboration] for infrared radiation management in the upper upper atmosphere (space) is what is needed. duh. TRUMP 2020. it’s too late to vote for Nader again.

    2. Adam P : A, “Security Issue,” huh? That makes Trump a Clear And Present Danger, then? . . . Again. Just one more Impeachment Article

    3. Steven David Stoffers so Bernie is a liar and you support trump. Can you give me some examples of Bernie’s lies? And most importantly, do you think trump lies?

    4. @Adam P
      Being rich is not the issue, how you made it is?
      When the clintons become worth hundreds of millions as Civil servants, i question.
      The day Hillary became Secretary of State, Bills speaking fees went up, doubling to 500,000 a pop.
      Imagine the small talk.
      I dont question Trump because he made it in the real world.
      Government people can rip you off, who keeps track.
      Trump screws a contractor with details unknown and hes a crook.
      Right or wrong, its not the same comparison

  2. *Too little, too late !!* It takes too long to turn this ship around.
    the writing’s been on the wall for decades …… but the deniers and obstructionists and greedy selfish a-holes got their way and screwed over all living things on this planet.

    Change is inevitable, but what humans have done was not necessary.

    Glad I have no kids !

    1. @Torin You don’t have the facts. For example, Higher CO2 significantly reduces the protein in rice.
      Carbon tax is a MARKET SOLUTION. Taxes are collected according to use to discourage waste and paid back to the general public, so they can buy less polluting furnaces, etc.
      The polluted public water supply was the result of a REPUBLICAN state government taking over Flint’s municipal system. The citizens of Flint, Mi. had NO SAY in the management of their city. Soon after that, the manager decided to save money by taking water from the polluted Flint River without sufficient treatment and run it into everyone’s homes. Even low level lead poisoning can cause PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE, resulting in much lower intelligence & increased violent behavior.
      That’s water babies were drinking and bathing in.
      What do you think custodial care of those babies will add up to? Did the city manager of Flint REALLY save money, even over 3 years? How much more will it cost taxpayers over 50 years?
      You have chosen to deny anything that doesn’t flatter you or make you richer.
      The US Military has recognized Climate Change as the MOST CRITICAL THREAT TO U.S. SECURITY. But you would rather obey Putin.

  3. That this has to be explained to people is embarrassing. Science deniers should just STFU, or some one should do it for them.

    1. @No GMO Joe Maybe you should read a book or two and you would understand what we are talking about. You clearly have no clue what so ever.

    2. In order to believe in man-made climate change you must deny: The earth’s history of climate change, The physics of CO2, The physics of the sun, The physics of space weather and the scientific method itself.

  4. Where have been the US all this time? like they are discovering all this just now, when climate change and all the consequences have started a decade ago. At least a decade ago, if not more.
    This is the trouble when you live in your own bubble and not get information from the rest of the world.

    1. @Torin Um, if you haven’t watched tv in 20 years, what newspapers, books, radio hosts, podcasts do you listen to or read?

    1. The climate has been changing naturally for billions of years and will continue to change naturally until the end of time. We can only adapt to it as it changes.

    2. Ahh yes, the science is so certain that people must be called deniers to shut down debate. You make it easy to not believe in man-made climate change.

  5. When Mar-a-Lago looks like Bermuda does now, maybe little donald will rethink his views on climate change. Naw. This guy has the thought process of an amoeba.

  6. The permafrost is melting. We are way past the point of starting to act. It’s now about working out what we can still salvage.

    1. Polar ice caps are not a permanent feature of the earth an a sign we are still exiting an ice age. Their disappearance is not human caused and should be celebrated.

  7. Once the millions of climate refugees start storming our borders, it will suddenly become a real problem. Canada should probably build a wall. The truth is, the mega rich are hoping that nothing is done and millions of poor people die.

  8. I think climate change is a problem that should’ve been addressed urgently 40 years ago. We’re in for unpleasant times ahead.

    1. 50 years ago politicians and scientists told people the world was going to freeze, they need to make up their mind if they want their scam to be effective.

  9. “us in the media continue to think about”

    hey Velshi, maybe tell MSNBC to stop bringing on climate deniers as guests?

    1. Please, keep labeling people as deniers. You have proved man-made climate change is a scam before any scientific debate has even stated.

  10. It boggles my mind to know that there are citizens in our country who fail to see that climate change is a massive national security threat…what do they need – their homes, cars and belonging being demolished?

  11. Glad you guys are speaking about this, it’s so important. Although it’s not fun to discuss, we need to talk about it

  12. What about “no-till” farming that reduces carbon in the atmosphere and returns it into the ground for richer soil?

  13. That 18% are probably also flat earthers so they don’t even count. Just fix the laws and Impeach Trump already!!! WTF?!?

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