Why Biden Should Look To Truman’s Example | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Scarborough is joined by David Ignatius and Jon Meacham for a discussion on his new book 'Saving Freedom: Truman, the Cold War, and the Fight for Western Civilization' and what Biden can learn from the Truman presidency. Aired on 11/19/2020.
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Why Biden Should Look To Truman's Example | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. in 2016, the election was riddled with fraud, discrepancies, voter suppression, and foreign interference.
    And Trump won.
    In 2020, the election was the most secure in American history. No evidence of fraud, very few discrepancies, and no foreign interference.
    And Trump LOST.
    This is proof that there was no fraud. If there had been, Trump would have won again.

    1. Server seized: Trump lawyer; Arizona Gov.: Election is not over; Insider questions Georgia recount
      Server seized————————————😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

    2. He lost but he got a record turn out for a Republican. Over 72 million people voted for what he stands for.
      This nation is divided more then ever if the GOP retains the Senate, Biden is screwed.

  2. I am very happy to see Micah finally getting someone air time. Sadly, Joe does not let the guests answer Micah’s question without him continuing after Micah and before the guests get to answer I really wish he would just allow the guests to respond to Micah without him always having to put his two cents in I realized he likes to have as much air time as possible however I got really tired of watching her do nothing more than just put thumbs up and show that you can select from various videos to watch she is a very intelligent and insightful woman and I think she should have equal time without someone constantly trying to overshadow her it’s getting really tiring . As an attorney and a female I’ve had to fight my entire career to be heard over my male counterparts I say bravo to Micah for fighting to be relevant against all odds! 🙄🥰

    1. I agree. Unfortunately the only reason they’re having her talk more is to interview her husband (who wouldn’t be able to interview himself) to help him sell his new book 😑😪

  3. tRump: The buck stops here. (Points to wallet)
    tRump: I take NO responsibility. (But wants credit)
    tRump: Sleepy Joe in his bunker, afraid to come out. (As he cowers in the WH, Twitter raging and or golfing)
    Feel free to add.

    1. Seems like you’ve got it covered mostly. Except maybe the last year of video of the hellscape that America will turn into under Biden. Meanwhile, all of that video was of America UNDER TRUMP! LOL 60 days.

    2. @A J I think several of you are actually arguing against each other……I read all this thread as being anti-Trump ,,,not pro Trump …..

    3. Pls Dems, fix your Dem cities (Baltimore, Chicago…), black people are suffering while you pretend to care about them😞. Racist Joe will do nothing positive!

    1. @William H William that’s no way to ask for a date get over it you probably done this before you know how to do it

  4. GW Bush: “Boy did I leave the next president a whole lot of mess to clean up.”
    t’rump: “Hold my bleach injection.”

    1. @A J That judge had Rudy shook! 😬
      Guess his legal expertise is more Four Seasons Total Landscape than it is Four Seasons! 🤔😅😂🤣

    2. @Ro G Trump “only hires the best people”, who buy cheap hair dye that runs off their face as they lie on camera. I’m just happy that Trump invited the 2 Michigan officials who once again flipped on certifying results, even though it’s already moved onto the next stage. An all expenses paid trip to the White House to change their votes qualifies as Election Tampering, Bribery, and Conspiracy to Defraud the United States. Also have witnesses to Lindsay Graham’s call telling Georgia officials to throw out legal votes, and Graham admitted he called other officials to do the same. Maybe Trump will take GOP senator’s to jail with him?

    3. @SS lol dems have no clue about procedure? Which side was claiming that 100% of the vote HAD to be counted before you could announce the president elect? You fools dont even understand the most basic procedures. Like how if you dont agree with the election results you sue for a recount. That is political procedure. Then the courts analyze the data given and make a preliminary judgement on whether the case has merit. That is legal procedure. If it doesnt have any merit AT ALL, then it is thrown out before even going to trial. 29 cases have been thrown out before even making it to trial. But you are soo completely ignorant of procedure, you think you still have a case… Wanna take that foot out of your mouth now?

    4. @A J but she should go back and watch rudy admit in court that there is no evidence of voter fraud and its all a big act, so that he didnt get disbarred for filing a lawsuit under false pretexts.

    1. @mark griff Christ, you clown, you haven’t a clue about my views on msm…..aren’t you even the LITTLEST bit embarrassed by your stupidity??
      Oh wait, you think Spanky’s going to win…..😂😂😂

    2. @Orson Carter Well you are watching msnbc , it’s a bit of an indicator and the needle on the dumb meter usually gets pretty high where msnbc is concerned. I don’t watch it , I just come for the comments. Also I have no idea who will win, but I can tell you that if all the evidence gets out to the public they will see the massive fraud. The question will be will the media continue to hide it and get away with covering up the fraud , or will it be exposed. I know if people had sense they would look into the huge amount of proof that the votes were flipped. Which ever way you look at it, If Biden wins then you have lost all respect as a country for allowing the democrats to scam the vote. Plus in that case people that know this has been a huge scam will fight for their country. But also unless it is excepted by the public, and the truth is told that the msm lied to cover this fraud. Then the lberals will go crazy too… the only chance your country has is that if it all comes out and the media are exposed and Trump gets back in ,. If not you all lose

    1. @E Hole Two charged in Dominion voter fraud. Overwhelming evidence of voter fraud continues to grow! President Trump re-elected!🇺🇸👍

    1. @Robert Labuda you mean when Trump owes $200 million to a Chinese state bank, and over $100 million to German and Russian Banks? Those are in his actual financial disclosures, not to mention Kushner also owes hundreds of millions to Saudi and the UAE…

    2. Don’t like presidents who cowers in bunkers at the sight of protesters and threatens schools to keep his failures from being “investigated”.

    3. @A J Obama ” is the first President who interfered in the peaceful transfer of power, for four years. And it’s on his behalf that a rolling coup has pushed a nation to the edge of the abyss in order to remake it in his image . ” GEN FLYNN

    1. @mike bronicki reverse low unemployment for everyone, not going into conflicts, Opportunity zones, making NATO pay it share ,3 peace deals, doing what he said ,bring our troops home, 2 new and better trade deals and many more. Or have a leader that has done nothing in 47 years !! Easy choice

    2. @Eric Klaus unemployment is at a 90 year high. Iran is making nuclear weapons again. He wasted 4 precious years ignoring a global climate crisis. First president since Hoover to leave office with fewer jobs than when he entered office. More than doing nothing, he encouraged the spread of Covid-19. And there is the little matter of flagrant election interference, a felony in the state of Michigan, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

  5. Jaimie Harrison should tell Lindsay Graham that he won the Senate because of fraud, All the democrats that lost should do the same.

    1. I’m for 100% recount in every state that use that dominion software ! And we need to stop having other countries count our votes that determines who wins an election !

    2. @Living it up and Loving it ! yet Michigan had already changed the votes before Rudy made up the exact same conspiracy theory about a foreign tech company aiding a Biden. Is this one going to turn out to be in california too?😂😂😂

    3. @A J mocking people and giving them a taste of their own medicine is not “becoming them” its making fun of them. and I guess I need to recant my earlier comment about republicans and just put “dumb people”

    4. @james caporale Yeah, im sick of that BS. “Dont stoop to their level” no, its leveling the playing field instead of just letting them win. How is it even a moral victory when you let the corruption win?

    5. @Living it up and Loving it ! is dominion the one owned by sarah palin and the GOP? Just cuz its made in america doesn’t make it safe from corruption.

    1. Pls Dems, fix your Dem cities (Baltimore, Chicago…), black people are suffering while you pretend to care about them😞. Racist Joe will do nothing positive!

    1. Obama ” is the first President who interfered in the peaceful transfer of power, for four years. And it’s on his behalf that a rolling coup has pushed a nation to the edge of the abyss in order to remake it in his image . ” GEN FLYNN

  6. Picture the scene of Hitler’s downfall.
    In his office, his staff look on wide eyed in disgust: no girdle, his distended belly flopping, no incontinence pads, doubly soiled, shrieking and crying, furiously crayoning red over the blue parts of an election map, endlessly shouting ‘ I WON I WON’. The staff retching, he soils himself again as the Secret Service, wearing gas masks, cuff him and drag him backwards.
    The action continues.
    The echoes of his sobs still audible, his most loyal staff begin discussing who the next term’s candidate should be. Knowing they need the same toxic malevolence to mesmerize the base, but in a younger, more attractive package, someone suggests Ivanka. She steps forward, but is immediately felled by Don Jr in an uncontrolled fit of rage and jealousy. Ivanka just manages to pull a knife and sticks Don in the heart as her neck snaps. The chief of staff, looks at the scene then catches his reflection in a mirror. As he perfects a pose in the mirror he smiles ‘the problem is sorted’ he says as Kanye West begins to play on the radio. The nightmare continues.

    1. @Bud G I watched the ‘Trump loses’ versions quite recently, wonderful. Also the office scene is not exactly original, I just embellished the vision.

  7. Trump is unable to surround himself with the best and the brightest because he suffers from the Dunning-Krueger effect.

    1. President Trump knows more about the Dunning-Krueger effect than anyone. He knows they have a beautiful capital of 28 million people. It’s where they grow Goya beans.

    2. @tubruton: Trump knows more about Dunning-Krueger effect than Dunning-Krueger effect itself. No one knows more about Dunning- Krueger effect than Trump, not even Dunning-Krueger effect itself.

    3. @Shirley Rombough The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability.

    1. Keep buying Chinese products and don’t change your mind on this position…smile and ignore what really happened. Perfect, now go back to sleep😴

  8. Truman was surrounded with the brightest minds. Look at who are surrounding Trump today: Kushner, Giuliani, Atlas, Barr. The dumbest.

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