Some are already asking is it worth the Biden campaign showing up to the next debate after Trump's chaotic and angry performance at the first debate. But Symone Sanders, Biden Sr. Adviser, says her candidate will show up at the next debate. Aired on 09/29/2020.
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Why Biden Campaign Says They'll Show Up To The Next Debate | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
This isn’t about supporting a political party or even a political candidate. It’s about saving our democracy at the polls: the right to vote and have that vote counted and a peaceful transition of power. Vote as early as possible (, complete the census and help two people outside your household to do the same. Ben Franklin after the Constitutional Convention in 1778 is believed to have been asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
Thats why i will be voting trump.
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SENILE JOE NEEDS DRUGS like SON ..just to wake up ..
Fk you vote trump2020 if you want to be free
It’s the talking chimp again!
Let’s hope trumpy has gone before the next debate! Left the WH! Adios!!
I’m in my mid 50’s/small business owner & Dad to a 22 year old college grad.
It was shameful to watch. If their is another debate, I hope Mr. Biden will show no emotion when interrupted and he speaks only to the moderator. This is the only way to upset and throw off any narcists/sociopath. Do not give them attention. Direct it elsewhere. Ignore as much as possible under any circumstance. Show no emotion. When they try to get a “rise/reaction” out of you-just stay calm keep your cool…Mr. Biden…Oh and direct your response to the camera. Do not look at him.
Even better, if Biden gets interrupted, turn, look at Trump, and say, “HEY! Coward, are you too afraid to let me speak”
American propaganda is the best !!
Dave Schultz In what reality? Such divide in this Country. It’s incredible.
@House of Carrots we live in a democratic country we are supposed to have separate political parties that are separate political views… do you like the constitution or not is what is see … I love the freedom the constitution gives us … some don’t like freedom of speech… I love your right to have a different opinion then me thanks for being an American…. iloveyou, brother no Como
we live in a democratic country we are supposed to have separate political parties that are separate political views… do you like the constitution or not is what is see … I love the freedom the constitution gives us … some don’t like freedom of speech… I love your right to have a different opinion then me thanks for being an American…. iloveyou, brother no Como
Bring back the League of Women Voters to handle ALL debates. No more Presidential Debate Commission run by the two parties. No more Anheuser-Busch, etc. sponsors. Vote.
SENILE JOE NEEDS DRUGS like SON ..just to wake up ..
No moderator is required.
Just let the two of them debate !!!
The Trump doctrine: show up, crap all over everyone and leave.
Engaging with Biff is like playing chess with a rabid opossum.
Biden doctrine: Show up, fondle a few children, then hide back in the basement.
@Harry Leonard The first thing I thought last night is that this sweating dog is on a Adderall binge
@errgsd Comrade, a 1,000 Americans are dying a DAY. with no forseeable end to it. I understand if you are Russian that this can be brushed off, but here in the states that’s a freaking nightmare.
@Bobby Frampton dying of what? Most of those folks were statistically likely to die of anything this year. Average age of covid fatalities is over 80. 8000 people die each day normally.
I never thought I could hate anyone until I heard Trump’s pivot tonight about Joe’s sons. Evil racist incompetent baphoon.
@Sky Runner America is becoming a joke to the international community.Thanks to Humpty Trumpty…”
Partly yes, but we also admire and respect those who fight to save the democracy. Your country is currently very polarized, and the opposing ends are far from each other. A big problem is that so many people in one end have lost much of their touch with reality.
@Kristine Jader which one are you using? your Chinese translation is perfect :))) Kristine Lee lol hehehe
@Richard McKinney . No she was different person. This is like the richest lady in Russia. She was the wife of the Moscow mayor one of the most corrupt politicians in all of Europe.
@Blind C75 ToxicTongueTrump and the Republicans sold your country out to Russia Valimer Putin, and now stealing yours and the tax payers money to pay them that $400 millions back, stupid ToxicTongueTrump is a con and crook and you people knew that before you put him in office, but now he’s gotta go Biden/Harris 2020
@Traps he’s an innocent child. I definitely don’t support what that person said. Your problem and much of Trump’s supporters problem is that you bunch people together and you refuse to hear a counterargument “leave it at that” ..your words. If we dissect the problems individually and tackle them that way it’s much better than writing off everyone.
Looking forward to the Vice president debate. I think that will be a true debate.
Harris is going to destroy Pence
@Mayra Lopez Facts. Mike Pence doesn’t stand a chance.
@Yesu Big Facts
! We can’t afford to go another 4 years with him as our president! We really can’t!
Catherine byrd: If you notice, Vice-President Pence talks slow, and his face is very expressionless.
For me, he’s lost already, and that could also include being a lost soul.
Not expecting much from this “debate” either. pence tends to talk his way out of it with lengthy speech and answers nothing pure blah blah blah. Never saw a “to the point “answer from this guy and to make matters worse he will call tRump name many times glorifying his “actions”. Just another waster of time. Let’s vote Blue massively and remove all republikkkans from gov. Biden 2020!!!
I don’t think Biden needs to waste his time on this clown and fool that their president Trump just is not worth it
I agree.
SENILE JOE NEEDS DRUGS like SON ..just to wake up ..
@ZEUS ….you’re posting the same message repeatedly. …
The only reason for Joe Biden to show up for the next debate is so that those who missed Trump’s disgrace tonight should get the opportunity for a repeat performance of Trump’s total failure as a human being.
SENILE JOE NEEDS DRUGS like SON ..just to wake up ..
@ZEUS oh, so tRumps Adderall didn’t kick in? DTJ’s coke didn’t show up in time? Dtj’s homewreaking girlfriend wasn’t high enough for ya? Hey Zeus? You might want to go a little low on the blow ditcuss.
The sad thing is people actually think trump did great
Vote Joe Biden November 2020. Vote Amy McGrath Kentucky November 2020
SENILE JOE NEEDS DRUGS like SON ..just to wake up ..
@ZEUS af u. Grow up. Use ur pea brain.
The debate has been chaotic because of Trump. But, it was Biden who emerged victorious!
Yes!!! Orange thug totally burned himself

Slow Joe is a walking cringe machine.

Biden could have puked right there on stage and he would still have my vote.
Trump was mad cause Joe didn’t fall for his okydoke, Joe was laughing, you can’t do anything but laugh he stupid just lying, Joe laughing, he had to think about when he call Trump a clown the second time, he said I’m sorry,
Unfortunately, looking from the outside, American “democracy” is beginning to look hopeless. It sure was embarrassing.
We still have it better than some countries and if we can get rid of TRUMP we will do better!!!
@Betsy Bird nope you don’t have it better than other countries. Have a look at your Covid cases and deaths then compare them to the “Shithole countries”.
Biden needs to tell trump”stop whining baby trump”
Biden told Trump he was weak, wasn’t very smart, and a clown, I laughed so hard, ToxicTongueTrump looked like a red or orange toad frog standing up there mad, you can tell he was on drugs
When Biden told Trump to Shut up I couldn’t stop laughing I was thinking I wish Trump would shut up then BAM Biden said it. Vote Biden!
He also called him a clown
The first time the Biden called trump a clown, I literally jumped out of my seat cheering.
Oh sleepy joe calls a lid … hahahaha.. we live in a democratic country we are supposed to have separate political parties that are separate political views… do you like the constitution or not is what is see … I love the freedom the constitution gives us … some don’t like freedom of speech… I love your right to have a different opinion then me thanks for being an American…. iloveyou, brother no Como
America will fall like the 3rd Reich if they don’t wise up and open their minds.
Sounds like Joe’s going to act like a President–as he always does.
@ZEUS He’s not senile. You’re sick. Better look out: “Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?”
Lol… Slow Joe was name calling and losing his cool…Trump shook his cage good. Slow Joe is not fit to be President.

@Akash Guha Thakurata Yes, Trump is a con artist, in reality, he’s a failed businessman and the worst president.
biden would be a wonderful president…..for china.
@BILL W Are you a Proud Boy?
At first I was worried that Biden looked a little weak. However, he’s so used to acting presidential that it has to be very hard to cope with someone like Trump who is rude and obnoxious. However, maybe Biden didn’t want to lower himself by getting into the gutter with Trump, especially when Trump began attacking Biden’s son. It was kind of ridiculous when Trump mentioned Hunter’s military discharge, since both of Biden’s sons served in the military vs Trump’s sons who didn’t serve at all. In any case, Biden held his tongue, which was the right thing to do. By the way, Hunter did not receive a dishonorable discharge. He was a Naval Reserve officer and his positive drug test resulted in an administrative separation from the Navy (which is different)
SENILE JOE NEEDS DRUGS like SON ..just to wake up ..
Slow Joe called the President a Clown, a racist, dumb, and told him to shut up. Slow Joe doesnt have the what it takes.
Dave Schultz yes highly disrespected
And don’t forget that Biden has coped with a stutter all his life. The guy has balls.
James Price yes and still struggles with it periodically even today! He is such a gentleman but orange was really testing Biden’s patience with his outrageous comments and dirty digs. trump is such a loser!!!!!!!!!!!!
biden always has stuttered while lying.
@BILL W name one lie.
The moderator must take control. Put Trump in his place .
It’s not as if Trump is some person who commands or deserves any respect and decorum. Let him have it!
Biden should not debate with Trump. Trump was an embarrassment
…for Biden.