Charlotte Alter, author of the new book 'The Ones We've Been Waiting For' and TIME National Correspondent, joins to discuss why the Bernie Sanders campaign is getting so much support from younger voters. Aired on 02/18/20.
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Why Bernie Sanders And His Message Resonates With Younger Voters | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Basically people that turned voting age when the financial crash hit.
Capitalist 1st world Countries around the world have Bernie’s policies. Jesus.
ScootMagoot46 – Yes. ALL of them. That does NOT makes us better. Far from it. It makes us idiotic.
*We Must Stop The Lies Of Our Media!*
*Social Democrats Are Capitalist Too!*
TRUMP 2020~!!
Large corporations don’t want Bernie. He won’t take their money. He can’t be bought. Bernie is for the people!
Albert Green the public debt has less to do with entitlement spending and more to do with the massive transfer of private debt to the public balance sheet during the bank bailout, which increased the national debt from 60% of GDP to 100% almost overnight. Entitlement spending is growing to be sure, but I’d argue that the primary concern here is the socialization of financial speculation…the government guaranteeing that taxpayers will bear the brunt of the financial sector’s losses if (and when) they occur. Entitlement spending I believe can be done by reforming the tax system, as stated by shifting the burden off of labor and onto capital. Deregulation and austerity by targeting social spending along with tax cuts for the top income earners as the Republicans are proposing is suicide.
That just infers that Chris Matthews has some big donors, why else go on this tirade
Wayne Kennoff Bernie literally said he would accept Bloomberg’s money yesterday. He’s a waste of space hypocrite like every other politician. He’s a millionaire and gives nothing to charity. Stop idolizing and looking to government to fix your problems!
His message resonates with me as well. USA needs to catch up with other developed countries and get medical care for all. BTW I am a ‘Boomer”
@Albert Green An awful lot of medical research takes place in Europe and Japan and 80% of all drug expenditure takes place in Europe and the US. Do you think Europeans live in caves and tolerate scurvy and rickets (both of which are more prevalent in the US but still rare). The quality of care available in the US is extremely high but it is also in Europe, Japan, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand and other places.
@Albert Green wtf do some research the us has the highest unaffordable drugs and treatments and hospitals what good is having if you can’t afford it smh
Who else is young at 70 ? Go Bernie, Slay The Beast ! 2020 or Bust !
( Perhaps the timing of this original comment was inconvenient, l am a Progressive and a Democrat – if Democrats still represent ” Change for the good for the common man ” Since the replys are so confused, l would like to clarify from a Christian standpoint, alright ; A word of knowledge about Trump and the Bible itself describe who ” The Beast ” is emphatically ! I am no Trump Republican fleecing Democats with a Bill of Counterfitness okay ? ) Peace in Jesus To You All, Believer Or No, Jonathan )
I’m 70, and I’ve always considered myself a liberal Dem, but I’m also well aware of what Weatherman, the Patty Hurst affair, and the Chicago 7 trial did to the left. The result was — “four dead in Ohio.” So Bernie, take heed. Calling yourself a revolutionary socialist isn’t the smartest way to sell the product. I’m voting for Amy.
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
Bernie = Integrity & Hope.
@JoAnn Morrison

well said! I’m abt to be 40 & support Bernie whole heartedly!! He is the only one I feel is trustworthy & actually cares about regular everyday Americans. He has literally fought his entire life for 
Bernie IS America’s candidate
ALL of America’s
I’m “young” again.. woot woot!
PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS “That’s it and that’s all”
chris “NO WE CAN’T” matthews who is scared of paying his taxes and getting executed in central park. retire, matthews. you are a political hack.
@Matt Heeb not just what you say
the way you say it
you are no better than trumpanzies
no less enemy to all peoples of this earth
you are malformed
we do not need your kind
I do not care what side of the coin you live on you lil brat
you are no diff than a trumpanzie
and the fact you do not see it, means you are too stupid to matter
@wel1968 Have you taken your meds today? Either you are the most easily triggered individual on youtube, or you’re in need of some form of treatment. Either way, you need to just get over it boomer. People have the right to support their preferred candidate through public speech, donations, and yes even on social media. We have watched as Trump supporters took over social media comments, and we have had enough. Fighting against injustice, tyranny, bigotry, racism, and fascism, are what it means to be an American. You can hate that if you want, but you will be on the wrong side of history if you fight against it.
To the highest degree. A drunk, gaslighting, bought and paid for boomer.
Is your name actually and wholly unironically Raynond St. Pierre?
@Maxwell Long I was born in Belgium, twit.
You seem to be a dullard more concerned about a name rather than the contents of a comment.
Chris Matthews is one of the biggest establishment media tool!
Agreed !
Boomer for Bernie ! Chris Matthews sucks !
Thank You. I like him, just not right now.
@bidmcms3 You pay far more in admin fees to a myriad of private insurance companies and you have less choice and less coverage than you would with Medicare For All. If you do not support Medicare For All, the rest of the west classes you in that category of Americans that includes creationists.
@mokeish you like him because you are an ignorant moron that never learned from history or the many millions of deaths caused by GOVERNMENT
I’m a young person and I’m voting for Trump :D!
@James Lindsey so youre admitting to being a mindless statist? guess the public school system has brainwashed you well and must of failed history class
MSNBC please stop Chris Matthew’s, he’s been whining for weeks about Bernie and its getting old!
Georgia more like please god stop msnbc. They have been smearing and lying about Bernie for over 5 years now then we allow them to control the debates ? Wth is going on? We needed to be occupying offices a long time ago
His winning so much, that his mind just went on auto pilot
he’s been whining for years about Bernie. He attacked the Democracy Now Lady years ago too. He’s a company man for life.
Let him whine, it will boost Bernie up.
He’s owned by bad people.
Chris Matthews just wants to hold on to his money.
mokeish true, the American people.
@Terry Tater The Hill also
@mokeish no hes not hes owned by the banking crtel you moron…..the federal reserve owns both parties and hes a tyrant….socialism is tyranny in case you failed middle and high school
Social Democrats Are Capitalist!
TRUMP 2020~!
Chris stop whining about Bernie say something real
stop cheerleading for a communist scum bag…..didnt learn from history did you?
he couldn’t have been more real about the old commie
Most US Americans are totally brainwashed about everything that starts with “social”, and throw everything in one bucket. For a start, try to make a difference between “socialist” as in Soviet Union and “socialist” as in the European social democrats.
@Ink Bass seriously? Bernie is not a Nationalist. He knows trade is important to the balance of the world. He wants responsible capatalism that treats people fairly. Continuing to support this garbage oligarchy out of fear is exactly how the Oligarchy uses the MSM to frame it to keep the masses in line.
@Smokee McGhee the system as it is has failed to serve the people, and intentionally. Many of our fellow Americans have been conditioned for generations to be dependent for lack of opportunity for fiscal and social mobility. We came a long way with public education, but not enough to provide equal and fair opportunity for all. Why in the greatest country in the world can people give away trillions to the rich, and in the same year spend billions on buying an election. One person has more influence than all the rest combined. No where is this right or ok. We need to exemplify provision of basic human rights. Non-whites have never gotten a fair shake in this country from slavery to demonization of immigrants to the war on drugs (the poor class and non-whites) and over generations. What motivation so people have to try hard and work??? For $7-8 an hour, multiple jobs, and envy for what they don’t have. We need to provide an America that makes it easy for everyone to thrive.
As a Swede, where the social democratic party is the biggest party, the whole notion of social democratic politics as being radical and strange is bonkers.
We have medicare for all, but I also have a private insurance.
USA is the last Western country to get healthcare for everyone. If that’s ‘socialism’ I’m all for it.
With due respect to the 14 USA citizens who have a brain…. Maybe it’s just as well that this country does not have proper healthcare. Apparently the majority of Americans want Donald Trump to represent them… Do we really want those kind of people healthy and breeding and increasing in numbers in order to screw up our planet? Hopefully lack of healthcare will result in a gradual decrease in their numbers
@melodk yeahhh lets make all freeeeee!!
Hazel McCloy I hope your husband is doing well. We don’t have any NHS. Example my father retired after 40 years of service to same company. He had to retire due to a kidney failure. Since he was “retiring” early before 65 he was only 59 he was not eligible for Medicare and since he was leaving the company he lost his company insurance. His insurance payments are $60,000 per year. It will go down once he turns 62 or 65 I forget which. They cannot deny him insurance but cost is not controlled and is very high.
Matthews is a scaredy cat. He hears the word socialism and it sends chills down his spine because he is stuck in the Cold War. He needs to retire to Florida and stfu.
Nah, he just wants to keep the tax cuts that the orange stain implemented.
@Natty Bumppo you call him 12 when you have a potus calling people names like mini Mike, pencil neck.
@Natty Bumppo No doubt Trump is deranged.
@AGgleusr And you are a Republican hack Natty Bumpo, who likes Democrats that sound exactly like Republicans.
what have communism do with socialism? these are 2 different things and democratic socialism is different then socialism
You are so correct.
They are lying so hard it is back firing.
People are not that stupid.
Communism is not Democratic Socialism.
Besides just judge Bernie on his policies.
@Proteus TG you are correct communism is much worse !!
Oh shut up Mathews you old fart. You are part of the 1% and scared shitless. Bernies will just re-start the original new deal rebuild of America. Stop corporates stealing from the public.
*Bernie Sanders must become the next President of the United States for humanity to survive!* #Bernie2020 #GreenNewDeal
I like my private insurance good luck
Do you also believe he walks on water? If he is elected, you are likely in for a rude awakening. He hasn’t accomplished much as a senator, and if the Senate remains Republican majority, he’ll get nothing passed. What remains to be seen is, when that happens, if Bernie supporters continue their blind adulation of him like Trump supporters have towards Trump. Right now, I see no difference between the two populists groups. Fanaticism is fanaticism and never a healthy outlook on the world.
Chris Matthews – so upset about Bernie, he’s got spittle on his chin. So sad. poor rich guy…
Random Entity lmfao it is definitely delightful to watch I mean he can’t hide it and he’s not trying either

Spittle on his chin?? That’s like…. everyday of the week for Matthews. Watching him while he speaks was already cringy enough before this. Now I just can’t stand him.
oh my how we turn on our own,you marxist will
consume yourselves,with hate.
X democrats for TRUMP 2020.
We need to tax him and only him more lest say 90% over 5 million.
BLOOMBERG FACTS!… He use to be a Republican!.. He has Contributed Millions of Dollars to Finance GOP Candidates Campaign’s..(Like Lindsey Graham).. He’s Played Golf with Trump!.. He’s on Video making Racist Remarks!… DOES HE REALLY THINK HIS MILLION DOLLAR ADS WILL “CAMOUFLAGE” HIS “SPOTS”..
Americans still don’t understand the difference between social democracy and communism!! Unbelievable!
IF (?) tRump debates Sanders * which I seriously don’t think will occur , Bernie’s first question to tRump should be. : ” Please define the differences between Communism, Socialism abd Democratic Socialism. ”
Checkmate,game over ,mic drop
Because the establishment doesn’t want change and keeps pouring buckets of money to reinforce that message.
The media want to make ppl scared…bc they font have anything to fight Bernie…he is a righteous politician with plans for everything Americans have been struggling for so long…Bernie 2020

@Morgoth Bauglir Oh yes, according to those dumb Americans Nazis and Communists are both left wing socialists!!!
Didn’t they fight each other to the death last time in WW2? Stupidity doesn’t know any borders it seems.
*I was born in 1980 and wholeheartedly support Bernie’s policies*
Because a healthy and educated country is a strong country.
End of story. Bernie you have my vote. Bernie 2020.